I have been around ther National Guard for a ong long time, and one thng is they have XXXXX amount of money allocated to each and every unit for day to day funding of projects and operations. This money is theirs to work with each and every 1 Oct as thats when their fiscal years starts. Most units horde the money until the end month or two then blow it on what ever they want....deployments to HAwaii, new top of the line office furniture etyc etc........or burn it up on mandays by allowing the "good old boys" top pull a month or two of active duty at their home station and kick back and do nothing.........Activation deployments called onthem by DOD is yet another funded item, that costs the guard nothing out of its operating funds.......so what would yu rather see a well maintained guarded border with out a unit getting new wall to wall carpet in the offices or an unguarded border and new office furnishings and the entire lot of good old boys dragging down unit manday active duty days and do nothing......Yes the guard does a lot when deployed and during traiing, but the money they get and how some units use it leaves a lot to be desired. Lookat what the regular units operate with in regards to furnishings, rank layaout etc, then go look atb a Guard unit, and see their operation....YThere is probably 10 times the rank structure with less responsibilities, and a lot more benefits overall, so its about time they are doping work stateside as well, and to be honest, its only the last couple of years the guard is actually pulling their own weight, as its been a constant problem with the guard and the way they do things as compared to a regular active duty unit...when n all reality they should be structured identical and do things identical so there is a method and means.