post pis of your aggressive tanks


HI all

I am helping a friend set up an agressive tank.
I don't know to much about these I am a reefer man here (no pun ment ..lOl)
anyway were thinking 90-180gal for this set up would like to see other ppl tanks with any info you think we should know.


What kind of aggressive fish is your friend thinking of keeping? This will help deturmin the tank size needed. Have them make a list of fish that they are considering. Good filltration will be needed for aggressive. Aggressive fish are heavy on the bio load.Depending on the fish keeped cleaning crew such as snails or hermit crabs will end up beeing snacks. Also a good skimmer is a must. Tell your friend to buy the biggest tank he or she can afford. Buying a smaller tank in the begining than haveing to up grade in lets say 6-12 months is not cheaper than just buying the 180 from the start. Your friend will not need any special lighting for a fish only tank. Normal output will be fine or just 2x65 pc lights work well. Hope this helps If you had a little more info i could help a little more.


if your friend is looking to re-define agressive tank and has alot of money to blow
I think it would be sweet to see about a 500 gallon aquarium with a undualed trigger, queen trigger, and giant clown trigger, and maby a 7ft green moray
then we call it a phycotic tank. ***)
but getting back to reality that setup I dont think would work
But would be a crazy crazy setup


thanks every one!
of course the bigger tank the better! that is what I tiold him after looking at my 240 gal reef.:) most likely he will do a 125 6 foot ones to 180 range.
this is his fish list:
Porcupine puffer
ribbon or snow flake eel
an angle like koran or Emperor
and a tang like purple
the only one for sure is the porcupine puffer.
we would like to see more pics of your tanks!!
keep em coming:)


Originally Posted by vezina345
her's 1 more pic
I like the skull you put in there, haha good idea for an aggressive tank...looks good by the way


Originally Posted by aquatics24
I like the skull you put in there, haha good idea for an aggressive tank...looks good by the way
Thanks, I normally go for a more reallistic look but could not pass that up. One of my morays lived in it until he/she outgrew it. I've got more rocks around it now also so it is not as in your face as before and with more growth it blends in alot better.


Originally Posted by Devaji108
thanks every one!
of course the bigger tank the better! that is what I tiold him after looking at my 240 gal reef.:) most likely he will do a 125 6 foot ones to 180 range.
this is his fish list:
Porcupine puffer
ribbon or snow flake eel
an angle like koran or Emperor
and a tang like purple
the only one for sure is the porcupine puffer.
we would like to see more pics of your tanks!!
keep em coming:)
I've read that ribbon eels are hard to keep, personally I would go with the moray. The porc puffer will look good they're very cool fish, a friend of mine has one.
Do you have any pic of your 240?


Originally Posted by vezina345
Thanks, I normally go for a more reallistic look but could not pass that up. One of my morays lived in it until he/she outgrew it. I've got more rocks around it now also so it is not as in your face as before and with more growth it blends in alot better.
right on man...ive been thinking of doing that but making it blend in like you were saying...or buying like a hollow pirate ship model and breakin it in half and making it look like the hull snapped when it sunk...but like you say the more realistic look is always better


Active Member
I wouldn't keep a Porcupine puffer with a lion .. the puffers tend to nip at the lions fins


Ok, I'm just starting this tank, 150g, so it is kind of bare. Going slow.
But so far there is Fats Domino, Roy the Trigger fish, Dori (of course). In QT I have Reba the porcipine puffer, and Walker "Texas Grazer" (algae blenny)
Oh and the killer Black Clown, although he is in his own reef tank.



here is my aggressive tank 180 corner. I have a rare cat fish in it for now. Just waiting for the sump though
thanks for making this thread. Now I can see what I want to add to my tank.
