Originally Posted by
guy's, i appreciate your attention to my previous posts. I must say...i WANTED to use the mud originally...i have YET to see anyone using mud. for initial plenum setup.
However, i'm always one to see how scientifically it would be beneficial...both being a "devils advocate" and being a NUT!!!
If i were you(and had more money than god), i would try setting up a "mud" sump with plenum/DSB, and a "mud" sump with a DSB....and if $ permits the same with and without sand/CC...this experimenting would take a VERY long time and everyone under the sun would have a better opinion...
Honestly, stay away from the mud...let the company's with the $ and recourses to do such a test.
Stick with the Plum/CC/Sand/sand/sand setup....
Actually the mud refug I am attempting is patterned after Leng Sy’s Ecosystem aquarium method and Dr Adeys use of mud in the refugium. It has in fact been in use as a substrate for some time. I believe Adeys mud refug system came to into prominence in 1983 but the use of mud in algae filters has been practiced in the aquarium hobby for at least 40 years.The use of mud was predicted on the fact that it its more contusive to growth when using rooting algae. That being said I am partitioning off my refug at the center to go with mud on one side and CC/Sand on the other to do our own poor mans study as well as just getting a viable productive refugium