Picture Diary


Hey Luke.
Have some of the zoo's you told me about coming tomorrow. I can't wait to see em. Pink Champagne and Sunnyside Up. I'll definitely get some pictures.


Active Member
sweet, i'm getting some pinks as well...purple haze,...pennies from heaven, and lets see....some other one..sunflower i think


Active Member
i'll try and get some pics, i don't ever seem to get any to be clear.
well, i got sunflowers, irish eyes, mango tango, and sunny side up. all came in looking great.


Active Member
oh my fav out of those are the sunny side up's they look awesome.
the pink champagne and pennies from heaven look amazing.
i'm don't know if i can contain myself, i might have to buy some more next month.


Well i've got them mounted and in the tank. I had a bit of a scare while I was sticking them to their new homes. I had superglued them to their rocks and I was noticing pod movement on the polyps and saw a few amphipods that hitchhiked their way over. I also noticed a nasty little bugger sitting on top of one of the polyps as well. A zoanthid SPIDER. So I ran to get some tweezers and plucked his butt off. I studied the rest of them and could not find anymore, so hopefully he was alone. I'm glad I saw him, i'd hate to think what short work he'd make of my pretty little polyps! Pictures attached.


Originally Posted by Bronco300
YIKES!!!! good thing you noticed them!! those are the ones that came today?
yessir! I know i was like ahhhh get off there!!! lol. I'll snap a few photos of the zoa's when the lights come on. I've still got half an hour before then. :) The pinks are gorgeous!


Originally Posted by Bronco300
lol, awesome, i just got mine today, unfortuntaely i have to wait until after work to check em out!
great! yeah from what i've read about them, it seems they like to hide in cracks and under the polyp mat while the lights are on and come out after they're off. crazyness.


Active Member
freshwater dips indeed should be a ritual...i still have trouble doing it sometimes...but i got nudis a while back and as cool as they are...when i moved everything in my tank except the sand got dipped.


Originally Posted by Bronco300
freshwater dips indeed should be a ritual...i still have trouble doing it sometimes...but i got nudis a while back and as cool as they are...when i moved everything in my tank except the sand got dipped.
I agree with you. I'm just horrible at doing so. But i'll most definitely be doing this from now on, especially with my zoa's. I've never used lugols but it's been advised on more than one occasion.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
sweet, i'm getting some pinks as well...purple haze,...pennies from heaven, and lets see....some other one..sunflower i think
Where do you find all those different names for them? I usually just call them by a particular color...


Active Member
that was what the person called them that i bought them from...zoaid.com has a lot of names, but its better to go by color so people dont jack the prices up...