Powell Endorses Comrade Obama


Active Member
Not really a surprise. Figured if he was going to support McCain it would have happened at the convention.
Quite unfortunate that Powell came out and spread the false claim that McCain was suggesting Obama is a Muslim. Quite the contrary McCain was took the mic away from some idiot at one of his events and corrected her when she was saying he was Arab.
Obviously the Obama campaign must have seen something in the poll numbers they didn't like. I still think this was over but this should give Obus a little bump.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
There are reports that ACORN promised to give Powell the state of California when they get into office.

I think we will now see some other former Secretary of State and Generals step forward and back one of the two.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Not really a surprise. Figured if he was going to support McCain it would have happened at the convention.
Quite unfortunate that Powell came out and spread the false claim that McCain was suggesting Obama is a Muslim. Quite the contrary McCain was took the mic away from some idiot at one of his events and corrected her when she was saying he was Arab.
That isn't what Powell said at all. He said that McCain had not mad such a claim, but he was distressed that such claims were being made by individuals in the campaign. He was right, it is certainly true that elements in the republican party have played on xenophobia as a tactic.


Active Member
Originally Posted by salty blues
Powell's endorsement for obama is based entirely on their similar skin pigmentation. End of story.
What an ignorant statement!!! So the guy supports Obama so he must be prejudiced.
Because he's got such a history of racial prejudice, right?
You SWF republicans get dumber by the day. Powell supports Obama so he must be racist, huh? If not racist, then of course he's also a socialist and a pedophile... and he probably has ties to terrorism too (*wink *wink).

What does this tell you about McCain's foreign policy theories of "shoot 'em all and worry about it later"? Foreign policy was supposed to be McCain's strength in this election and now the most prominent military leader of our time cannot support his views. While I don't think this election is over, this is a big hit to the McCain side.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
What an ignorant statement!!! So the guy supports Obama so he must be prejudiced.
Because he's got such a history of racial prejudice, right?
You SWF republicans get dumber by the day. Powell supports Obama so he must be racist, huh? If not racist, then of course he's also a socialist and a pedophile... and he probably has ties to terrorism too (*wink *wink).

What does this tell you about McCain's foreign policy theories of "shoot 'em all and worry about it later"? Foreign policy was supposed to be McCain's strength in this election and now the most prominent military leader of our time cannot support his views. While I don't think this election is over, this is a big hit to the McCain side.
Just when you thought it was safe, huh?


Active Member
well you have two options, one powell doesn't know what he thinks about domestic policy. So he teams up with Bush then supports someone who according to fellow faculty at harvard is the most marxists candidate we've ever had. Or it is a decision based on race.
I think both options are viable.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
well you have two options, one powell doesn't know what he thinks about domestic policy. So he teams up with Bush then supports someone who according to fellow faculty at harvard is the most marxists candidate we've ever had. Or it is a decision based on race.
I think both options are viable.
Third option - he meant what he said, that he was supporting the better candidate for President.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GeriDoc
Third option - he meant what he said, that he was supporting the better candidate for President.
Fourth option-sse's the writing on the wall. Looks like Obama will win and Powell be lookin' for a job.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
Fourth option-sse's the writing on the wall. Looks like Obama will win and Powell be lookin' for a job.

This is most likely the more accurate scenario. I am surprised at this from him.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GeriDoc
That isn't what Powell said at all. He said that McCain had not mad such a claim, but he was distressed that such claims were being made by individuals in the campaign. He was right, it is certainly true that elements in the republican party have played on xenophobia as a tactic.

As he was leaving the studio Powell said the McCain had said Obama was a Muslim. During the Meet the Press show Powell said as you laid it out, but "Elements" of the republican party? I haven't heard that from any party officials either.


Active Member
Originally Posted by salty blues
Powell's endorsement for obama is based entirely on their similar skin pigmentation. End of story.
I don't really believe that. I think Powell is wrong in his choice but I think it has more to do with his liberal social views more than anything.


Active Member
After watching the Meet the press interview I think the timing was based on Powells disagreement with Obama's cut and run Iraq policy. It's pretty clear we have the upper hand and it's time to start the handoff but Powell has been consistent in his assertion that an arbitrary date for withdrawal was foolish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by salty blues
Did you just call me dumb?

This statement you made....Powell's endorsement for obama is based entirely on their similar skin pigmentation. End of story -- it doesn't show a high degree of intellect and IMO, shows your true colors.