Please don't vote for McCain


Active Member

Originally Posted by 1journeyman
See Rylan, there is one of your fundamental mistakes. We are fighting terrorism
; Not just Al Qaeda. After 9-11 some of us realized that we can't sit back and allow pockets of crazy people around the world continue to train, amass weapons, and plan attacks against us.
Terrorism in general. That's the war that was declared upon us, and the war we are fighting; in Iraq, in Indonesia, In Africa, In Afghanistan, In Central America, and a whole host of other places you and I will never hear about.
the war declared on us was from islamist extremist... not all terrorists...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
The statement may be stupid to you, but the majority of americans feel otherwise.
huh? what does that have to do with it being right?
And why don't you post 5 sources to prove that the majority of americans hold your view.



Originally Posted by Rylan1
The statement may be stupid to you, but the majority of americans feel otherwise.
Keep a presence in case we have to go in to dismantle a terrorist organization setting up or whatever.. I don't think anyone is saying we should cut and run .... but that we should get out responsibably and keep an eye on the situation.. So I am okay with missions if they are needed, but not having the soilders there on a constant basis, except for the embasy.
Rylan, a great number of Americans may
feel that way (not the majority, IMO), but they are also contentedly uninformed, and certainly have NO idea what they are talking about. Bringing stability and peace to a nation in the throes of war is a little different from saving owls and setting up myspace pages.
Originally Posted by Rylan1

the war declared on us was from islamist extremist... not all terrorists...


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Don't let the facts alter your beliefs in any way...,2933,48822,00.html
"Saddam funneled his funds through the front, which gave $25,000 to the families of suicide bombers, $10,000 to the families of those killed in the intifada, and smaller sums to the wounded
." (taken from last link)
Okay.... he supported palenstinian bombers by giving to their family... I wonder how many others do this? He's not the only one... but the admin's attempt to explain this was to give the impression he supported al Qaeda... I think terrorism is terrorism, but there is a difference. Terrorism in Israel has been a very frequent occuring theme....


Active Member

Originally Posted by bdhutier
Rylan, a great number of Americans may
feel that way (not the majority, IMO), but they are also contentedly uninformed, and certainly have NO idea what they are talking about. Bringing stability and peace to a nation in the throes of war is a little different from saving owls and setting up myspace pages.
Look at any poll... the majority of americans want out of this war...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
Look at any poll... the majority of americans want out of this war...
lol if that is true, why have over 40 different defunded efforts in congress failed with liberals controlling congress?


Originally Posted by Rylan1
Look at any poll... the majority of americans want out of this war...
1. Polls are garbage, IMO. Let's talk something real and substantive... Mass rallies? None. Mass changeover of elected officials? None. ANY indicator other than hot air and half-hearted politicking? None.
2. Most Americans aren't IN the war to begin with.
stdreb: Awww.... bummer. thx!!
*edit: Just thought about how many posts Journey would have...


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Less than 200 people have died in Africa in the last 10 years. Africa is relatively peaceful. The only reason people want us to go there is because they want to occupy more countries and steal their resources.
Lets Compare:
According to a Serbian government report, from January 1 1998 to June 10 1999 the KLA killed 988 people and kidnapped 287; in the period from June 10 1999 to November 11 2001, when NATO took control in Kosovo, 847 were reported to have been killed and 1,154 kidnapped. This comprised both civilians and security force personnel: of those killed in the first period, 335 were civilians, 351 soldiers, 230 police and 72 were unidentified; by nationality, 87 of killed civilians were Serbs, 230 Albanians, and 18 of other nationalities.[42]
Within three weeks, over 500,000 Albanian refugees had returned home. By November 1999, according to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, 808,913 out of 848,100 had returned.
Estimated no lower than 200,000 and up to 500,000 in Darfur region of Sudan killed
Over 2 million refugess.
A new IRC survey has found that 5,400,000 people have died from war-related causes in Congo since 1998 – the world’s deadliest documented conflict since WWII.
Kenya- a democratic nation...
The death toll from more than five days of post-election violence in Kenya rose above 300, rights groups said Wednesday as slums burned and thousands were left homeless.
The violence was sparked by charges President Mwai Kibaki stole his way to re-election - even his elections chief was quoted Wednesday as saying he could not be sure who won. The political rift quickly took on a tribal element in what has been one of Africa's most stable democracies.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bdhutier
1. Polls are garbage, IMO. Let's talk something real and substantive... Mass rallies? None. Mass changeover of elected officials? None. ANY indicator other than hot air and half-hearted politicking? None.
2. Most Americans aren't IN the war to begin with.
stdreb: Awww.... bummer. thx!!

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
Okay.... he supported palenstinian bombers by giving to their family... I wonder how many others do this? He's not the only one... but the admin's attempt to explain this was to give the impression he supported al Qaeda... I think terrorism is terrorism, but there is a difference. Terrorism in Israel has been a very frequent occuring theme....

Oh I love this statement.. wish I could have a signature because I would carry this statement. This statement is the classic example of what is wrong with your line of thought.... preach and preach and preach about the genocide in Africa. A region where genocide has been occurring for centuries till now. Yet you immediately discount sadaams support of terrorism because well....Isreal has frequent occurances of terrorisms. So that is ok.
So in your minds eye, because it is going to happen anyway it is no big deal and should not be dealt with, yet you want us to deal with Africa...a region that has a milleniums worth of history of Genocide, slavery, warlords, prostitution, and just overall Brutal human nature...Hypocrite much?

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
You mean the same congress that hasn't got us out of the war yet?

The same congress that at any time if they truly stood by what they said could stop funding for the war and FORCE the president to bring them home....(all be it at the cost of our boys lives, but in the grand scheme of things you would probably save more amercian lives than lose )
Please note there is sarcasm in this post......buckets of it just spilling over and dripping.......

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
Okay.... he supported palenstinian bombers by giving to their family... I wonder how many others do this? He's not the only one... but the admin's attempt to explain this was to give the impression he supported al Qaeda... I think terrorism is terrorism, but there is a difference. Terrorism in Israel has been a very frequent occuring theme....

This wasn't cited to show his support of al qaeda, it was cited to show his support of terrorism....Show me ONE public worlkd leader (besides of Iran) that has publically called for suicide bombers to attack a rival country and kill innocent people. Sadaam did this. If Sadaam is so common, show me one more leader and please provide a link to the story....just 1.
as for al qaeda connection, I can show you many interesting points....and evidence, Journey and I have posted it numerous fact just run a search on this forum and pull it up that way if you truly want to see it.l


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Oh I love this statement.. wish I could have a signature because I would carry this statement. This statement is the classic example of what is wrong with your line of thought.... preach and preach and preach about the genocide in Africa. A region where genocide has been occurring for centuries till now. Yet you immediately discount sadaams support of terrorism because well....Isreal has frequent occurances of terrorisms. So that is ok.
So in your minds eye, because it is going to happen anyway it is no big deal and should not be dealt with, yet you want us to deal with Africa...a region that has a milleniums worth of history of Genocide, slavery, warlords, prostitution, and just overall Brutal human nature...Hypocrite much?
No its not okay.... but what I find hypocritical is that other countries have WMD's and are more dangerous than what Iraq was in 2001.
But al Qaeda and terrorists weren't in Iraq prior to the war...
Other areas in the world have genocide on a much larger scale than what happened in Iraq in the late 80's or at anytime in the modern world.
We are not going to war with other nations that support terrorism or have terrorist strongholds such as Iran, Lebanon, Palenstine, Indonesia, Sudan, Syria... etc.. etc. We have the majority of forces in Iraq and not Afganistan/Pakistan where al Qaeda is based.
In regard to your statement about about the history of Africa... you can say the same thing about Ireland and England or the Middle East, EuroAsia ..
My point is that we are not properly dealing with it... Israels source of terrorism is not coming from Iraq.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
This wasn't cited to show his support of al qaeda, it was cited to show his support of terrorism....Show me ONE public worlkd leader (besides of Iran) that has publically called for suicide bombers to attack a rival country and kill innocent people. Sadaam did this. If Sadaam is so common, show me one more leader and please provide a link to the story....just 1.
as for al qaeda connection, I can show you many interesting points....and evidence, Journey and I have posted it numerous fact just run a search on this forum and pull it up that way if you truly want to see it.l
I can show you just as many against your connection.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
The same congress that at any time if they truly stood by what they said could stop funding for the war and FORCE the president to bring them home....(all be it at the cost of our boys lives, but in the grand scheme of things you would probably save more amercian lives than lose )
Please note there is sarcasm in this post......buckets of it just spilling over and dripping.......
That would be irresponsible we want to get soilders out, but not sacrfice lives.