Plenum or Insanity?

scopus tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by florida joe
My very good friend why do you think I cultivate the insanity card
with every post
Excellent defense my friend!
Just out of curiosity, are you ignoring post #176 on purpose?
How is the plumbing going? are we going to see some additional wet test pics soon or are we going directly to activation mode?

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Scopus Tang
Excellent defense my friend!
Just out of curiosity, are you ignoring post #176 on purpose?
How is the plumbing going? are we going to see some additional wet test pics soon or are we going directly to activation mode?
Randy I am juggling a few things right now I am going to Disney Sun to Tuesday I will try to water test Sat and get a flow rate if all goes well I will start adding the mud and sand shortly after. As far as post 176 it now has my undivided attention and I will respond shortly

scopus tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by florida joe
Randy I am juggling a few things right now I am going to Disney Sun to Tuesday I will try to water test Sat and get a flow rate if all goes well I will start adding the mud and sand shortly after. As far as post 176 it now has my undivided attention and I will respond shortly
No problem Joe, I understand the juggling issue very well myself ~ was just curious. Enjoy Disney, haven't been since the 80's bet its changed alot.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
What I have learned about cucumbers seems a good place to start and I am having them added to my dinner salad.
Actinopyga and Holothuria move through the sand and as they do so they ingest and digest any algae, detritus and attached bacteria, which provide them with nutrition. Cucumbers over 6 inches should never be maintained (will only go with a very small one or not at all) nor a medusa worm (synapta sp. Sea cucumber) both are toxic and can poison an aquarium if injured or sucked against a power head. Small sea cucumbers present no danger (Delbeek&Sprung 2007). What I understand is that they are not deep burrowing and seem to be ideal sand sifting cleaner in our refug.
I think in this situation what they bring to the table (no pun intended) out weights the loss of any microfauna at the surface level or our substraight
If I do get growth of Caulerpa on the Cheato side and I cannot remove it with out to much trouble I will just take out the Cheato sell it to my LFS and go with straight Caulerpa (Columbus took a chance). Can’t let gathering water parameter info become the focus of our refug.
And lastly IMO everything in this hobby requires work

scopus tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by florida joe
What I have learned about cucumbers seems a good place to start and I am having them added to my dinner salad.
Actinopyga and Holothuria move through the sand and as they do so they ingest and digest any algae, detritus and attached bacteria, which provide them with nutrition. Cucumbers over 6 inches should never be maintained (will only go with a very small one or not at all) nor a medusa worm (synapta sp. Sea cucumber) both are toxic and can poison an aquarium if injured or sucked against a power head. Small sea cucumbers present no danger (Delbeek&Sprung 2007). What I understand is that they are not deep burrowing and seem to be ideal sand sifting cleaner in our refug.
I think in this situation what they bring to the table (no pun intended) out weights the loss of any microfauna at the surface level or our substraight
If I do get growth of Caulerpa on the Cheato side and I cannot remove it with out to much trouble I will just take out the Cheato sell it to my LFS and go with straight Caulerpa (Columbus took a chance). Can’t let gathering water parameter info become the focus of our refug.
And lastly IMO everything in this hobby requires work
Good information, how come you didn't post that in my DSB question thread? Got anymore DSB dwellers that you are keeping hidden up those deep sleeves of yours?
Sounds like you have the Caulepra and chaeto issue under control. And I agree, nutrient export should be/is the focus of our refugium. Gathering water parameter info while interesting will have to be secondary ~ not sure that it would provide "truly scientific data" anyway since we have no controls, repeatability, etc. But the data will be interesting none the less, and may spur on further discussion/modification.
And I agree, everything requires work ~ but obviously we enjoy it, or we wouldn't be doing it would we.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Scopus Tang
Good information, how come you didn't post that in my DSB question thread? Got anymore DSB dwellers that you are keeping hidden up those deep sleeves of yours?
Sounds like you have the Caulepra and chaeto issue under control. And I agree, nutrient export should be/is the focus of our refugium. Gathering water parameter info while interesting will have to be secondary ~ not sure that it would provide "truly scientific data" anyway since we have no controls, repeatability, etc. But the data will be interesting none the less, and may spur on further discussion/modification.
And I agree, everything requires work ~ but obviously we enjoy it, or we wouldn't be doing it would we.
Good information, how come you didn't post that in my DSB question thread? Got anymore DSB dwellers that you are keeping hidden up those deep sleeves of yours?
Randy I am working up a crew for you as well as our refug I just want to make sure of my Information before I give it to you or anyone else to consider Also another word on toxicity and poisoning. Im my situation the volume of water I have should dilute any toxic compounds introduced to a state that a tank melt down should never happen. As far as poisoning is concerned that happens when a cucumber is drawn into a pump and killed and dismembered and the flesh and organs are eaten by the fish in your aquarium I will take all measures to make sure that this never happens

scopus tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by florida joe
Randy I am working up a crew for you as well as our refug I just want to make sure of my Information before I give it to you or anyone else to consider
Excellent, I shall eagerly await the conclusion of your research. Truly, as Tizzo said, you are the master of research


Still awaiting updated pics of sump/refugium. Any of "Mickey" might go well in this thread also!

scopus tang

Active Member
Hey Joe, understand if you haven't made any progress on the sump, but where's the pictures of you with the mouse and the duck? Com'on Joe, you got to share these things with your friends
! <bump>


Scopus, Isn't dennis210 running a plenum in his tank? I wonder what he thinks of his experience with it? Later, LONG LIVE THE CREEPS!

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Scopus Tang
Hey Joe, understand if you haven't made any progress on the sump, but where's the pictures of you with the mouse and the duck? Com'on Joe, you got to share these things with your friends
! <bump>
Well Randy if you must know I was going to post some pictures of myself the mouse and the duck. Seems the Disney people took objection to Minnie in fishnets Daffy in a bondage hood, and myself holding a turkey baseter and a bottle of JOES JUICE.
Guess you will have to make due with the pics of our refug when I water test this Sunday


Originally Posted by Scopus Tang
Hey Joe, understand if you haven't made any progress on the sump, but where's the pictures of you with the mouse and the duck? Com'on Joe, you got to share these things with your friends
! <bump>
Randy, this is a set up question for the kind of answers that Joe gives. You asked for it
Make a mental note for next time. Don't ask for pictures of anything but tanks or plenums! Even then, be sure to specify FISH tanks!

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
Randy, this is a set up question for the kind of answers that Joe gives. You asked for it
Make a mental note for next time. Don't ask for pictures of anything but tanks or plenums! Even then, be sure to specify FISH tanks!

Gee Sir Q I could have sworn that was you setting up the tri-pod sitting in the directors chair. Yelling more ACTION

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Ok gang the Jo-Rangeum is under going a water test. With both influent to my sump and refug wide open I measured 2 cups of water per minute please someone check my math but I thing that comes out to 7.5 gallons an hour. I am sure I can increases or decrease that amount by adjusting the valves. I need the input of you flow experts please. The only down side is I cannot get a clear view of the area under the refug. I will cut out the bottom of my cabinet under the doors fabricate new doors. And I should get a great view of the area below. I had no air block. I closed the line to my sump opened my refug influent line purged the line of air and I was good to go. The refug is now out of the cabinet I will glue all appropriate joints. Reinstall under cabinet put in mud/sand fill with water and add caulerpa and take pics. This post was written under the influence of southwest Florida margarita time so please understand that changes to this post may be forth coming


Active Member
Originally Posted by florida joe
Randy I am back on the job, I almost committed the ultimate sacrilege yesterday. MY niece’s daughter received her first Holy Communion. While in church I keep eyeing the Holy Water. I had my TDS meter in my car, my friend I came very close to getting it.
Now that I have Crazy glued my place in hell let me continue. Your screen over egg over PVC is exactly what I planed nice to see I can come up with one good idea. Working on our Jo-Rangeum right now

scopus tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
Randy, this is a set up question for the kind of answers that Joe gives. You asked for it
Make a mental note for next time. Don't ask for pictures of anything but tanks or plenums! Even then, be sure to specify FISH tanks!

Originally Posted by sepulatian

Gee Sir Q I could have sworn that was you setting up the tri-pod sitting in the directors chair. Yelling more ACTION
Sep, looks like he not only got me, but you as well! I'll try to be more careful in the future ~ wouldn't want to see this thread locked before we finish the project
. I did notice however, that it took him quite some time to come up with that little zinger ~ makes you wonder doesn't it

scopus tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by florida joe
Ok gang the Jo-Rangeum is under going a water test. With both influent to my sump and refug wide open I measured 2 cups of water per minute please someone check my math but I thing that comes out to 7.5 gallons an hour. I am sure I can increases or decrease that amount by adjusting the valves. I need the input of you flow experts please. The only down side is I cannot get a clear view of the area under the refug. I will cut out the bottom of my cabinet under the doors fabricate new doors. And I should get a great view of the area below. I had no air block. I closed the line to my sump opened my refug influent line purged the line of air and I was good to go. The refug is now out of the cabinet I will glue all appropriate joints. Reinstall under cabinet put in mud/sand fill with water and add caulerpa and take pics. This post was written under the influence of southwest Florida margarita time so please understand that changes to this post may be forth coming
Looking good Joe, but we may have to start a seperate thread to get answers on the flow rate.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Scopus Tang
Looking good Joe, but we may have to start a seperate thread to get answers on the flow rate.
welcome back
if your bored perhaps you can find a fixture on line to fill our needs i did some research
A 6500K and a mono-phosphor 7100K blue lighting for our refug I would think may work. Energy Savers Unlimited (ESU) Coralife bulbs, or similar OSRAM lighting. There are good units that feature twin OSRAM fluorescent bulbs in a aluminum reflector. By shallowing the water column, via the sand bed, OSRAMS will give the intensity needed for our refugium inhabitants. Being just 9 watts each, they radiate at a 75-watt, incandescent level! That's equal to 150 watts of incandescent light on a 10-gallon tank! Plenty of beneficial illumination. I think but I am not a lighting guy


Active Member
Unless you are really looking for something specific in a light fixture I have actually had excellent results with a walmart brand 6500k incandescent replacement spiral power compact bulb (can't remember what the exact wattage is but it was a replacement for a 100w incandescent) and a $5 aluminum clamp light reflector. I have actually been keeping kenya tree corals under one for the last month or so and they seem to be doing well and I think that they are even growing.