Post a pic of your nano


Active Member
So I was thinking it would be cool if everyone who can, would post an up to date photo of their nano in one spot so we can all oooo and awwwww. So post a pic everyone! It will be fun, YEA!!!!



Funny thing I got a single small piece on a rock, which I tore off. About a week later I noticed it had started growing in the sand...and a month later BOOM its all over the front of my sand floor!
I think it's called Caulerpa, let me know if I'm wrong ^^;


Originally Posted by ccampbell57
Here is my 20 custom

Is that a maxima in that 20 gallon?
What lighting?


My tank as of yesterday. Almost a month old!! Truly amazing to watch something that didn't exist in August be teeming with life today!



Active Member
Originally Posted by CGJ
Is that a maxima in that 20 gallon?
What lighting?
It is a crocea. I have SunPac Retrofits in the hood of the tank. They are each 40w.
It is doing great!

The clam looks great
I have a small maxima in my tank under pc lighting that is doing well, everyone in these forums seem to think it can't be done or won't survive. However, I found quite a few people with them in aquapods doing well in other areas....He seems to be doing well, so I guess I will see...