Piercings anyone?

what chu got? :)
i have my lip on the right side, use to have it on the left too :(, my septum, both ears size4 gage. thinking about getting a dermal anchor on my stomach


Active Member
Never understood the fascination with piercings. But I am 56 years old so....................


I'm only 43,
but I'm with spanko on this one. I'd like to say that, while I don't have any piercings, my nitrates are at ZERO! what chu got?


Active Member
spanko, i'm 33 (34 next mo) and i dont understand the fascination.
i just look at them and say, ehh, i'd never hire the person
well good thing im not applying for you
, I have an awesome job. My nose ring tucks up into my nose while Im at work. very dscrete. i wear a tiny stud in my lip, and who doesnt have their ears' pierced who are my age? I dont think they matter. and I like them, so who cares


Active Member
he's a white able bodied male, would be between the ages of 18 and 47, so there's no laws protecting his rights...


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
problem is though, with any respectable job you may want, that's what the response is going to be...
Entreprenuers are very respectable and who's gonna turn him down for that. Not EVERY respectable job will have that response.
i'm not worried about it. I know the drawbacks, I kind of live with them. Plus, I'm pretty sure there will come a time when Im over it. I like them, and I'm pretty sure thats all that matters. I'll be in college for a few more years at least, so I am in no rush to take them out.


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
he's a white able bodied male, would be between the ages of 18 and 47, so there's no laws protecting his rights...
Hmmmmmmmmmmm......seems you know the law fairly well there buddy. Happity is not in a protected class huh?


Active Member
unless i have the upper age wrong hehe
is it 50 that age discrimination starts kicking in again?
(btw, i'm not trying to start a fight, just foolin around)


Really, what is the craze about this? It will destroy your chances of getting a half decent job and in my opinion makes you look like a goof. What are you trying to prove?
Really ppl, are you serious? I'm pretty sure I started this thread to meet fellow reefers who have piercings. I didnt start it to defend myself. ok. so anyone have any piercings?