Post Pics Of Your Clownfish


Originally Posted by Jesses89
Very nice clowns Rod,....
Rod, Where can i get clowns like that?
Rod is a very well known breeder around here. I know there is a wait for his Onyx Clowns.
Drop me a email and I point you to where you can get some. (or at least get in line)


ric maniac

Active Member
Originally Posted by NPage
Rod is a very well known breeder around here. I know there is a wait for his Onyx Clowns.
Drop me a email and I point you to where you can get some. (or at least get in line)

for clowns that beautfull they would proabably cost an arm and a leg! hmm... im thinkin amputation


yeah thats what i thought, but saw the pricing and let me tell ya.. its not what i expected.. a lot less.
but bumpity bumppppppp
i know theres atleast 200+ of you people left on here with a clownfish or three...
lets see them...
Post Your Pic. Show us your beauties.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ric maniac
how about if i have 15w pcs in a 5g hex? with high flow an it has been set up for a long time but nothing is in it or has been for months. could i make it a tank with nothing but clean up crew a pair of a SMALL species of clown and a bta? just wondering. dont worry, if it wont work i wont do it.
No.. sorry.. first IMO there are no small species of clowns... the smallest there are I believe are False Perc's and at full size they can get to 3 or 4 inches. Also you will not be able to keep up with the water quality you will need to have a BTA in a tank as small as that. The Anenome will be cramped and very unhappy. Even the smallest bta's will triple in size when inflated making the space they inhabit shrink exponentially. Your clowns will be forced to one side of the tank if they dont host, to which there is no guarantee. And lastly anenomes of any species can catch and eat fish. If there is no relationship between the 2 and your clowns fall asleep at night the probability of them becoming a snack for the bta is high due to lack of space.


niceeeeeeeeeee..... what species of larvae is that?
What do you have them in? and what do you feed?


Originally Posted by CoralDude
Here's my Black Ocellaris (who has recently hosted with some orange zoos
, haven't been able to get a pic yet)
I finally got a pic! (Not the best pic, but it took me an hour of taking pictures)


Here are Mr. and Mrs. Clownfish. The Mrs is in the anemone and the Mr is peeking.


New Member
Originally Posted by Jesses89
niceeeeeeeeeee..... what species of larvae is that?
What do you have them in? and what do you feed?
Mommy is a true perc and Daddy is an Ocellaris, My larvae rearing tank is a 5 gallon cheap - o tank and I have 3 10 gallon tanks for grow out. As for food you start with rotifers then move on to NHBBS and finally pulverized flake. I am no expert, I am just getting started in rearing them. Pugi


Her is My Maroon Clown, Mr. Marello. That hoodlum jumping in the pic is Marello's best friend, Blockhead.


Originally Posted by sambucus
Here's to representing the Clarkii clowns

Hey i think that those might be allards because they have the white on top of the caudal fin