illegal workers pay a total of $7 billion to social security every year, and cost over $20 billion a year in healthcare and social programs. this is with 12 million illegals. now with 3-5 million illegals coming here every year, do the math over a 10 or 20 year period. This is coupled with the fact that baby boomers are beginning to retire and that by the time the last has retired, there will be 2 retirees for every 1 LEGAL taxpaying worker. Our economy cannot withstand this. so don't ask me "who will pick the strawberries and lettuce?".....I have a choice as to whether or not to buy strawberries and lettuce, I have no choice as far as taxes are concerned.
secondly, over half of what is made by illegals each year is sent back to Mexico. so El Presidente Fox is benefitting on several different levels.......1. his country is becoming richer, even though it is becoming less populated. 2. he is supporting Mexico's unskilled workers coming to the US, which helps his country's unemployment rate. 3. they're profitting, while we're paying for it. so whoever said we need to fix Mexico's problems, I say we've been helping them all these years. Is Fox cutting us a break on oil prices for all the illegals that we have here? absolutely not. Is Fox paying any of the $13 billion above what the illegals pay in taxes each year to help us with the financial strain that they're placing on the US? absolutely not. so as far as I'm concerned, Mexico's problem is Mexico's problem.
it comes down to business. paying an unskilled Mexican worker $5 an hour under the table is like paying an unskilled American worker $7 or $8 an hour. the difference there is that the businesses don't have to pay taxes or benefits for illegals. so like somebody else asked....who is paying for the social programs and healthcare? WE ARE. big business is profitting off illegal labor while cutting out American jobs and passing the bill onto the very people that they're crapping on.....the American middle class. so I'd like anybody to justify that. Bush said his goal is for the guest worker program to document guest workers and make them legal taxpayers. sorry, this doesn't work, because it defeats the purpose of hiring illegals to begin with.
as far as product price increases.......who saves money by hiring illegal immigrants? it's not us, I can promise you. if you drive through any new housing development, you'll see illegal immigrants working on new houses. this is one reason I call "bull" on the whole "they do jobs Americans won't do" thing, because I know many people in construction that can't get jobs for being outbid by non-taxpaying workers. so if illegals are building the houses, why are the prices 50%-100% higher than they were 10 years ago???? because the businesses are saving the money and making the profits.
don't be fooled, know the facts.