Pictures of Sumps


Active Member
This is my very recently set up fuge made from a 20 gal. The 65g display tank is still cycling. I am installing some egg crate this weekend to keep the algae in the middle and some filter media. The overflow is in a filter sock.
The overflow enters the chamber on the left. Skimmer is there. The water goes through the baffles into the area with the algae and sand. I have a 26W PC light there. Some inverts will go in there once the cycle is complete. Then the water goes into the return section where the pump sends it back to the DT. Pretty simple but fun to watch ***)

tanks alot

All these sump set ups that you see are expensive so i make my own home made versions that work just as good i have 3 tanks set up with these. and i pay less than half and it works great even the fish store i go to uses it if you want more info email me at


I just got a 10 gallon tank from Wally Mart for $9 and 2 400 gph powerheads. I filled tank with macro algea Live Sand and Live rock.
One Powerhead sucks into the tank via the wet/dry filter on the left side and another sends it back via the rightside powerhead.
Seems to me working great!!!



Originally Posted by CodeRad
Here is my 32gal with a 10gal sump.
Now see THIS is what I want to do. I have a 20g tank, and all my equipment is taking up way too much space and my skimmer is making a hell of a lot of fine bubbles which cloud the water (I have to shut it off to show it). Were you at all worried about the size of your skimmer in only 42g (total) of water? hows it working out?


My Skimmer works very well. I have a EuroReef RS-80 it is good for 75gal. Was skimming a little wet when I first got it but now that it is set it works awsome.


mine is very quiet...mine isnt really a wet/dry....its a wet wet


Active Member
Originally Posted by KidWicked
why do you even need a sump.. they are noisy.. like a bath tub draining..
when I unplug my skimmer my sump is eerily quiet so I dont believe thats true or has to be true. Depends on the overflow design, drain designs, water level and pump.
why do you need one, you dont but the benefits are
1) added water wolume. more water volume=more stable
2) can put hideous looking equipment out of/off the display tank (heaters, thermometers, skimmers ect)
3)improved circulation/aeration
4)no fluctuation in display tank water level
5)surface skimming
and if you have a refugium or macro algae there are another five or more additional benefits.