Plan to Deploy Guard at Border Worries Mexico


Active Member
it should worry them, they get over $50 billion a year sent from America by illegal workers that should go for paying US taxes. I posted a long article on all this a few weeks ago that was promptly deleted, so this thread will probably be deleted soon too.


I don't think any of these threads should be deleted. These are concerns we should all be talking about. It's a huge concern as Americans. As long as it's not an arguement and it's a discussion then they shouldn't delete them. I personally think the troops are necessary for now. Somethings got to happen to stop them from coming over here illegally.


Member wanna be it legally, Also its been said time and time again, no country with 2 languages has ever .02


Exactly, We're not saying don't come here at all. We're just saying if you want to come over then be legal. If they keep this crap up they might just say ok don't come here at all we're not gonna let you try and get legal. This is America we speak english. If you come here learn to speak it. I come from a spanish family. Everybody in my family speaks both languages. That's just how it is. America needs to finally put it's foot down!


Active Member
Take the time to write a few letters and mail them. Since March 31 I have sent several letters to senators and congressmen. I have received 2 replies so far. One from Darrell Issa my dist. rep. which was quite positive and one from Senator Feinstein that was a slap in the face. She is not good for California, nor the US, for that matter. Write, write, write. We have to let the people that represent us know exactly how we feel.


What I couldnt understand was this...
We spend hundreds of thousands of dollars, per year, with INS, searching for illegal immigrant workers.
Just a few weeks ago, werent all of the immigrant workers gathered in various places across the US, protesting! There was our chance!! We should've swooped in, throw a net over them and dragged them back to Mexico.
Now, I'm not saying that ALL of those people were illegals, but the ones who werent couldve promptly come back across the border with proper ID.
I think it's a good thing we're thinking of protecting our border with National Guard. I'd more than willing to pay a little more in taxes, to know that our jobs and well being were being protected.


AW2, the funny thing is I said the same thing to some friends. I thought we should've blocked them in got a bunch of prison buses and loaded them up. Then just drove them right back accrossed the border. Most of them no call no showed to work anyway so it's not like they needed to stay to go back to work lol.


What needs to happen is slap business's with steep fines for employees without valid ss #'s, work permits or Visas, etc....that will put a quick end to the problem.


Originally Posted by Zsalinas
Exactly, We're not saying don't come here at all. We're just saying if you want to come over then be legal. If they keep this crap up they might just say ok don't come here at all we're not gonna let you try and get legal. This is America we speak english. If you come here learn to speak it. I come from a spanish family. Everybody in my family speaks both languages. That's just how it is. America needs to finally put it's foot down!
I agree...I think its great that people are Bi-lingual and encourage learining another language, but if you are coming to live here you need to learn the language. Having 2 languages cause a huge racial divide.


Active Member
Personally Im tired of our immigration laws being ignored. I was born in Germany and know all about citizenship issues. Most of the folks protesting down here are waiving Mexicos flag and appear to have no desire to assimilate into the American culture, we should be united under the American flag and one language. Do they want to be Americans or bring America down to the level of what they are trying to escape? I dont get it. I think using the national guard for this purpose is a step in the right direction and long overdue.


Active Member
my great great grandparents had to become citizens along with the rest of our melting pot forefathers, and so should they. The "right" to protest anything is only reserved for the citizens of this country.


One thing that really pisses me off is how backwards and screwed up the system has become.
One of my best friends is Australian. He came over here on a work visa, to the Shedd Aquarium, in Chicago. At first, they were flying him back and forth but then hired him on full time, to head up a dept.
He got his visa and moved to Chicago where he met his wonderful wife (they've only been married for a year).
6 months after they got married, he went to work one day to find that his entire dept. had been cleaned out and everyone was fired...Shedd decided they didnt need the dept. anymore. His visa was solely thru Shedd. When he asked for their help in procuring a normal visa, they pretty much told him..."It's not our problem".
The guy went from making a hundred grand a year, to having to take a $5 an hour pizza job, just to help support his new household.
The INS told him..."You gotta fill out the paperwork and it'll take a year for us to even review it." It doesnt matter that he's lived here for a few years, is married to a US citizen...nothing.


I agree, with what everyone here has said but just keep in mind what the impact may be here....Have any of you ever been along the California central valley or coast. I CANNOT imaging sitting in the hot sun all day picking strawberrys or lettuce. Now if we send all the illegals back, who will do the work? :notsure: So lets say we can find people to do the work. Now keep in mind they will need to be paid more and work less hours and Unions will start and the prices of the fruits and veggies and clothing, ETC, ETC will go up.....
Now as long as everyone here is willing to pay more for these items then go for it, but I don't think many people take the time to look at the BIG picture and the impact that these new policies will have. Just my thoughts...AGAIN, I don't think that it is wrong to be strong on our borders, but we have to think of the impact in the long run. :thinking:


Originally Posted by AW2EOD
One thing that really pisses me off is how backwards and screwed up the system has become.
One of my best friends is Australian. He came over here on a work visa, to the Shedd Aquarium, in Chicago. At first, they were flying him back and forth but then hired him on full time, to head up a dept.
He got his visa and moved to Chicago where he met his wonderful wife (they've only been married for a year).
6 months after they got married, he went to work one day to find that his entire dept. had been cleaned out and everyone was fired...Shedd decided they didnt need the dept. anymore. His visa was solely thru Shedd. When he asked for their help in procuring a normal visa, they pretty much told him..."It's not our problem".
The guy went from making a hundred grand a year, to having to take a $5 an hour pizza job, just to help support his new household.
The INS told him..."You gotta fill out the paperwork and it'll take a year for us to even review it." It doesnt matter that he's lived here for a few years, is married to a US citizen...nothing.
If he is married to a US Citizen, he can request a work permit that will last for a year so he can work where ever he wants to, he already has ***, he can request advanced parole if need to travel, the process is slow but not as bad as one might think. Look at it this way, there are many American citizens 'getting married' for money, INS needs to try to catch as many of those as they can.
What he should have done, was to start the process to get a resident visa through his wife as soon as they got married.
Good luck to your friend.


Originally Posted by jafrancis
I agree, with what everyone here has said but just keep in mind what the impact may be here....Have any of you ever been along the California central valley or coast. I CANNOT imaging sitting in the hot sun all day picking strawberrys or lettuce. Now if we send all the illegals back, who will do the work? :notsure: So lets say we can find people to do the work. Now keep in mind they will need to be paid more and work less hours and Unions will start and the prices of the fruits and veggies and clothing, ETC, ETC will go up.....
Now as long as everyone here is willing to pay more for these items then go for it, but I don't think many people take the time to look at the BIG picture and the impact that these new policies will have. Just my thoughts...AGAIN, I don't think that it is wrong to be strong on our borders, but we have to think of the impact in the long run. :thinking:
I'm fine with paying more for certain things rather then having them drag our whole country down. We are in America we need to do things our way. Not let them drag us down to live like their country. If they're coming up here for opportunities that's fine but live like an American. They need to know the laws of America and follow them. They come up here commit crimes and then start huge meth labs. Out here in Utah there's a ton of illegals that get caught every week with meth labs. They are dragging us down. Like I said I'll pay more for veggies and fruits to save the country.


I agree that there is the good and bad with everything, but to say that all immigrants sell drugs and have meth labs :notsure: i would have to say that the overwelming majority of immigrants do not sell drugs. There are MANY Americans that sell drugs and have meth labs as well....and lets just remember how this country was started.... by immigrants... the AMERICAN WAY. Again, I have no problem with more secure borders, but it sounds like we as a country are looking for someone to blame for all our problems OR the easy answer instead of addressing the real issues. How bout we put more money into drug inforcement then???


When the borders are tighten, these immigrants will not be able to enter the US. The US will only take rich or well educated people or those fleeing from political procecution. This forces the migrant workers to be more creative, more violent. When people are desperate, they will do anything to survive.
Dont want illegals from Mexico? If you elect me as your president. I'll invest in Mexico to improve their schools, economy, ways of living. Educate their children and send them back to improve their own country. That's better than *wasting* millions of dollars on border control and having a divided America.
Just my opinion...


I just read some of this and it's alittle funny, just to let all of you know, not everybody protesting was Mexican, this country is made up of immigrants from across the globe, the only true American people that are here are Native Americans and they have nothing but bad reserved land, so like I read if you want to take all of the immigrants back to their countries and let them back with I.D. then they will send all of us back and we can try to find work in our countries to pay for the flight or ride back in. I do agree with immigrants getting into this country legally, but some people can't bare to wait 5 years to be able to support and feed their children so you come here for a better life, think about it, Mexicans come here and live in basements and work 24 hour shifts for little pay and they rather be here then over there, think about how hard it must be support yourself and a family. JMO.
My dad came here illegally, worked crappy jobs, got an education, payed his taxes, and now he owns a house, has a great job, two cars and can feed his family. That is what this country is all about, opportunity, if you come here illegally, start working, and begin the process of legalizing yourself, I say you can stay, but if you come here illegally and get on welfare and live off the people then you should go, I'm half-Mexican and Half-Puerto Rican, where they gonna send me, lol, lol. Oh and America will always be divided. Segregation will always exist. They will never
stop the Drug Operation. That's just the way it is. JMO


Originally Posted by jafrancis
I agree that there is the good and bad with everything, but to say that all immigrants sell drugs and have meth labs :notsure: i would have to say that the overwelming majority of immigrants do not sell drugs. There are MANY Americans that sell drugs and have meth labs as well....and lets just remember how this country was started.... by immigrants... the AMERICAN WAY. Again, I have no problem with more secure borders, but it sounds like we as a country are looking for someone to blame for all our problems OR the easy answer instead of addressing the real issues. How bout we put more money into drug inforcement then???
I see exactly what you're saying. I'm not saying all of them come over and start meth labs. I know the ratio of people in ogden, utah to the ratio of people in new york city we have worse meth problems which in my mind is crazy. I'm not being racist or anything but I'll bet more then half of the people in ogden are mexican and I'll bet a good percentage of them are illegal. Like I state earlier I'm not against immigrants completely we just want them to be legal and live like AMERICANS. If they're illegal they're draining us...... I respect yours and everybody elses oppinons for sure I'm just stating mine as well