Thanks for all comments. It was a chore to do this but when you love fish its well worth it. keep me posted so I can see your finished product. take your time and do it right and it will look awesome when your done.....
i made a HUGE stand so i can comfortably keep my equiptment in there, work under there and to the far right i have my own storage compartment for salt, testing eqiptment , plumbign supplies etc. etc.
I used 1x4's and then staple 1/8 " paneling to them for support. it is sturdy. I didn't eevn mitre the corners at 45deg. I thought the doors were going to be hard but luckily they were really easy. let me know if you need help or pics. JOE
Originally Posted by hckycoz
Grog, You know I'm copyin your design so i was wondering if you could help me out with a few things?
Sure, what do you want to know?
You can email me at if you want more direct answers.