Powell Endorses Comrade Obama

veni vidi vici

Active Member
“I’m also very pleased to have the endorsement of four former secretaries of state, Secretaries (Henry) Kissinger, (James) Baker, (Larry) Eagleburger and (Alexander) Haig. And I’m proud to have the endorsement of well over 200 retired Army generals and admirals,”

salty blues

Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
This statement you made....Powell's endorsement for obama is based entirely on their similar skin pigmentation. End of story -- it doesn't show a high degree of intellect and IMO, shows your true colors.
So are you trying to tell me that the millions of blacks who are supporting obama are doing so based on ideology only? What planet are you living on?
Originally Posted by salty blues
So are you trying to tell me that the millions of blacks who are supporting obama are doing so based on ideology only? What planet are you living on?
This black person is not voting for Obama because he's black. I voted for Bill twice, GORE, AND Kerry. Iam a democrat. Now Im sure there are some black people who are excited to see the very first half black POTUS, does not compare to the racist caucasians that downright wont vote for Obama based on his color. Most people vote based on their party affiliations. There are millions of white voters out there for Obama also. He could not have reached this far if it was'nt for the diversified voters he have gotten. I have a caucasian friend who has an Obama sticker on his car. One day another causcasian pulls up next to him and asks if he knows that he's white? When he replied yes the other guy told him to vote like it then. My black friend has an Obama sticker on her car and one day a caucasian guy pulls up next to her and starts cursing at her because of her Obama sticker.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
This statement you made....Powell's endorsement for obama is based entirely on their similar skin pigmentation. End of story -- it doesn't show a high degree of intellect and IMO, shows your true colors.
"I stand before you tonight as an African-American," The Times quoted Powell as telling the audience. "Many people say to me, 'You became secretary of state of the USA., is it really necessary to say you are an African-American, or that you are black?' And I say, 'Yes,' so that we can remind our children. It took a lot of people struggling to bring me to this point in history. I didn't just drop out of the sky. People came from my continent in chains. There's no reason a new Africa can't be created right here and now.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
"I stand before you tonight as an African-American," The Times quoted Powell as telling the audience. "Many people say to me, 'You became secretary of state of the USA., is it really necessary to say you are an African-American, or that you are black?' And I say, 'Yes,' so that we can remind our children. It took a lot of people struggling to bring me to this point in history. I didn't just drop out of the sky. People came from my continent in chains. There's no reason a new Africa can't be created right here and now.
I have lost all respect for the man at this point. I rank him right down there with Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton. I would have had 10-fold more respect for his nomination support, if he had just left this card out of it. I might not of liked it, but I would have taken his career, name, and reputation and accepted it. But this is freakin' rediculous.


Active Member
Originally Posted by gonefishcrazy
This black person is not voting for Obama because he's black. I voted for Bill twice, GORE, AND Kerry. Iam a democrat. Now Im sure there are some black people who are excited to see the very first half black POTUS, does not compare to the racist caucasians that downright wont vote for Obama based on his color. Most people vote based on their party affiliations. There are millions of white voters out there for Obama also. He could not have reached this far if it was'nt for the diversified voters he have gotten. I have a caucasian friend who has an Obama sticker on his car. One day another causcasian pulls up next to him and asks if he knows that he's white? When he replied yes the other guy told him to vote like it then. My black friend has an Obama sticker on her car and one day a caucasian guy pulls up next to her and starts cursing at her because of her Obama sticker.
So you are saying there are no racist Blacks who are voting for Obama simply because he is black?


Active Member
So, doesn't the mere fact that we are continually having a debate about whether people are going to vote according to skin color prove that race relations aren't peachy keen as most people think?
I was just thinking about this as I was reading down the thread.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
This argument amuses me.
What the **** happend to "we are all equal, let's get on with life"? I thought our Country was a little further along, but this election is bringing out the worst. If Obama is elected, my guess is (I won't say, because I'll have the Secret Service over here investigating, but you know some nut is going to make an attempt). If Obama is not elected, then there is likely to be a major cival uprising in every low-income subcommon throughout America. This is going to be interesting to say the least.


Active Member
Originally Posted by gonefishcrazy
I have a caucasian friend who has an Obama sticker on his car. One day another causcasian pulls up next to him and asks if he knows that he's white? When he replied yes the other guy told him to vote like it then.
I have a story for you. I too have an Obama sticker on my car and on Friday, I was on my way home from school, Rutgers, wearing an Obama T-shirt. As I am waiting at a light in New Brunswick, NJ a caucasian between the ages of 30-40, pulls up next to me, honks to get my attention, and calls me a god damn muslim and how Obama and I should kill ourselves. Clearly he was too ****** stupid to tell the difference between a hindu and a muslim, even when I had an AUM sign on my back window. Apparently to him, everyone that has brown skin happens to be islamic? Even if I was islamic, ppl like him need to stop the hate and ****. Sadly said ppl like this need to do us all a favor and jump off a bridge. Back to my story... I tried to play it cool, but he kept saying garbage and really ******* me off. After hearing all his ******, I got out of the car and he started to drive away. I had a snapple bottle in my car, and decided to whip it at his car. Broke his back window. Stupid redneck. I bet he was ****** lmao.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by premilove
I have a story for you. I too have an Obama sticker on my car and on Friday, I was on my way home from school, Rutgers, wearing an Obama T-shirt. As I am waiting at a light in New Brunswick, NJ a caucasian between the ages of 30-40, pulls up next to me, honks to get my attention, and calls me a god damn muslim and how Obama and I should kill ourselves. Clearly he was too ****** stupid to tell the difference between a hindu and a muslim, even when I had an AUM sign on my back window. Apparently to him, everyone that has brown skin happens to be islamic? Even if I was islamic, ppl like him need to stop the hate and ****. Sadly said ppl like this need to do us all a favor and jump off a bridge. Back to my story... I tried to play it cool, but he kept saying garbage and really ******* me off. After hearing all his ******, I got out of the car and he started to drive away. I had a snapple bottle in my car, and decided to whip it at his car. Broke his back window. Stupid redneck. I bet he was ****** lmao.
There are several things in this story that make it hard for me to swallow. Just saying.
Originally Posted by premilove
I have a story for you. I too have an Obama sticker on my car and on Friday, I was on my way home from school, Rutgers, wearing an Obama T-shirt. As I am waiting at a light in New Brunswick, NJ a caucasian between the ages of 30-40, pulls up next to me, honks to get my attention, and calls me a god damn muslim and how Obama and I should kill ourselves. Clearly he was too ****** stupid to tell the difference between a hindu and a muslim, even when I had an AUM sign on my back window. Apparently to him, everyone that has brown skin happens to be islamic? Even if I was islamic, ppl like him need to stop the hate and ****. Sadly said ppl like this need to do us all a favor and jump off a bridge. Back to my story... I tried to play it cool, but he kept saying garbage and really ******* me off. After hearing all his ******, I got out of the car and he started to drive away. I had a snapple bottle in my car, and decided to whip it at his car. Broke his back window. Stupid redneck. I bet he was ****** lmao.
This is the difference between voters.There's a omg, its really possible to have a black president and a heck naw im not ready for and dont want a black president. Once again Iam black and Im voting party lines like I have done many times before. There's such a huge difference in policies. People who have not voted before no matter which race because of party or views. Majority of blacks vote democrat.

chill ax dude man... first off maybe, im not saying it is but there is a possibility that he went for powell because of his race, not to mention most african americans vote democrat even though powell is a republican but non of the other republicans have been black. second this isnt my opinion it is just a possiblity and the only person that really knows if this is tru or not is powell and if u dont think thats a chance then ur ignorant. politics r not figured out by talking with friends about politics and news it takes years and even with that there isnt a single answer for everything.
just some food for thought


Active Member
i think you are referring to me. i didnt tell him to jump off a bridge. All i did was throw a bottle at his car and break his back window. lmfao. I never said *** to him. he started it, i finished it.