Picture Diary



Bronco, you guys kill me with your photography skills

Lol I have one of the best cameras you can get and still can't take pics for squat :hilarious


here's the best I could get of the pinks. It looks like there are some firepits in there too!
and the sunny's
more sunny's with the pink that was free floating, so i had to glue it.
oh and the green's I fragged from my first colony.


Originally Posted by larryndana
Anubisxero, great pics, awesome zoos....did you glue them to bigger rocks or did they come on those rocks?
Thanks!! I had to turn off all of the pumps to keep the camera from going crazy trying to focus amid the ripples. Actually funny story about the rocks. I had a whole lot of LR in the tank from a while ago, and recently I had a terrible hair outbreak and rather than scrub it all, I kept the ones that didn't have it too bad and dried the rest out in the garage. So now, when I need a frag rock, I go out to the garage and take a hammer to one of the rocks and voila, frag rock. :) at one time very expensive...frag rock.



Originally Posted by Bronco300
what do you think of this picture? what do you notice about it...

i see a small coral on the rock that the zoa's are on?


Active Member
lol, yea...i just like the way the picture looks, darker all around with this nice light shinning right down on the zoos,lol


Originally Posted by Bronco300
lol, yea...i just like the way the picture looks, darker all around with this nice light shinning right down on the zoos,lol
haha that was the most obvious!! I thought that and went nawwww he must be talking about the coral. silly me.


Hey Luke, were you goin to sell you MH? I couldnt remember if you said you were going to go with a bigger set up. Let me know, I may be interested. . .


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
what do you think of this picture? what do you notice about it...

Love the picture, Luke. As always...wow!!
Lisa :happyfish