I guess it's late, but i have a plenum in my fuge.
At first i thought it was risky business. Some books i read said to have one in your DT...i guess this would work if you had a layer of screen very close to the surface...and didnt have any burring fish/critters. if not you would have to constantly re-grade the sand to cover the screen...not worth it IMO.
I used the egg crate and DSB in my fuge while growing macro algae. it's about a 12x12' area, and ~4 inchs's high. i used a very thin layer of CC over the first layer of screen(over the Plenum. then about a 2 inch layer of sand, screen then another 2 inch's of sand. then another screen, with about a 1/2 inch layer.
at first i was nervous, worrying that it would crash, or the plenum was filling with toxic gas's. So after about 2 months of restless nights "a friend" working at a hospital pilfered a VERY LONG syringe(used to get into the internal organs for large people he said) anyway...it was small enough to pierce the sand and screen, i took an air sample from down under....NO SMELL I did this every 2 months. and stopped after about a year....no problems.
For the longest time i was having problems with my RO unit, and the tap water's nitrate level was ~40, short of toting gallons of water from the LFS, i chose to use the tap...yea yea yea, very bad i know. but i have stopped this bad behavior. Before topping off my 5g/day every 2 days evap, the nitrates would be down around 30~35...clearly NNR was occurring...but me dumping in the 40 every 2 days jacked it back up, and it never really went down. Until i switched to RO water.
I can happily say, my nitrates hold at a steady 0.
Empirically i can say that the Plenum IS working as it should. I separated the DT from the fuge for 2 weeks. I removed the macro algae, and all crabs and snails. and placed a PH in the fuge to move the water around. then i placed 2 large shrimp(that sat out 2 days) ROTTEN!! into the fuge. 2 weeks later, the shrimp was completely broken down, 0 amm, 0 no2, 0 NITRATES!!!
a word of advice. This apparently is common knowledge to some. I was naive. But the fuge WILL get very dirty, and will become a nitrate factory. at first i thought it was the plenum crashing...i got POed and started braking the fuge down. I started shopvacing the right and left chamers out...then it hit me...the smell. Turns out it was not my DSB/Plenum dieing, it was the sludge.
SO! make sure you have a layer of screen close to the top of the sand, with a thin layer of sand...and toss in some crabs, snails, and other things...I'd stay away from stars or anything that will dig TOO deep. who knows, they may figure out a way in under the layers, and wont get out.