Pictures of my fish tank



Originally posted by Bearded Clam
Lady.........Qiut killin' the fish!!! being cruel to any animal is NOT enterainment,and you're killing fish for yours:mad:
W/ all the ppl that tried to help you,you still dont seem to get a clue.........Put the dude on that set-up the tank,maybe someone can reason w/ him:rolleyes:

I killed my fish onse due to the mistake and I;m not making this mistake anymore.....and I never been cruel to any animals...except some humans who posted nasty posts about me.



Originally posted by Jackief1
Tasha, be honest, is this even really your tank?? No one could make the uproar you did last week about the sea apple only to go out and buy all these fish this fast! I have read some unbelieveable stuff on this board, but you have to be the all-time winner for bad decisions....

oh yes its my tank and i;m proud of it..and it one of the most beautiful tanks on this board. My fish are really healthy and happy. They died once due to the mistake, which would never happen I said in previous posts..I do not think that I put my fish to fast after sea apple incident.
I only made a bad decision once and it would never happen again..and please stop giving me that bs about all time winner for bad decisions...because its totally wrong...cause I made bad decision only once


I have an amazing sense of humor. I just dont see anything remotely funny about your cavalier attitude toward killing animals.
If you have had only one Flame Angel then you lied about the Sea Apple killing all your fish. You had one in the tank on 4-11, and you have one now (after the Apple allegedly killed all your fish).
You are either a liar or a fool. Either way...I'm done with you.



Originally posted by fulcrum
I have an amazing sense of humor. I just dont see anything remotely funny about your cavalier attitude toward killing animals.
If you have had only one Flame Angel then you lied about the Sea Apple killing all your fish. You had one in the tank on 4-11, and you have one now (after the Apple allegedly killed all your fish).
You are either a liar or a fool. Either way...I'm done with you.

You should be the lady on the weakest link...bye bye


Quote by Tasha799: "wrong but won't admit it and wrong but still think your right."
It seems like you fit into both of these categories, but sometimes all of us do. Just remember that this is a learning experience and we all make mistakes, both in what we do and what we say. I hope that you have learned something out of all of this BS and I wish you luck in the future. Remember, take your time and do a lot of research!



Originally posted by michelle13
Quote by Tasha799: "wrong but won't admit it and wrong but still think your right."
It seems like you fit into both of these categories, but sometimes all of us do. Just remember that this is a learning experience and we all make mistakes, both in what we do and what we say. I hope that you have learned something out of all of this BS and I wish you luck in the future. Remember, take your time and do a lot of research!

thats not true..I admited long time ago that it was my mistake when I bought a sea apple.
Thank you for wishing me luck!


Active Member I know why Tasha posted her other "go ahead and flame me" post. Look..we had it out the other day on the other post, and that is done with. This post started as a harmless post, because of being proud of a tank. And you know what? It's a nice tank! There are few adjustments, such as the airstone, etc., and yes, maybe the puffer should be in another tank (which Tasha stated was in the works), but that was what this post was about.
I personally see no need to dredge up every possible irresponsibility and every hard feeling that has ever been given or received here.
Tasha - you started off on the wrong foot. You gave people a sour taste in their mouths and now they don't trust you. Don't bother fueling the fire. Give it time.
And everyone else? Man...let it go all ready...



Originally posted by Buzz I know why Tasha posted her other "go ahead and flame me" post. Look..we had it out the other day on the other post, and that is done with. This post started as a harmless post, because of being proud of a tank. And you know what? It's a nice tank! There are few adjustments, such as the airstone, etc., and yes, maybe the puffer should be in another tank (which Tasha stated was in the works), but that was what this post was about.
I personally see no need to dredge up every possible irresponsibility and every hard feeling that has ever been given or received here.
Tasha - you started off on the wrong foot. You gave people a sour taste in their mouths and now they don't trust you. Don't bother fueling the fire. Give it time.
And everyone else? Man...let it go all ready...

Thank you Buzz!:)


oh almost forgot..
My fish tank looks really nice ..thanks to my bf and NICE people on this board who helped me with their advices and suggestions:)


Active Member
tahsa instead of spending all of your money restockign a tank that just crashed, why not put that money to use and BUY A BOOK!!!! The conscientious arne Aquarist is and excellent book by RObert Fenner and one that i started out with about seven years ago when gettign into this hobby.....rather than buying corals/fish that possibly dont mix with each other, buy a book that you can fall back on, even when contradictory advice is given here on the might save you some money and save the lives of some fish!


Hey I am gonna be non biased here. Read all your posts. I will say this. The tank in those pictures look very nice. I hope it continues that way. Also how much live rock you got in there?


thanks for the advice jon. i'll look into the book. There also one on all the salt water fish that i'm trying to procure.


kainrahl thanks i'm trying to keep it nice. it waould have been much better except for my sea apple stupidity. I think i have around 60 or so pounds there now.


wow it looks like a LOT more than 60 lbs I have a 75 with 60 lbs approximately and nowhere near that much. i think i need like another 60


1. okay tasha i hope you are still reading because what i am about to tell you might help you out. in my time here (whitch isnt too terribly long) i have read about a thousand times where people say they are going to buy a bigger tank. and because the are going to do this it makes it okay to have fish (any fish) that doesnt really belong. im not trying to say that you arent planning on getting a bigger tank. im not even saying that i dont believe you. its just that.... well.... think about it. it does sound a bit like a cop-out.
2. it is okay to have differing oppinions and different ideas on what a tank "needs" to be healthy. my tank is prospering very well in the last few months and im proud as im sure you are of your achievment. but i think others are getting upset because you have (and i say that sipatheticly) ignored some of the advice about the basics. two examples come to mind. 1. about the air stone. i know that you found out about that just recently but i get the fealing that it is still in the tank.(if it is not then i apologise) 2. about the lights. IMO tanks with corals NEED 2 things that cant be argued about circulation and lights. i dont remember exactly what kind of lights you have but i remember reading about them and thinking "wow thats not enough for corals." lights arent an extra feature to a reef they are a staple.
:) :) :) :)


it looks like a lot more than it is because it's pretty much on top of each other plus there's a huge piece of coral in the middle that the fish love hiding in and under.


What an unbelievably entertaining post. That just killed a good 20 minutes for me here at work. UNREAL!!!
Where in the world did you find the time to write all those responses.
It seems that everyone is awfully jumpy and there is no winner here. Except me cause I was laughing my ass off. I might have to go write a song about this or something. "The sea cuc of terror" or maybe "The Saltwater Blues"
Darn ... back to work


thanks for the reply joerdie
i have the 180 gal already but i'm trying to set it up the proper way and not make the mistakes i made in this one. ie filter air sone etc.
i just found out about the airstone in another thread through some eagle eyed board members in the last day or so and wanted to get clarification before i took it out. As far as that advice goes i'm following it and it'll be taken care of in less than 24 hours.
The lights is another thing i was trying to take care of but mostly got flamed instead of answer until bang and overanalyser gave some good advice and new light are gonna be on order within a day or 2.