Post Your Age!


Just turned 28 this past Tuesday...............The numbers seem to go faster than me. I will have to find a way to stop that
. I know who the pup shark is


Active Member
Profile has correct year but not month and day- currently 44
Now for Clown boy - I would guess 13-18 based on posts last year, if they were accurate - He said he was a teenager and home schooled (that's what stuck out in my memory). That's 13 -18 unless a super senior,then possibly 19. He once said his mom wouldn't like seeing certain posts, lower the age. It's hard to believe 18yrs or higher would have that close of parental monitoring on a saltwater fish board. I say 14


Im 29 and turn 30 in Feb. But everyone who sees me thinks I'm 22 or so. So hopefully when I am 40 I will look 30 and so on


Active Member
Originally Posted by GeriDoc
62, but sometimes I feel so good that I feel like I'm 58

Jeez Geri I though since you'd been in this hobby so long you were like 150+.... Just kidding. good to see you again.


Active Member
Okay, Okay .... thanks to GeriDoc I don't feel so bad now.
My age isssssssssssss ......


Active Member
Originally Posted by jtrzerocool
you know you acting like you are 12...

Nope ... not even close ...