-=Political Opinions=-


This may be thought of as a stupid post to some, But just my opinion. First off how can anyone 18 and older go die in Iraq, But come home to U.S.A. Land of the FREE and not be allowed in a night club or drink a beer. Also Epehdrine supplements are banned because they caused a few deaths, but there are a lot of things that harm us way more, also seatbelt laws, why are we as an adult individual so important to the government that we deserve fines and jail for being a free individual in a free country. Be careful who you vote for this November if you want to be free citizins, you have no privacy anymore and things are only getting worse now. Kerry may not be the right choice but he is the only choice that we have to getting this monarchy out of the castle. 2 presidents, father snd son, Mideast mad at whom individuals wanting their oil reserves for free, and took terrorist action on USA for bushes namesake. Just my opinion, but It cant get anyworse till they get us to spend our life savings on fuel. Any comments to my thoughts. I cant be the only one to see that something is wrong right now. But lets take the word god out of the national anthem for the sake of politics, and crucify HOWARD STERN for trying to stand up for everyones rughts as an AMERICAN! Any thoughts?
P.S. Only opinions here no hard feelins on SWF.com!

sinner's girl

I thought you could buy alcohol if you had a military ID if you were under 21?
I've never heard of this. As far as know, in the U.S (most if not all states) you have to be 21 to buy. (that doesn't mean some places won't check)
The seat belt thing. I have an issue with that. Okay, if you're a passenger or driver under 18, fine, say they have to wear a seatbelt. But I don't think their should a law for those over 18.
Though I do agree with the drinking age being 21. You can die for this country at 18, but not buy. You're responsible enough to handle a gun (or worst) but not alcohol. This may be true. Most kids have no problem getting alcohol if they want it. I'm not the law really matters that much.
What annoys me is, I'm over 21, I can buy, yet in this stupid town I live in, I cannot buy after midnight or on Sundays. About two weeks ago, it was a friday night around 12:30, we were finish with our school work for the night and wanted wine coolers (not much alcohol, just taste good). And I couldn't buy them! I was so mad. I don't understand why 12am is the cutoff. I don't understand why there is a cutoff or why I can't buy on Sunday. I only drink when I don't have school or work the next day. :rolleyes:


Yeah, well don't even get me started on helmet laws. My head, my risk, my responsability, yet some shmuck outa nowhere can tell me what to do with it!!


they are trying to keep u safe. driving is not a right, it's a privelage, so yes, u must follow their rules

same with seat belts:yes:

sinner's girl

no one sells liquor on sunday......i dont think
You think wrong. :D You can buy on Sunday in New Orleans and surrounding areas. Which is where I grew up, so when I went to college, didn't have class on Monday, I didn't understand why I couldn't buy a drink. I didn't know we had such stupid laws. Give a few good reason, way I, a person over 21, cannot buy liguor? (though is this Bible Belt town, no hard liguor is sold within city limits or at restrants. I grew up with my parents buying at the drug store, or grocery store, ect.
To add to the seatbelt and helmet laws, I think that if don't wear one, and you're in an accendent, than insurance should have the right not to cover your medical bills for any damage due to you not wearing a seatbelt or helmet.
I can smoke and kill myself, but I can't go for an afternoon drive without an helmet? :confused: Smoking hurts those around you, not wearing a helmet only hurts me. I don't agree with this. (Of course, I always wear a helmet when riding with my dad).


well places around HERE dont sell on sunday :D
and u can smoke where u want, but u have to drive on public property. smoking is a nasty stinky habit, but safety safety, and i think it's nice that the government cares:D


Here, in this city, we have a three time tolerance. If your pulled over while driving drunk, you get NO penalty for the first 3 times... DON'T TELL ME that they're trying to keep me safe.
You are correct, they do call it a priveledge, but if I choose not to exercise that priveledge, I still have to pay the taxes to build, improve, and repair roads... It is only a "priveledge" so they have an excuse to inforce a bunch of rediculous laws. If it were TRULY a priveledge, then 90 year olds who are afraid of their vehicle, or 80% blind would have expired that priveledge. Drunk drivers would actually have a penalty. And my license wouldn't cost 20 bucks to get and then another 20 to re-new!


well here in one of the better states (INDIANA!) we have 0 tolerance for losers who drink and drive......what morons


I'm movi' to Indiana... No wait, I've been to Muncie once, hot as hell!!! I'm not movin' to Indiana.


lol, we have the worst weather ever! in the summer its hot as satan's toe nail, and in the winter, it's colder than a witch's teat!
stupid lake effect snow


Active Member

Originally posted by TangMan99
I thought you could buy alcohol if you had a military ID if you were under 21?

or at least i used to, when i was in the army. not even on post.


Active Member

Originally posted by Reef_Magic
no one sells liquor on sunday......i dont think:thinking:

I'm with JW on the risk thing. Seatbelts, helmets, gun locks etc. are all in place for us to use. Around here you can even get a bike helmet for free at the hospitals.
There was an accident here a few weeks ago, the entire family (kids included:mad: ), no seatbelts or CARSEATS :mad: )
Well, you can imagine the tragedy. But, there were a survivors with horrific problems due to them being throw from the car (mainly the kids.....DUH)
Now, here comes the fun part, no insurance and the kids have no parent, only the relative that was in the car who also has terrible injuries. The police said that if the kids were in the car seats they would have little injuries....the adults would have survied too.


Active Member
The rules are there to keep you and me safe. Do you really think that kids will where seatbelts, helmets or numerous other safety items and obey safety laws if the parents don't have to. It's also a matter of money. If everyone made enough money to pay for their own medical bills 100% then I doubt if there would be the laws but most people can't and I want to pay as little as I have to for your injuries if they had nothing to do with me.

tony detroit

Active Member
Money is the root of almost if not all decisions made by government.
Jlem-while you may think govt. employees give a slight care about you, they do not. In Michigan there is a helmet law for motorcyclists unlike in other states, now tell me why that is?
If you guessed for safety you are wrong. The law was passed because the amount of money emergency room visits were costing for closed head injuries was increasing at a staggering rate because most if not all of the people in motorcycle accidents too "tough" to wear helmets did not have medical insurance. The public payed for their accidents. The law is not there to keep me safe it is to save money. If government is worried about safety then they should just outlaw motorcycling altogether, which in 20 years would not surprise me at the rate things are going.


Active Member
Tony. You really think that it is you against the system don't you. I did say it was about the money also. I am sure that some govt officials care for your safety. As much as you may hate to realize it it is not you against the rich and powerfull. Goverment evolves with new people and new ideas so have an open mind and realize that some people that are more influential than you actually care, after all it may be true:D



Originally posted by TangMan99
I thought you could buy alcohol if you had a military ID if you were under 21?

On base only from what I know and that kind of defeats the purpose because most bases don't what they personnel drinking and getting intoxicated.