Pictures of my fish tank


Active Member
IF you don't have the time to research it and look things up, then you obviously shouldnt have a tank. I can see how you can get things mest up, but calling things anemonies just shows us you have done minimal-none research. Get your head out of the clouds. Killing fish with a sea apple then you say you want ANOTHER. Tiger I just feel sorry for you. If you don't know something just ask a question.
Good Luck


Active Member
I don't think we are getting a reply from her.:( :rolleyes: Hey THE REAL FISHKILLER- You need to chill and listen to MOST of these people not all. People that do not see any reason to know as much as you possibly can about these creatures do not need to have a tank, ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU BELIEVE YOUR FISH HAVE "EMOTIONS"........ Do they smile at you? LOL No, Cuz they're DEAD! Would you buy a cute little puppy, then leave him out in a blizzard to become an ice cube? I hope not!! COME ON!! Some of us consider these fish like dogs- just look at ET!!! Poor thing! I just hope he escapes your deadly grasp before it's too late. poor little puffer wuffer...:( People like you really irk me! Goodnight:mad:



Originally posted by Tasha799

the sixth pic looks like greenstar polyps. Oh someone already said it.


if you have room just plumb in another tank and let your reef support it Its fairly easy and not too expensive to do really. That way your cute little ET can have an agressive FISH ONLY world. Fish only tnks are super cheap to do if you support them off your reef setup. Do read into this though. There are ups and downs to doing this.


I seen the reply before my first. This whole thing is beyond wrong. Makes me want to take the wifes cat and hold it under water in my tank to see if it's a good fish catcher. I hate it Honestly though I have two German Shepherds, a wolf, a flying squrriel, two snakes, and 3 fire belly froggies in my house. Everyone is happy, but it don't tempt fate by putting the wolf with the squrriel. I do admit I have done some wrongs in the fish world but I have made them as right as I could. When I first got back into the salt tanks I let my tank cycle and my first fish where damsels. I gave them away and listened to the pet shop. According to them Mandrin Gobies will eat flake food. It was the first time I had seen one and I wanted him and bought him. FLAKE FOOD MY ASS...can I say ass on here? Anyway he started losing weight and I made it a mission to fix that. I read everything I could on the internet about them and went to work. At first he would not eat so I decided he was going to get nutrition. I got a 2 qt fish bowl and disolved 3-4 cubes of brine in it and would set him in it. Was the eat if your going to breathe deal. He actually ate, well he had too. he would have died anyway so I had to try. After this I found that he was a happy eater when the water flow was shut off. He loves frozen brine and blood worms, but he didn't have pods. Then I went into the kitchen at night day after day with my trusty flash light looking for pods. never found any. Finally I found that they were not there. Finally I took him to a friend with well established reef and he grew back well. I can say that he now has a happy home in my tank and he will be my "Goober" for life. I calculated that I spent roughly 500-600 dollars on stupid stuff to make him better. Sad part is if I had researched it I would have spent nothing and got him later when he had everything he needed. I can say that all my fish are researched now and my only death due to my fault since I have been back in this is recent death of my copperband butterfly. He found the one small crevice in my rock that was a one way ticket for him. He went in but couldn't back out. When I seen him I tore into it and got him out and he wasworn out from the battle. I watched him for an hour and turned off all the power heads and choked down the pump to slow the current for him. I went as far as to "walk" him around the tank when he couldn't swim anymore. He didn't make it. I now made all holes between rocks two way roads each has a way out as big as the way in.
To end this, it upsets me greatly to know that I have walked a fish through a tank and spent 500-600 dollars on a 15 dollar fish and someone has the nerve to kill them due to complete stupidity. It's not even funny but I welcome the dumb winch to come visit me...Oh yea the wolf isn't real friendly with strangers and he don't bark before he bites. Just a nice little growl and your it...he loves to play catch.


New Member
Tasha, be honest, is this even really your tank?? No one could make the uproar you did last week about the sea apple only to go out and buy all these fish this fast! I have read some unbelieveable stuff on this board, but you have to be the all-time winner for bad decisions....



Originally posted by Ty_05_f
IF you don't have the time to research it and look things up, then you obviously shouldnt have a tank. I can see how you can get things mest up, but calling things anemonies just shows us you have done minimal-none research. Get your head out of the clouds. Killing fish with a sea apple then you say you want ANOTHER. Tiger I just feel sorry for you. If you don't know something just ask a question.
Good Luck

Hey, don't say tiger, I DON'T HAVE A SEA APPLE, and i never want one, and i do research, ect.;) :rolleyes: atleast call her tasha, don't want anyone to think I've done somethin' like that, the only thing I've done is had my anemone eat my clownfish:rolleyes: :(



Originally posted by fulcrum
I'm trying to help you, and prevent you from spending a lot of money replacing fish that will die.
I will admit that the Flame Angel is a marginal call in a reef tank. And I see where it was reccomended to you. But I see many more posts that disucss the 50/50 probability that they will be a problem with corals.
I've gone back and read your posts since you started on this board. Here's a timeline:
4-11 Your puffer died. There is a Flame Angel in the tank, and you levels indicated you were still cycling. There should be nothing living in the tank, except Damsels which aren't realy necessary.
4-21 Your tank was 71 degrees and you did not know what temperature it should be. You were told to SLOWLY raise the temperature (1 degree a day)
4-21 You referenced a Mandarin Goby in your tank. This fish is an "expert only" species, and your tank was only 71 degrees on this day.
4-22 You bought and kept and Achiles Tang for a 55 gallon tank, and kept him against all reccomendations of this board. Your tank should have been only 72 degrees this day.
4-26 You bought a Sea Apple and Clownfish.
4-27 The Sea Apple releases toxins and kills all your fish, (clown, achilles, flame angel, and I'm not sure if you had returned the few damsels you reported in an earlier post or the mandarin)
4-28 The Sea Apple dies. You were given the advice that you should do a water exchange and run carbon in your filter. You said you would do 20% changes each day. This process should take 5 days.
5-2 You asked a question about the Maroon Clown in your tank (indicating that you had already added fish to the tank)
5-6 You mention a Porky Puffer you added a week before (which would place it immediately after all your other fish were killed). Your profile also reads that you have another Flame Angel. You also posted that you have a Custom Sealife Smartlight, which does not provide sufficient light for the corals in you tank (which you thought were anemonies in the first place). And now you state that you intend to add another Achilles Tang and a Sea Apple
By my count, you have killed at least 5 animals in the past month. You have ignored recomendations of people trying to give you good advice. You are buying fish without researching their needs or behaviors. You do not understand the temperature and lighting parameters of a saltwater aqaurium.
Forget that the Puffer was a gift (even though you stated in your post that you bought it), its a slap in the face to kill the corals by putting a puffer in a reef tank.
I am asking you to slow down, buy some books on marine aquariums and make better choices about your tank inhabitants.

wow you gave a lot of suggestions for is my about you go and buy some books on humor...cause you have none
"And now you state that you intend to add another Achilles Tang and a Sea Apple " you kinda suppose to laugh after that...because it was a joke..but unfortunatelly some people need explanation
"4-11 Your puffer died. There is a Flame Angel in the tank, and you levels indicated you were still cycling. There should be nothing living in the tank, except Damsels which aren't realy necessary" I set up my tank in the beginning of march..and I didn;t even add any fish before beginning of april..first I brought my water to LFS to ck if it cycled or not, when they gave me OK I add damsels to my tank. After a week I went to LFS store and they gave me OK to put flame angel..and he was really happy in my fish tank.
Oh you left out one post 4-15 my fire shrimp molted and molting is an indication of a good water LFS gave me OK to add another I bought puffer..and It died on 4-17 because he was ill when I brought him from the LFS.
4-22 You bought and kept and Achiles Tang for a 55 gallon tank, and kept him against all reccomendations of this board. Your tank should have been only 72 degrees this day.
" I bought achilies on 4-24..tep. of the tank was 75 degrees an I DIDN;T disobey the order of the board to raise it 1 degree a day. Also I never posted a question about buying an achilies tang..therefore there were no recomendations on this board about it...the post that I poste was...should I put another tang with the achillies ..people on the board said no ..and I never put another tang in to the fish tank.
"4-28 The Sea Apple dies. You were given the advice that you should do a water exchange and run carbon in your filter. You said you would do 20% changes each day. This process should take 5 days." Actually sea apple died and killed my fish on the 26th not the 28th. I called liveaquatica website, 3 LFS, spoke in person to 2 LFS...and all of them told me ....that since my fire shrimp was alive, nudibranches were alive, hermet crabs were alive, trubo snails were alive, mexican snails were alive, anemonies were alive,then sea apple release very little toxins and that I should change only 25% of the water and add one fish in a few days. So I did two 25% water changes ..and in 3 days(since my water tests were exelent) I added royal gamma (05-01)..royal gamma was and still is happy.
"5-2 You asked a question about the Maroon Clown in your tank (indicating that you had already added fish to the tank)" ooooooooops you wrong again....I didn;t have maroon clown on that day ..I was just planning to get it and wanted to know more about it and whether it liked BTA
"5-6 You mention a Porky Puffer you added a week before (which would place it immediately after all your other fish were killed). Your profile also reads that you have another Flame Angel. You also posted that you have a Custom Sealife Smartlight, which does not provide sufficient light for the corals in you tank (which you thought were anemonies in the first place). And now you state that you intend to add another Achilles Tang and a Sea Apple " First of all..I asked a question about puffer behavior..and I didn;t know that I should post exact date.....umm let me call the person who got it for me and ask her for a date on the receipt from the we go the date on the receipt is wasn;t one week ago...sorry my mistake..I can send you a copy of the receipt if you want...
Looking in my profile..and trying to understand where did you see that I have another flame angel? so far as I know I have only one
I knew before that I have one coral (pink) and one anemonie.. when I posted pictures of my tank..did you see anywhere in my post that I was asking any questions about it..or I wanted any suggestions about it? so far as I know I posted it to show other people what I have in my fish tank.. and I really appriciated when people posted names of my coral and anemonie and posted warning about my puffer.
From now on Im going to get each of my post notorized just for you...=)I also will include dates from the receipts , phone numbers and addresses of the people who got me fishies..if it would make you happy
i'm glad everyone has to know the exact second when they do things just to ask question or post pics of there tank
everyone takes things out of context and it's ok (even the board moderator's) i say something and i get totally flamed.



Originally posted by fishkiller
Tasha- Maybe I should retire my name to you. It fits you a little better now. You wanna know why? BECAUSE I LEARN FROM MY MISTAKES AND FROM WHAT THESE PEOPLE TELL ME!!! NOW LISTEN TO THEM!! Now I don't kill so many fish. Yes there are a few people on here who don't know what the heck they are talking about and still give bad advice. But most half brained idiots can figure out who knows what they are talking about and who does not. So CMON!! Don't get upset with us. Just hold up your end of the bargain w/ these awsome creatures. God didn't put them here for you to look at for 3 days and say OH THAT'S SOOO PRETTY AND HE'S SO CUTE!! HE HE HE!! -and them have them die a few days later because you are uneducated and stubborn- as far as this board is concerned.;)

No no no keep it. Cause it doesn;t fit me at all you wanna know why? only 5 fish died in my fish tank...1 (puffer) died because it got sick in LFS (store admited to that) 4 other fishies died because of my mistake about buying sea apple..and yes I learned from my suggestion to you do not listen to people who don't have any sense of humor..because of lock of sense of himore those people misenterpret my post and told everybody that I'm buying another sea was said in sarcastic way:rolleyes:
Puffer was cute and he's still cute and he still alive..and going to be alive for the long time because I take really good care of my fish tank



Originally posted by melissa v.

Really did I? Can I have some proof? All of my posts indicate that I listened to every advice that was given to me.
to those dictators of the board who think three strikes and your out and ur so outraged and it so ridiculous or your misinformation half truths i'm sorry if u don't get humor, and i'm sorry if u believe that someone should follow ur advice when they didn't ask for it cause ur the supreme aquarium ruler. I put up pics of my tank to show people and if u feel the need to scream at me flame me then your the one with the problem not me. And like i've said all the advice that i've asked about i've taken so that just wrong
why CONDOLENCES my 3 fish are still alive and doing very well.



Originally posted by fulcrum
The thread wasn't deleted. She mentioned "giving the fish to someone with an agressive tank." There was no mention of a 189 gal tank until her recent reply. True to form, Tasha is changing her story three entries past where her mistakes are pointed out.
I seriously doubt that her current tank is even cycled, much less that she is actually building another tank. I sincerely hope that she learns to stabilize the tank she has before moving on.
I'm with you Melissa V., my work here is done.

wow you are wrong AGAIN =) I posted a thread on was actually a poll....I posted it in two topics...reef and new hobbyists...the poll was about whos fault is that ..about 200 people replied (buzz will tell you that there was one..cause he replied to it a lot)to it and it got deleted after that in that post someone(YOU)( have poor memory too?) mentioned that achillies tang was too large for my 55 gallon..and I told you that I was planning to get 180(when I said 189 gl in puffer was a typo) gl fish tank and put him there...I was talking about the same fish tank...when I was talking about puffer



Originally posted by DiscusKing
oh man, talk about trouble huh. I personally like all the fish u have, but u really should slow it down a bit. The puffer is cute, but honestly u should get rid of it. Just do some research and try to slow it down. Sea apples and the tang is prob not a good choice for u
Good luck (u'll need it if u want to pull this tank off)

as I said before buying another sea apple was a joke...and as I said before I'm getting a new home for my puffer...180 gl fish tank would be enough for him =)



Originally posted by BigMac
Nuff said............
I hate to sound harsh but my "Are you Responsible" thread was started because of people like you. You need to stop buying critters and start doing your homework. Your posting pictures of stuff and don't even know what they are. STOP Listening to the idiot at your LFS.........

Thank you for calling me an Idiot...I really appriciate it
;) but I think that you called wrong person that...try to read this post again
i think u people need a little more meat in your dieting cause i post thing and u all just want to pounce. Also it's amazing that when i put your comments back into context you people fall into 2 catagories
wrong but won't admit it and wrong but still think your right.
it amazing how one person can get so flame just by put up pics of there tank



Originally posted by Jackief1
I just feel sorry for the fish.....
BTW, why are you planning to buy another sea apple when you said one wiped out your tank a week or so ago?

That was a joke for people who has sense of humor



Originally posted by Ty_05_f
IF you don't have the time to research it and look things up, then you obviously shouldnt have a tank. I can see how you can get things mest up, but calling things anemonies just shows us you have done minimal-none research. Get your head out of the clouds. Killing fish with a sea apple then you say you want ANOTHER. Tiger I just feel sorry for you. If you don't know something just ask a question.
Good Luck

oh sorry I called one coral an anemonie...I didn;t know that I should go down on my knees and beg for forgivness.
umm so you think that I shouldn;t have a can think whatever you want..and I do not recall asking you for an opinion.



Originally posted by fishkiller
I don't think we are getting a reply from her.:( :rolleyes: Hey THE REAL FISHKILLER- You need to chill and listen to MOST of these people not all. People that do not see any reason to know as much as you possibly can about these creatures do not need to have a tank, ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU BELIEVE YOUR FISH HAVE "EMOTIONS"........ Do they smile at you? LOL No, Cuz they're DEAD! Would you buy a cute little puppy, then leave him out in a blizzard to become an ice cube? I hope not!! COME ON!! Some of us consider these fish like dogs- just look at ET!!! Poor thing! I just hope he escapes your deadly grasp before it's too late. poor little puffer wuffer...:( People like you really irk me! Goodnight:mad:

The real fish killer is you ..just look at your name..:rolleyes: You expect me to be at the board 24/7...I have to take care of my fish and test water daily among other responsibilites that I have. I need to chill? hmmm I think that all the people on the board need to take a cold shower..may be that would cool their temper..
they still smile at me because they are alive and going to live for the long time cause I take good care of my fish tank..
awww you do not really know grasp is always loving...well not always it can really hurt when I;m dealing with people like you.



Originally posted by Melody
Oh come on guys where is the love?!?!? I guess she's getting it all from her LFS.:rolleyes:
I wanted to see why everyone was in such an uproar
. So I went back and read this thread thoroughly....and then did a search under your name and now I know why everyone is so outraged
including me now.:mad: How could you even consider buying another sea apple. Your tank crashed due to one (supposedly) who knows at this point with you. You lost all your livestock and now you have all these new fish & corals within a couple weeks!! I'm just horrified
!! You need to get out of this hobby with your blatant disregard for living organisms. Seems you won't listen to anyone. So I won't have anything else to say on this matter!!!!!

I have 3 words for you...sense of humor



Originally posted by shep
if you have room just plumb in another tank and let your reef support it Its fairly easy and not too expensive to do really. That way your cute little ET can have an agressive FISH ONLY world. Fish only tnks are super cheap to do if you support them off your reef setup. Do read into this though. There are ups and downs to doing this.

I;m planning to get 180 gl for him