Post questions that don't need a thread here!


yeah I hate fshing on windy days it sucks especially if I want to be in the boat and I dont get to go very often .


Active Member
Quick question.
Overflow 600 GPH
Will this pump support it?
Odyssea WP-1000 Water Pump Its 1350gph with head of 13 feet.


more than likely but I would look for a different pump There is a lot of problems getting replacement parts for these types of pumps. I have a skimmer by them and the pump leaks air and I cant get a replacement that will fit it.


I get a lot of evaporation from my tank, and am using real ocean water. What is the best way to keep the salinity down and still add real salt water. I have just been adding tap water to the ocean water before I add it, is this a good Idea?


tap water NO tap water has a lot of polutants.
Water evaporates but salt does not so adding freshwater to the tank is the only way to keep the SG where it needs to be. I eould get RO or RO/DI water from walmart or simliar store unless you want to purchase your own unit usual costs are about 150-200$ or so.


Ok thanks, but do you add the RO/DI water directly into the tank ore do I need to mix it with the ocean water?


just the water if you add it to more saltwater you are going to raise the salinity since salt does not evaporate.


Active Member
Oceanic salt does not contain ammonia. I have been using it for 3 years now and have never encountered ammonia issues. It does have a very low alkalinity though.


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
Oceanic salt does not contain ammonia. I have been using it for 3 years now and have never encountered ammonia issues. It does have a very low alkalinity though.
I must've gotten a bad batch because whenever I add salt to my mixing water it jumps from 0 to .25.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TriGa22
Quick question.
Overflow 600 GPH
Will this pump support it?
Odyssea WP-1000 Water Pump Its 1350gph with head of 13 feet.

This pump will more than support it. You need to make sure taht you are not pushing more than 600gph at your head. If so you will drain your sump. The pump should never exceed the maximum siphon rate.
You can divert some water back into the sump via a Y and valve.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beatlesfan
I must've gotten a bad batch because whenever I add salt to my mixing water it jumps from 0 to .25.
Test your water before mixing salt (be sure you ammonia test kit is for both fresh and saltwater). It your not using RO or you have a bad filter it may be coming from the municipal water. Cities use chloramine - chlorine and ammonia to disinfect water lines.

who dey

Active Member
what can i do to my skimmer to produce a less wet skimm?? Lower water level in the reaction chamber???? Not as thick as i think it should be. Kinda like tea colored water with some dry foam on the top?? I only have 2 percs a mandrin and a royal gramma, feedings are a few times a week of flake. Could the light bioload be why?? It's a proclear aquatics rated for a 250gal on a 55gal. Maybe thats why also?? :thinking:

who dey

Active Member
Originally Posted by sign guy
who dey what kind of pump is pushing your skimmer?
Not sure??whatever came with it?? But it flows pretty damn good

sign guy

Active Member
Im not a big fan of pro clear's skimmers, cant remember can you lower the water in your skimmer? That is how most skimmers dry skim, by allowing about 3-5 inches from the water line in the skimmer to the drop off in the skimmer cup

who dey

Active Member
Originally Posted by sign guy
Im not a big fan of pro clear's skimmers, cant remember can you lower the water in your skimmer? That is how most skimmers dry skim, by allowing about 3-5 inches from the water line in the skimmer to the drop off in the skimmer cup
i can raise and lower the water level by adjusting the exhaust pipe up and down

sign guy

Active Member
3330 post how cool is that anyway I think that is a rio pump. its not a neddle wheel pump, it just throws water up and hopes it will create micro bubbles. this company makes exelant sumps and tanks but horible skimmers