Please don't vote for McCain


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
So lets go to war with Russia... they've been flying close to our borders and over our ships with bombers.
We already went to war with Russia. It was called Korea, and Vietnam, and Afghanistan and the overall "Cold War". We won 2 of those, lost one and came to a draw in one.
*Reagan won the Cold War by bankrupting the Soviets.
*Reagan won Afghanistan by dumping supplies into the rebels' hands
*We lost Vietnam because we allowed politicians to make the battlefield a political playground
*Korea was a draq because the UN was in charge...
Putin is testing the USA right now because he smells blood in the water. He sees we've got a bunch of spineless, isolationist minded, "cut and run" politicians in office and he wants to see how far he can push it. A fly-by with a bomber isn't quite the same thing as firing missiles at our planes in a No Fly Zone, however.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Question #1. Summarize the Joint Resolution to Authorize the Use of United States Armed Forces Against Iraq passed by Congress found Here
Question #2. Which President is responsible for the accusations that Saddam had nuclear, chemical and biological weapons programs restarted after Desert Strom?
Question #3. How long should Saddam have been given to comply with UN Inspectors?

Originally Posted by Rylan1

Come on man... you are answering your own questions. ...
I didn't answer my own questions, you just dodged them. All I did was post a link so you could read the Resolution you never acknowledge.


Staff member
Obama is not Muslim, and he has never said that he will be sworn in on the Koran. Yes he supports a woman's right to choose (abortion) which in and of itself would negate being a Muslim since Muslims, like some Christians, abhor this.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
I'm going to need a source before I believe that.
Yeah, I agree. It definitely sounds like election-time propaganda. Also, even though he's also talked on that point, and noted that he's 100% Christian, so-what if he were a Muslim? Would that make him less electable, or less of a person in some way? Would that be prejudice against Muslims, or all non-Christians? Just curious...

darthtang aw

Active Member
Glad to see journey responded to everything directed at me from Rylan, saved me the time of having to post a flood of information that he won't read anyway.
Thanks Journey, I owe you one.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
I'm a huge fan of science. Let's totally trust it, shall we? See my above post. If binary shells have a shelf life of 5 years, and a shell tested positive for Sarin in 2004, doesn't that prove Saddam was making WMD's in 1999?
As I've proven previously, Saddam had missiles capable of hitting Kuwait and Israel. Those missiles are capable of carrying WMDs.
Not really... they say the shells they found were from the time of the Gulf War. But even if those weapons had the capablility to reach Israel or Kuwait... its not an imminent threat to the United States as portrayed by the Bush Admin at the start of the war. The shells that were found were said to be unharmful.
If they did strike Israel that may would lead for us to get invloved; however, didn't Israel just go through something like this not to long ago and they responded with their own military against Hezbollah?


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
We already went to war with Russia. It was called Korea, and Vietnam, and Afghanistan and the overall "Cold War". We won 2 of those, lost one and came to a draw in one.
*Reagan won the Cold War by bankrupting the Soviets.
*Reagan won Afghanistan by dumping supplies into the rebels' hands
*We lost Vietnam because we allowed politicians to make the battlefield a political playground
*Korea was a draq because the UN was in charge...
Putin is testing the USA right now because he smells blood in the water. He sees we've got a bunch of spineless, isolationist minded, "cut and run" politicians in office and he wants to see how far he can push it. A fly-by with a bomber isn't quite the same thing as firing missiles at our planes in a No Fly Zone, however.
Its not a reason to wage a war.
And haven't we already fought Iraq... this makes no sense... He also seems to be testing us in the Bush Admin... so are you saying he is a cut and run politican? I doubt that you are... This is not the cold war or a fight against communism... we are in new times and you can't really relate the 2 eras. I'm not saying we need to go to war with them, so don't make that assumption, as I am sure you would do.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
Not really... they say the shells they found were from the time of the Gulf War. But even if those weapons had the capablility to reach Israel or Kuwait... its not an imminent threat to the United States as portrayed by the Bush Admin at the start of the war. The shells that were found were said to be unharmful.
If they did strike Israel that may would lead for us to get invloved; however, didn't Israel just go through something like this not to long ago and they responded with their own military against Hezbollah?
WE have troops and bases in Kuwait it would be a direct threat to our AMERICAN troops.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
This is not the cold war or a fight against communism... we are in new times and you can't really relate the 2 eras.
Funny your party seemed so happy to equate Vietnam and Iraq when it was in their mind politically advantagous.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
Saddam was evil, but not stupid. He knew neighboring countries/governments hated him, and feared him. He wasn't trying to invoke a jihad. The jihads hated him too! He was a secular dictator and had no use for religious fanatics, except when they served his purpose.
He cried out for jihad as a fallen man grasping at straws. And no one answered didn't you notice. No one in the Middle East will be loosing sleep because Saddam is gone. The only ones loosing sleep is US!
I agree with this, which is why I have a hard time believing Saddam supported terrorist organizations.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
Funny your party seemed so happy to equate Vietnam and Iraq when it was in their mind politically advantagous.
When did I do this? But equation, and I have not heard it is/was probably to say we are in a war that will have no winners


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
When did I do this? But equation, and I have not heard it is/was probably to say we are in a war that will have no winners
I've heard this comparison on numerous occasions, usually to indicate that the US will lose. These comparisons have come from Pelosi, Reid, Murtha, T Kennedy the leaders of your party.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
I didn't answer my own questions, you just dodged them. All I did was post a link so you could read the Resolution you never acknowledge.
You did answer your own questions.. You asked me to summarize in question #1 where you provided a all the info was right need for me summarize
#2 who was the president after desert storm? Ummm ...


Active Member
Originally Posted by m0nk
Yeah, I agree. It definitely sounds like election-time propaganda. Also, even though he's also talked on that point, and noted that he's 100% Christian, so-what if he were a Muslim? Would that make him less electable, or less of a person in some way? Would that be prejudice against Muslims, or all non-Christians? Just curious...
predjudice. This war is not a war against Islam.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
WE have troops and bases in Kuwait it would be a direct threat to our AMERICAN troops.
Not really... we have the capablity of taking those missles out before they would be a threat, 2nd if he sent them.. that would be a justification for war.
We allow S. Korea and Iran to have nukes... this is more of an imminent threat.


Staff member
Oh, I do believe that Saddam threw money at terrorist organizations. And not all terrorist organizations are profound religious fanatics bend on making the world theres (such as al-Qa'eda). Nothing is so black and white, or simple, as we seem to make it discussing things on forums.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
I've heard this comparison on numerous occasions, usually to indicate that the US will lose. These comparisons have come from Pelosi, Reid, Murtha, T Kennedy the leaders of your party.
As I said if they said those remarks, I don't know and am not defending... they can say whatever they want... but if I said it... it would be making the comparison that this a war that will have no winners... we have objectives over there that are not being fulfilled. As I see it there are 2 options.
1. Withdraw our troops over a period of a year or so, and keep some presence in the area.
2. Stay in a war and in Iraq for the nxt 10-100 years.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
Oh, I do believe that Saddam threw money at terrorist organizations. And not all terrorist organizations are profound religious fanatics bend on making the world theres (such as al-Qa'eda). Nothing is so black and white, or simple, as we seem to make it discussing things on forums.

This may be true, but who are we fighting?