-=Political Opinions=-

tony detroit

Active Member
Jlem-In about 30 years when your kids are taking Chinese language lessons, and you cannot get enough food to eat. And your community has half the population it once did and we resemble modern day Mexico, then tell me how it is me against them. In the meantime, I am worried and supportive for a change in the way our government functions.
Here is the kicker, the government gets payed because the public does, it is not the other way around. Soon they will realize this when there are no jobs left in the states. Then they will have no cash flow. Their fairy dream land world will cease.


Staff member
:rolleyes: Is there anyone that really believes that we have seatbelt laws, or even airbags, because the government cares about our health or our lives??? No. The only reason we have to wear seatbelts is because it is cost-effective for ins companies.
One could argue that the seatbelt is a hazzard. For me, for instance. The top belt is constantly hiking up to my neck area. If I had to slam the breaks my seatbelt would probably strangle me. They were obviously made for men.
Not drinking on Sunday, or not selling alcohol on Sunday are muncipal or county laws. Believe me, there are plenty of places that will sell booze on Sunday.


Active Member

Originally posted by orion7
On base only from what I know and that kind of defeats the purpose because most bases don't what they personnel drinking and getting intoxicated.

I have never been on a base that sells alcohol to under 21. I know that some bases used to allow under 21 to drink if they whee located near a place that served alcohol that served to under 21 like mexico but that has changed. Even over in Cicily and Japan you have to be 21 to buy or drink alcohol.
Yony, do you really think that you have more of a clue on what is best for the counrty than the experts do. Come on man, they are the experts for a reason. What are you doing to change this country for the better. What political experience do you have and what laws have you tried to pass to change this horrible system. Do you write letters to your congressman about what they should do? I hate to break it to you buddy, but the country is ran by experts and it is run pretty darn smooth compared to the rest of the world.
Do you have something against Mexico. Will you work the same jobs that the mexicans do and will you pay white americans the wage that they want for those jobs. There is a reason why things are the way they are and it is not because of a corrupt money hungry Goverment, and it is not the mexicans or the chinese fault. You have food, shelter and people that fight to keep you free. So you are better off than 99 percent of the rest of the world. there is always work out there. It may not be the best work and you may have to work next to other nationalities but it is work and it is something.


Active Member
Originally posted by Beth
One could argue that the seatbelt is a hazzard. For me, for instance. The top belt is constantly hiking up to my neck area. If I had to slam the breaks my seatbelt would probably strangle me. They were obviously made for men.
You make a great point. After all you have the windshield to slow you down as you are ythrown onto the pavement and ran over.:notsure:
Do you think that once people get into Goverment they forget about safety. I am sure that saving money drives lots of laws but you can't convince me that sefety never even crossed anybodies mind. If a law saves lives and saves money then what is wrong with that. Do you have any political experience with making laws? Do you hang around these lawmakers that have turned into zombies for corporations? Do you realize that most politicians have been in politics for decades before they even make difference so how does an early 20 something ( If I am wrong about your age I apologize ) know anything about how politics work.


Staff member
The seatbelt laws were passed because the ins companies lobbied for it. Plain and simple. While it is the government’s job to protect me from terrorist or foreign invasions, it is not their job to protect me from flying thru the windshield. This is the USA where individuals have the right to choose, so long as no one else gets hurt. Cross the boarders in any direction and you can live where the government “knows best”. Thank goodness, in this country we know that the people know what is best. It really is no one’s business if I wear a seat belt or not, or, it shouldn’t be anyone’s business, let alone the government’s.
Early 20s! Don’t I wish!!! :D. I work for the government and have been doing so for 22 yrs. Believe me, I know a thing or 2 about how it works. Here is my job title: Government Operations Consultant. Now that should tell you some of things I do as a public servant.
Anyway, you want to debate about the pharmaceutical companies now and how they have a grip on the medical profession? :scared:


IMO I think the pharm. companies and our government work hand in hand. Some of these illnesses with no cure, have no cure for a reason. They make billions of dollars from selling the meds. Do you think that they can put a man on the moon, but can't find a cures for common illnesses? It is a very big money game. Another thorn in my side, and don't take this the wrong way, is the fact that our country can spend billions of dollars to rebuild Iraq (from destruction we created) but then I get letters in the mail from Saint Judes childrens hospital asking me for money of which I don't have. Like in the Clay Walker song "a few questions", the first two lines sum it up best to me "How in this world can we put a man on the moon,
And still have a need for a place like St Jude's?" But really, we need to spend more money to find out if there was ever water on Mars cause when they prove it, We will all sleep better!


Staff member
I don’t know that I would go so far as to say that the pharmaceutical companies have prevented cures to diseases. However, that they do control the medical profession they most certainly do. Not in an overt sense in that doctors are in cahoots with drug companies, but that medical people are trained and that their training is funded by drug companies. Anyone who has ever been to a doctor knows that the only cure to anything is a medication prescription. And if one drug makes you sick, then the solution is to take another drug or more tests to see if you suddenly have colon cancer or something. When the solution is to simply stop take the drug that is making you sick.
It is simply so inherent with our medical people to follow the path of drug after drug, test after test [none of which is free to the sick person and most of which is a waste of time and money] that most can not listen to the patient and treat the patient rather than trying to fit symptoms into some kind of drug-cure. Yes, medical advances are a wonder and all that, but I truly believe that doctors need to get back to basics and look at the person as a whole, rather than just another prescription that needs to be written or a series of costly tests that are, for most people, a waste of time, money and fear.
Anybody notice that when you have been sitting in your doctor’s office for 2 hrs waiting to be seen how fast the guys wearing suits and carrying the big briefcases get in? Zero wait time. LOL They are the pushers of legal drugs and work very hard trying to convince your doc to peddle their latest and greatest medication. Consider that the next time your doc hands you a bag full of free meds!
As for the space program, I definitely support it. If people are reincarnated, I defiantly look forward to the day that I will be visiting the galaxy, if not colonizing it. We can not live off Earth’s resources forever. It’s a great little planet, but it does have limited resources. What we spend on Space is nothing compared to what we spend on countries that hate our guts. Yes, it is important to know that there is water on MARS [there is BTW in the polor region] because some day we will be living on MARS, or at least visiting and studying there. Mars exploration is the jumping stone to our next step in reaching for stars [and the planets that circle those stars]. There is life out their folks, and we need to be proactive technologically in finding it.


Active Member

Originally posted by Beth
Early 20s! Don’t I wish!!!

I apologize. I thought I read in a thread awhile ago that you said you where in your early 20's. I still think that unless you are able to pay for 100% of your medical bills then there needs to be laws so my tax dollars and insurance premiums don't pay for somebody not wearing their seatbelts or helmets. It should not be your choice if it affects other people.
It should not the goverments job to run a bread line for it's lazy citizens. There is oportunity for everyone in this country.

tony detroit

Active Member
Ok Jlem, here is my question for you. Suppose the government cares about my safety huh?
Ok, well then why does the government subsidize tobacco farmers? Not too keen on my safety there are they? The government knowingly subsidizes the production of a cancer causing product, spends multi-millions on subsidizing the farmers, then taxes the crap out of the final good. Why, MONEY.
The government gives 2 ***** about you.
Politicians are not experts. 90% are family/friends of other politicians. Political decisions are based on making/saving money, PERIOD.
Look at your current president and tell me that he would be there if not for his family while trying to keep a straight face. He is no expert. He has no real world experience. I could outsmart Bush in so many ways it is sickening and the truth of the matter is that I do not consider myself a smart person, egotistical maniacs that stare at themselves for 2 hours a day in the mirror think they are smart.
You are not in a free country, and more importantly, you never will be.
It has been my experience that the only people usually defending irrational government practices are employees of the government. Coincidence? You don't usually see government employees quitting their jobs do you? Wonder why that is?


Staff member

Originally posted by tony detroit
It has been my experience that the only people usually defending irrational government practices are employees of the government.

Well, I think I just proved this statement wrong just by my open comments here.
jlem, if you don't want higher ins premiums, then consider my comments on the medical profession. My comments there is the reason we have higher health ins, not seatbelts. Also, with that line of thinking, we should outlaw smoking and alcohol. Certainly both substances cause more health and death problems then not wearing a seatbelt ever will.
Anyway, this is just a discussion, so so lets not get irate about anything we jabber about here.

tony detroit

Active Member

Originally posted by jlem
Do you have something against Mexico. Will you work the same jobs that the mexicans do and will you pay white americans the wage that they want for those jobs. There is a reason why things are the way they are and it is not because of a corrupt money hungry Goverment,

Do me a favor when you get your next paycheck. Take your gross pay. Add it up. Take the total amount of taxdollars withheld and add them up. Then divide your property taxes by 12, calculate all of the taxes you pay when you purchase things at the store, and add in all the energy taxes you pay.
At the end of the month I can almost guarantee you, you have no bigger bill than the taxes you pay.
Cost of living here is out of control because of irrational government decisions and programs. Wasting my money. Don't worry, when Mexico gets enough of its own money they will take ALL of industry as well as China. Only a matter of time my friend.


Active Member
nobody is forcing you to live here, you dont like it here? get the hell out. it is a free country. you think there is a better place to live in the world? go ahead move there, we have enough whiners in this country as it is. The only problem this country has is people that take what they have for granted, while your sitting there bitching about how bad you got it, we have Young men and women giving thier life for your life style. You think our president is wrong for being in iraq? This country wanted BLOOD after 911 and thats what drove us to war, our president waited after 911 because the emotions were high. To say your not in a free country and never will be is crap, Tony you just seem to think you got it so rough cause you work hard at your job, you dont know the first clue of how rough people have it all over the world, you just like to complain and cry even tho you have food in your stomach and shelter over your head and no bullets wizzing past your head. Our president may not be the smartest guy in the world, but i know he loves America, and really when was the last time we had a smart president anyway? there will always be corruption in any goverment, were human being people were not perfect beings thats just the way it is, and has always been, wake up. Its kinda like our legal system it isnt perfect and never will be, but its the best we can do, dont like it? move somewhere else and see how thiers is.


Active Member

Originally posted by tony detroit
Do me a favor when you get your next paycheck. Take your gross pay. Add it up. Take the total amount of taxdollars withheld and add them up. Then divide your property taxes by 12, calculate all of the taxes you pay when you purchase things at the store, and add in all the energy taxes you pay.
At the end of the month I can almost guarantee you, you have no bigger bill than the taxes you pay.
Cost of living here is out of control because of irrational government decisions and programs. Wasting my money. Don't worry, when Mexico gets enough of its own money they will take ALL of industry as well as China. Only a matter of time my friend.

:hilarious :hilarious :hilarious :hilarious :hilarious :hilarious

tony detroit

Active Member

Originally posted by krowleey
Its kinda like our legal system it isnt perfect and never will be, but its the best we can do, dont like it? move somewhere else and see how thiers is.

1. Our legal system is far from the best we can do. It is not changed because people will lose jobs that are related to legal issues. Kinda funny how the only "free" country in the world has more people incarcerated per-capita than ANY other country in the world.
2.The brits have a much better legal system than ours. If I could move there and have the same pay I make here I would in a second.
3. As far as the war effort goes. The bush family and friends have other ideas for the war that you have been misled from seeing. I support the soldiers over there because they are our soldiers, but I do not support the war effort whatsoever.
I am not saying this is the worst place on earth. What I am saying is that by simply correcting some issues you could turn this country around much better than what it is right now.
Another point I would like to make is that people here do not take things for granted, they work like dogs. Have you ever worked 80hr. weeks to pay your bills before? People in other countries work 30hrs. a week and actually have the time to enjoy the finer things in life. Here you have to work day and night to maintain a lifestyle just above poverty.


It is a sad situation for such a great nation of people to be held down by taking beliefs in government and everything "they" tell us with only a few brave enough to stanp for their beliefs. And I agree with the fact of supporting our troops in this war, not for the sake of supporting this oil fueled battle, but for the sake of these brave men and women that proudly serve this country. And yes it is sad that some americans aren't born into royalty and have to work so hard to keep a roof over their family's heads, that they don't get to see their children grow up.
I know first hand as me and my wife struggle now, with low paying jobs that I am leaving in 2 weeks to shreveport Louisiana, to get some decent union work with my father 1500 miles away from home so my family can have food and clothes, and every one in my family as far back as I can remember have worked their a@@es off just to aquire what little they have had. It is easy to have things given to you, but when you sacrifice the enjoyment off seeing your children off to bed and waking up with them in the morning just to give them simple things in life then sometimes it makes you wonder just how this great country might be a little better off if we weren't so $ hungry, and took the time to enjoy what really is important. :nope:



Originally posted by Tizzo
Here, in this city, we have a three time tolerance. If your pulled over while driving drunk, you get NO penalty for the first 3 times... DON'T TELL ME that they're trying to keep me safe.
You are correct, they do call it a priveledge, but if I choose not to exercise that priveledge, I still have to pay the taxes to build, improve, and repair roads... It is only a "priveledge" so they have an excuse to inforce a bunch of rediculous laws. If it were TRULY a priveledge, then 90 year olds who are afraid of their vehicle, or 80% blind would have expired that priveledge. Drunk drivers would actually have a penalty. And my license wouldn't cost 20 bucks to get and then another 20 to re-new!

where i live it's 45 bucks to get license plates, and 40 to get your renewal sticker for your license plate EACH year and like 25 to renew your license
I think that's alot


Active Member

Originally posted by tony detroit
Do me a favor when you get your next paycheck. Take your gross pay. Add it up. Take the total amount of taxdollars withheld and add them up. Then divide your property taxes by 12, calculate all of the taxes you pay when you purchase things at the store, and add in all the energy taxes you pay.
At the end of the month I can almost guarantee you, you have no bigger bill than the taxes you pay.

I actually make a couple thousand dollars more than I pay into the system at tax time so better find a different approach.

Also, those tax dollars pay for your safety so better not skimp on that. Americans pay a whole lot less taxes tan the rest of the industrial nations, and I mean a whole lot so learn what you are talking about man. You are like the Beaslbob of this forum man:D


Active Member

Originally posted by tony detroit
Another point I would like to make is that people here do not take things for granted, they work like dogs. Have you ever worked 80hr. weeks to pay your bills before? People in other countries work 30hrs. a week and actually have the time to enjoy the finer things in life. Here you have to work day and night to maintain a lifestyle just above poverty.

Alright, I am all about opinions but you are so full of crap on this one is it rediculous. Have you been over seas and where have you been ( besides flying into an airport )? Actually you could mention where you have been and you would obviously be full of crap because americans work less than any other countries citizens execpt for the oil countries of the middle east.
You can't possibly prove me wrong because I have been all around the world and seen how hard people and even kids work. I like debating with you Tony but you are just so far off on this one it is rediculous


Active Member

Originally posted by ka0z4allu
I know first hand as me and my wife struggle now, with low paying jobs that I am leaving in 2 weeks to shreveport Louisiana, to get some decent union work with my father 1500 miles away from home so my family can have food and clothes, and every one in my family as far back as I can remember have worked their a@@es off just to aquire what little they have had.

And this is the goverments fault or is it the path that your family has took. It's everybodies fault but yours isn't it. It's Mcdonalds fault because their coffee was to hot and your neighbors fault because you tripped on his property. Take responsability and work to make it better. No body can make you fail but yourself.


Active Member
Tony i drove truck over the road for 6 years, i worked 24/7 and lived in my truck. trucks stop so does america, talk about an unappreciative job, we live like kings in this country for you not to see that is what my point is. yes there is poverty and yes you have to work to live, thats life. you say you would move to the the UK if you can make as much money as you do here? you are making my argument there. as far as the war goes it's sad that people in this country can not see or care about how other nations are treating thier own people, mabey if people beat your wife for not wearing a mask you can understand thier cry for help. The women have no rights there it has always been that way, why do you think they all move here? Cause it sucks so bad? War is not pretty, and there really is no such thing as a humane war, but we HAVE to put a stop to terrists and enforce humanity. as for the prison system, what would you do with all the murders, drug dealers and petifiles? let them roam the streets free? should we do like alot of countries and cut off limbs, and just execute them? If there is a better system please step up and explain it, and do something about it, after all you do live in a free country where you have freedom of speech and have rights....