Please don't vote for McCain


Active Member
Originally Posted by Crashbandicoot
Why wouldnt you let the guy stash it in your country . US takes him out and you just got FREE stuff.
Ha..."Many thanks to you Saddam for the nice MiG fighter planes."
Well, I tried to type with an Arabic accent.


Active Member
His plan was always to invoke a jihad . He felt that as soon as the us invaded Iraq that all the neighboring countries would Jump feet first in to a holy war and have his back . Little Did he or any other islamic fundamentalist understand that the majority of the region is tired of war .


Active Member

Until someone can point out exactly how and when Iraq "disposed" of the WMD's they were known to have it would be absolute idiocy to assume they are gone. It is a fact that there were trucks making runs out of the country leading up to the invasion. That could have been WMD related, could have been spoils of the UN oil for food scandal that Hussein wanted to get out of the country. Gotta wonder how/why all Saddam's family is in Syria.
Point is all this Bush lied crap is just plain stupid. Anyone with the brains to comprehend
3rd grade english can see that both the Clinton and Bush administrations (as well as many many other countries and the UN) believed Hussein was still hiding a wmd program.
The diservice done to the country by the Bush haters has been astounding. What the debate should be over is what are you doing to fix our obviously broken intelligence gathering system. All this political based crap just delays fixing the real problems. I see today instead of dealing with the FISA issue the DemoCRAP house leadership decided to put that off and revisit the US Attorney firings again.

I havent considered myself a Republican since the mid 90's but I am getting to the point where I hesitate to call myself an independent lest someone assume I would ever support what the Democrat party has become in 2008. I can think of no lower insult than to be called a Democrat at this point.


Staff member
Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
You can't deny the fact that Japan and Germany are a little nicer to deal with over the last 50 years. Jus' saying'.
Won't deny it, but what of Vietnam?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Crashbandicoot
His plan was always to invoke a jihad . He felt that as soon as the us invaded Iraq that all the neighboring countries would Jump feet first in to a holy war and have his back . Little Did he or any other islamic fundamentalist understand that the majority of the region is tired of war .
Probably more tired of Saddam than war IMHO.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
Won't deny it, but what of Vietnam?
And Korea for that matter. Remember that those conflicts were at the beginning age of real time active media. The general US public has not had to deal with war in their backyard since the Civil War. It's one thing to sit back in an easy chair and criticize what's going on, and another to hide in the cellar hoping they will pass you by.
The general population doesn't need to see the atrocities of war. It is just that...War. And it ain't pretty. The main objective is to win. And when that objective is skewed by public opinion and feelings, the war is lost. We should more adopt the ideaology "in it to win it" and do whatever it takes. Then future conflicts could be avoided.
A matter of respect or fear. As long as we are not the initial aggressor and remain as a reactor.


Staff member
Saddam was evil, but not stupid. He knew neighboring countries/governments hated him, and feared him. He wasn't trying to invoke a jihad. The jihads hated him too! He was a secular dictator and had no use for religious fanatics, except when they served his purpose.
He cried out for jihad as a fallen man grasping at straws. And no one answered didn't you notice. No one in the Middle East will be loosing sleep because Saddam is gone. The only ones loosing sleep is US!


Active Member
Originally Posted by bigarn
I think McCain has a hidden agenda for Vietnam.

Vietnam not a global threat. North Korea...definitely. China even more. Putin in Russia is trying to ramp up again.
All these potential threats on the horizon and folks bicker about what we are in now.
Who in the race for Prez is able to realistically deal with these things??
Don't look at yesterday or today for that matter. What's coming????


Barak Hussein Obama has moer than just a Muslim SOUNDING name. He is Muslim and has said he would be sworn in on the Khoran if elected.
Obamas father was from Kenya and he was Muslim. Obama was educated in INdonesia and registered there as a MUSLIM.
He is pro-abortion, even partial birth abortion and for those who think he is anti-war, wake up. he has been quoted in private interviews as saying he supports American involvement to fight terrorism, as he should, as any leader and protector of our country should. That is the oNLY thing I agree with him on.
Huckabey is my first choice, but he has not had the exposure that McCain has.
You have to admit that someone with the history of McCain is capable of running a country, though he isnot as conservative as I would like him to be.
His Gfather was a decorated Admiral and his father an officer with wartime action as well.
McCain showed amazing bravery when captured and tortured, suffering permanent disability at the hands of the Vietnamese. I admire him and even though he is not my first choice, he is far far better than the democratic nominees. A Muslim or a woman who was part of some of the greatest corruption ever seenduring a white house tenure. How she avoided jail time is beyond me.


Active Member
I suspect more people would take your posts more seriously if you would stick to a particular subject. All you do is post false information post after post after post. Once someone corrects you you move on to another issue without ever trying to defend your former position. Either you aren't bothering to read the prior posts or you're trying to ignore the facts in the hope that someone will stumble across one of your posts and actually take it at face value.
You posted three questions to me. I took the time to respectfully answer each of your questions. You didn't even respond. You did what you always do; just keep posting away, bobbing and weaving and refusing to acknowledge the blatant errors in your previous posts.
If it wasn't for the fact that it was so easy I would quit bothering to even refute your claims. It's obvious all you are trying to be is a puppet for a particular candidate. Sadly, you're living up to the stereotype so many people have of a typical liberal.
Come on man. Let's have an intelligent conversation here (and elsewhere). You've said Obama will reach across the aisle. Obama says he will open a dialogue. How about you do the same thing? Instead of posting random made up facts and half truths and totally unrelated topics how about we actually have a discussion?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
Won't deny it, but what of Vietnam?
Look who ran Vietnam, VS ww2. When you have americans posing on North Vietnamese guns, you have major new anchors declaring the war lost. You have liberal peace activists...
VS a country united to defeat a empirialistic dictator.
We gave into the liberal defeatist mantra once, and look what happened. Why should we fall for the same trick again?


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Sadly, you're living up to the stereotype so many people have of a typical liberal.
Instead of posting random made up facts and half truths and totally unrelated topics how about we actually have a discussion?
Couldn't have said it better myself.


Active Member

Originally Posted by Rylan1
Ok - Well why didn't we let the UN finish the job?
We didn't "let the UN finish the job" because it became obvious they were never going to be able to actually do there job
... Saddam repeatedly hamstrung the inspectors. We assumed it was because he was working on WMD's and therefore our top military officials (and key allies) felt like 6 months to comply, after delaying the inspectors for 10+ years, was enough time. The old outlawed munitions found in Iraq prove the UN Inspection Teams were failures.
Originally Posted by rylan

2nd there are other countries such as Libiya that supports Hamas and Hezbollah more than Iraq does or ever did, in fact this is their base location. -

I'm pretty sure Hezbollah is based in Lebanon, where they were founded in the 80's. I'm also pretty sure Hamas is based in Gaza.
Show me proof Libya supports Hezbollah and Hamas more than Saddam ever did? I'd love to see those numbers.... As far as I know Iran and Syria are still by far the biggest supporter of Hezbollah and Hamas. When Israel and much of the rest of the world cut ties with the Hamas government Libya joined with many of the Arab countries to say they would assist the Hamas lead Palestinian Government. You need to read up more on Libya. After 9-11 and our President's famous "You're with us or against us" speech, Libya began to distance itself from terrorism. Since 2001 Libya has:
*began distancing itself from terrorism by surrendering for trial the Libyan agents responsible for Pan Am 103. Moreover, Libya agreed to a nearly $3 billion settlement with the victims' families. The first tranche of more than $1 billion was disbursed after U.N. sanctions were lifted in 2003.
*Libya has since signed all 12 of the U.N.'s counterterrorism conventions, too. More important: It actively cooperates with us against Al Qaeda and its affiliates in North Africa, including the Libya-based LIFG and Algeria's GSPC.
*WMD: Libya has come clean on WMDs. In 2003, Libya began turning over its nuclear program to us, including uranium hexafluoride (enough for a small nuke), uranium enrichment centrifuges and engineering designs for a nuclear warhead. Tripoli also dished on its dealings with A.Q. Khan, the CEO of Pakistan's nuclear Walwart. Khan shared Islamabad's nuclear know-how with Iran and North Korea, as well as Libya. Tripoli's cooperation proved critical in unraveling the network.
*Libya has also begun taking steps to destroy its chemical weapons materials and munitions under international supervision. Plus, it's eliminating its SCUD ballistic-missile program and refraining from developing other longer-range weapons.
(taken from,15202,98116,00.html)
While certainly still an oppressive dictator, Colonel Qadaffi made a clear change of policy after 9-11.
Saddam, on the other hand, paid the families of Hamas Homicide bombers Hezbollah is Shia, and therefore typically tied more with Iran than Iraq. Even so, Hezbollah has a strong presence and influence in Syria's government, which Saddam has historically always supported in wars against Israel.
end Part I


Active Member

Originally Posted by Rylan
To further my point, its said that Iraq has had no credible link to al Qaeda which was something they tried to make us believe.

According to the 9-11 Commission:
Bin Ladin was also willing to explore possibilities for cooperation with Iraq, even though Iraq's dictator, Saddam Hussein, had never had an Islamist agenda-save for his opportunistic pose as a defender of the faithful against "Crusaders" during the Gulf War of 1991. Moreover, Bin Ladin had in fact been sponsoring anti-Saddam Islamists in Iraqi Kurdistan, and sought to attract them into his Islamic army. To protect his own ties with Iraq, Turabi reportedly brokered an agreement that Bin Ladin would stop supporting activities against Saddam. Bin Ladin apparently honored this pledge, at least for a time, although he continued to aid a group of Islamist extremists operating in part of Iraq (Kurdistan) outside of Baghdad's control. In the late 1990s, these extremist groups suffered major defeats by Kurdish forces. In 2001, with Bin Ladin's help they re-formed into an organization called Ansar al Islam. There are indications that by then the Iraqi regime tolerated and may even have helped Ansar al Islam against the common Kurdish enemy....With the Sudanese regime acting as intermediary, Bin Ladin himself met with a senior Iraqi intelligence officer in Khartoum in late 1994 or early 1995. Bin Ladin is said to have asked for space to establish training camps, as well as assistance in procuring weapons, but there is no evidence that Iraq responded to this request...(1997)There is also evidence that around this time Bin Ladin sent out a number of feelers to the Iraqi regime, offering some cooperation. None are reported to have received a significant response. According to one report, Saddam Hussein's efforts at this time to rebuild relations with the Saudis and other Middle Eastern regimes led him to stay clear of Bin Ladin[/i]....
No credible link? They were not working together, but there were plenty of credible links... Please read the 9-11 Commission and a myriad of other sources for more accurate information.
Originally Posted by rylan

Third. Ok we did find gas left over... what it proves is that Iraq didn't or that we didn't destroy all the weapons we were supposed to in 1998. However, these biological weapons at this point were no longer harmful substances because the shelf life had expired years ealier. So I will acknowledge we did find some materials, however these things did not pose a risk.
First off; Sarin and Mustard Gas are Chemical, not Biological weapons.
Interesting... If they pose no risk then I wonder why this is the case?: "Two U.S. soldiers, members of a military bomb squad, were treated for exposure to sarin. Officials said there were no serious injuries. ( and " The soldiers displayed "classic" symptoms of sarin exposure, most notably dilated pupils and nausea, officials said. The symptoms ran their course fairly quickly, however, and as of Tuesday the two had returned to duty.",2933,120268,00.html
That was from a rigged IED using an old artillery shell. Artillery shells are binary. Two chemicals in two seperate chambers mix in flight making Sarin. Obviously the terrorists did not rig it to explode properly. "Intelligence officials stressed that the compounds did not mix effectively on Saturday." (same article) I wonder why the soldiers were treated for Sarin exposure if the Sarin was inert? Obviously someone who knows more about it than you or I thought it was dangerous, huh.
Also, the length of time Sarin and Mustard Gas shells can maintain effectiveness is totally dependent on how it is stored. As I pointed out, as the Sarin shell is a binary shell it can last for exteneded periods of time ( second page)
. The weapon only creates and discharges Sarin once the seperate chemicals are mixed as the shell heats up in flight.
Originally Posted by rylan
We went to war because they said Iraq posted an immenant threat... which was not the case.. Our reason for war was political.
The President, in 2003, stated Saddam poised an imminent threat to the world. If you would like to argue that wasn't true, go right ahead. I, personally believe he was.
*He was attacking our pilots
*He was funding terrorists
*He was obstructing Inspectors
*He was violating the Treaty he signed after Desert Storm
*He was in contact with Al Qaeda
*Continued to possess WMDs
What do you need to see an imminent threat, Rylan, Panzers blitzing through the Ardennes?


Active Member

Originally Posted by Rylan1
If I gave you a 100 year old ferminted egg would you eat it?
And no, as far as I know no one has posted anything about old gas...however I will
Scott Ritter stated that the WMDs Saddam had in his possession all those years ago has long since turned to harmless substances. Sarin and tabun have a shelf life of five years, VX lasts a bit longer (but not much longer), and finally botulinum toxin and liquid anthrax last about three years.[51].
You want to quote Ritter? Ok, let's play. Taken from Ritter's resignation letter to the UN dated August 26th, 1998

"The sad truth is that Iraq today is not disarmed anywhere near the level required by Security Council resolutions. As you know, UNSCOM has good reason to believe that there are significant numbers of proscribed weapons and related components and the means to manufacture such weapons unaccounted for in Iraq today....Iraq has lied to the Special Commission and the world since day one concerning the true scope and nature of its proscribed programs and weapons systems. This lie has been perpetuated over the years through systematic acts of concealment. It was for the purpose of uncovering Iraq's mechanism of concealment, and in doing so gaining access to the hidden weapons, components and weapons programs, that you created a dedicated capability to investigate Iraq's concealment activities, which I have had the privilege to head...This investigation has led the Commission to the door step of Iraq's hidden retained capability, and yet the Commission has been frustrated by Iraq's continued refusal to abide by its obligations... The Special Commission of today, hobbled as it is by unfettered Iraqi obstruction and non-existent Security Council enforcement of its own resolutions...The illusion of arms control is more dangerous than no arms control at all. What is being propagated by the Security Council today in relation to the work of the Special Commission is such an illusion, one which in all good faith I cannot, and will not, be a party to. I have no other option than to resign from my position here at the Commission effective immediately..." (

Interesting what all Ritter claims in that letter. As he started writing books later on he became more and more against the war. In his own words, however, his original resignation letter backs up many of the later claims concerning Iraq.
Now, please explain the Sarin Shell to me... Rylan, you say Sarin shells have a shelf life of 5 years. We found a shell that tested positive for Sarin in 2004. Ritter says Iraq could not make new WMD's in 1998. So explain this shell to me? When and where was it made?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
... if scientists/chemists say it is no longer harmful, why do you assume it still is... are you a chemist and what proof do you have?
Why would he move it to syria? What relationship do they have. 2nd, the same people who said he moved things to syria said they had mobile rv labs rolling around the desert.
who were these things an imminent threat to?
I'm a huge fan of science. Let's totally trust it, shall we? See my above post. If binary shells have a shelf life of 5 years, and a shell tested positive for Sarin in 2004, doesn't that prove Saddam was making WMD's in 1999?
As I've proven previously, Saddam had missiles capable of hitting Kuwait and Israel. Those missiles are capable of carrying WMDs.