Post a pic of your nano


Active Member
Originally Posted by ER..MD
The clam looks great
I have a small maxima in my tank under pc lighting that is doing well, everyone in these forums seem to think it can't be done or won't survive. However, I found quite a few people with them in aquapods doing well in other areas....He seems to be doing well, so I guess I will see...

look at where theyre found in the ocean and this is why people recommend strong lighting. go over to -- under the tridacnid forum and ask chris about the lighting or ask ez


Active Member
Here is a new photo of my fire shrimp and orchid. Hey peef were you talking to me when you said Nice rock work, you have plenty of space for Corals ? If so do you think a Frogspawn would be a good coral to go with ? So far all i have is that green star polyp. and thanks for the comment :) Your tank looks awesome btw


Active Member
Yes I was, I think you have enough room and a nice enough ledge to have a good arrangement. I think that frogspawn would look very nice in your tank. Thanks for the compliment.
The 3 zoo frags that I ordered have been lost in the mail for 3 days so they are probably all dead
They were AWESOME it sucks.


Thats sucks Peef!!! I dont like having stuff mailed to me because of this exact reason - you never know what is going to happen with it.
I will post a pic of my 30 gal cube later some time when the water clears up a bit - did a small water change so its a little cloudy.


Active Member
i wil get a pic of my 10g soon, but it dones't have corals. just tubeworms, shrimp, clownfish, a turbo snail, and a couple anemones on the top left over from when my anemone crab died


Active Member
latest one of my aquapod 24 @ 3.5 weeks. Got a little diatom action going on right now, should clear up in a few days. Got an order of shrooms and astrea snails coming tomorrow.



Originally Posted by DeMartini
great tanks everyone!
ccfl your tank is beautiful! it looks pretty new... How old is it?
Thanks! It's about 7 months old.


Active Member
ccfl I really like your alot.
Come Perfect Dark and DeMartini put yours up!!!!!!!!


Originally Posted by joncat24
thank you
ccfl---that is gorgeous!!!
Thanks! I'm really happy how well it's turning out!!! Just my pocket book isn't so happy...LOL