Well-Known Member
Bang: Just wondered what happened to say nitrAtes? Of course over an 11 day period perhaps not much difference would be noticed anyway.
Over: sure you can do other things to increase gass exchange, just that the simplist is to consume the carbon dioxide and therefore suck in the air. no need for circulation for that process to happen.
Sure bang's controll tank simulated a lrls system teaming with corraline. But it did not simulate a lr/ls where there is not corraline or other plant life on the lr. By emphasizing plant life especially during the initial cycle, I am attempting to make the system less dependant on the unknown condition of the newbie's LR.
Over: sure you can do other things to increase gass exchange, just that the simplist is to consume the carbon dioxide and therefore suck in the air. no need for circulation for that process to happen.
Sure bang's controll tank simulated a lrls system teaming with corraline. But it did not simulate a lr/ls where there is not corraline or other plant life on the lr. By emphasizing plant life especially during the initial cycle, I am attempting to make the system less dependant on the unknown condition of the newbie's LR.