Powell Endorses Comrade Obama


Active Member
Originally Posted by T316
I have lost all respect for the man at this point. I rank him right down there with Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton. I would have had 10-fold more respect for his nomination support, if he had just left this card out of it. I might not of liked it, but I would have taken his career, name, and reputation and accepted it. But this is freakin' rediculous.
Many people want to sweep the history of slavery and oppressed rights under the rug... what is the difference of Palin speaking about her being a woman .. or H. Clinton and the 18 million cracks..
This man is the first african american Sec of State... he should be honored for not forgeting his history or where he came from... he achievements are history... and he should be respected as such.. and at least for his military service that helps make you safe. Many of you find it easy to forget who you are and where you have come... and the sacrifices people had to make to make sure you achieved your dreams. People that died for him to be a ranking member of the military, a military that 50 years ago was segregated and believed that minorities has a lesser role and less to offer... and he had the honor and opportunity ti be a 5 Star general 30 or so years later. To be head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff... You people need to grow up and see what is really going on... and not forget your and all of our pasts... And see what we are at stake of loosing...


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Please post a link where most of us said we would vote for him...
As for the reverse racism, explain what the heck creating a "New Africa" means?
It means that Africa is "the last frontier" so to speak... We have had a policy of not really addressing the problems in the African continent. Africa has a lot of promise... many resources... and believe it or not... educated people...
Instead of just humanitarian aid... such as AIDS and disease education. We can do more... We have also ignored the "holocaust" type events that have and are occuring there... That is my view... and its not a view based on race... but a view based on neglect. I assume that we could find material that goes into more detail about his views... I will also add that the last couple administrations have been involved in African initiatives...Clinton, Bush, and I believe Carter.


This is the difference between voters.There's a omg, its really possible to have a black president and a heck naw im not ready for and dont want a black president. Once again Iam black and Im voting party lines like I have done many times before. There's such a huge difference in policies. People who have not voted before no matter which race because of party or views. Majority of blacks vote democrat.
Please vote for the person that you like, not 'party lines'. Voting party lines is just the same as voting for someone because they are white, black, male, female, skinny, fat, democrat, republican.....
hopefully i live to see the day where there are no party lines. Party lines is one of the horrible things about the system in the USA. But it is what it is and i'll shut up about it now.

salty blues

Active Member
I firmly believe that obama's popularity and fanatic support is obviously due to blacks who like him because he is "one of them" and whites suffering guilt over slavery.
These two points are overshadowing the fact that obama is indeed a socialist.


Active Member
Originally Posted by salty blues
I firmly believe that obama's popularity and fanatic support is obviously due to blacks who like him because he is "one of them" and whites suffering guilt over slavery.
These two points are overshadowing the fact that obama is indeed a socialist.


Active Member
Originally Posted by salty blues
I firmly believe that obama's popularity and fanatic support is obviously due to blacks who like him because he is "one of them" and whites suffering guilt over slavery.
These two points are overshadowing the fact that obama is indeed a socialist.
Gotta love the south.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
and Geri is correct... this isn't about Obama being Arab, but the suggestion that muslims are not decent, family people... It is about a history of exclusion and the very real fact that we have people of all faiths serving our military, not to mention as citizens of this nation... There are muslims that fought and died in this war... Its an issue of McCain being out of touch and not relating to these people just as he doesn't relate to the middle class... he has made countless statements demostrating this.

Will you accept powells own words? Unlike you I actually check my facts before I say something. In this case I watched Powell say it
Starting around 3:30 into the clip so you get the full context> Reporter asks if McCains negative advertising played a role. Powell lays out a laundry list of items and never mentions anyone but the McCain campaign.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Please post a link where most of us said we would vote for him...
As for the reverse racism, explain what the heck creating a "New Africa" means?
Powell vs Nobama Powell might have gotten my vote but I sure wouldn't have donated to his campaign due to his gun control stance. Hearing Powell complain about Nobama being labeled as a socialist leads me to believe he is even more to the left than I originally thought.


Active Member
Originally Posted by salty blues
I firmly believe that obama's popularity and fanatic support is obviously due to blacks who like him because he is "one of them" and whites suffering guilt over slavery.
These two points are overshadowing the fact that obama is indeed a socialist.
There is nothing wrong with blacks who are excited to "vote for one of their own". Guilty white liberals and Black racists are a whole different story but you keep throwing crap out there like the only reason he is popular is he's black blah blah blah and making yourself look the fool man, think twice type once.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
It means that Africa is "the last frontier" so to speak... We have had a policy of not really addressing the problems in the African continent. Africa has a lot of promise... many resources... and believe it or not... educated people...
Instead of just humanitarian aid... such as AIDS and disease education. We can do more... We have also ignored the "holocaust" type events that have and are occuring there... That is my view... and its not a view based on race... but a view based on neglect. I assume that we could find material that goes into more detail about his views... I will also add that the last couple administrations have been involved in African initiatives...Clinton, Bush, and I believe Carter.

Why should we do more? There are plenty of problems right here at home we can't afford to fix. I see no reason to expand foreign aid.


Active Member
Originally Posted by salty blues
I firmly believe that obama's popularity and fanatic support is obviously due to blacks who like him because he is "one of them" and whites suffering guilt over slavery.
These two points are overshadowing the fact that obama is indeed a socialist.
I am going to both agree and disagree... Of course Obama is more than just a candidate... he is a symbol and a role model for african americans... Just like Jackie Robinson or Thurgood Marshall. However, his ethnicity has little to do with why he is ahead in this race.
But this election is much more simplistic than you make it... The bottomline for americans is they are concerned about their pocketbooks. They are concerned about this country going in the wrong direction... Those issues trump race for most people... We have had 8 years of failed Republican leadership/policy and McCain's policies are eerily similar.
And the biggest trump card is that african americans typically vote democratic... Why is it so hard to make this about qualifications, rather than race? McCain is simply getting beat in all of his efforts... Obama has simply run a better campaign from top to bottom... in spite of the Palin surge.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
I dont condone it ,but it was at one time.Our freedoms are being stripped from us a little bit at a time by self serving Politicians and Lawyers."Freedom of Speech " It dosent take a rocket scientist to figure out what it means.Politicians and Lawyers have changed it to evolve into something else.Same goes for "Right to bear arms" and on and on.
It would be nice to go back to the basics and enforce some basic
principals our forefather intended for this country.Not pile a bunch of useless laws that are vague and contradict each other. Stick to the basic ten.
ONE: 'You shall have no other gods before Me.'
TWO: 'You shall not make for yourself a carved image--any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.'
THREE: 'You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.'
FOUR: 'Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.'
FIVE: 'Honor your father and your mother.'
SIX: 'You shall not murder.'
SEVEN: 'You shall not commit adultery.'
EIGHT: 'You shall not steal.'
NINE: 'You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.'
TEN: 'You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor's.'
We are not, nor ever been, a "Christian" nation.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Nice spin, but how does "new africa here" mean that?
He is not talking about the United States... but don't try to discredit Powell... and make him out to be something he is not ... it will not work this time...
Do your own research and see what he means... I don't speak for him, its just my common sense that tells me what he means.


Active Member
It will be really interesting when Piyush "Bobby" Jindal wins the republican nomination in 4 years.......


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Why should we do more? There are plenty of problems right here at home we can't afford to fix. I see no reason to expand foreign aid.
Why shouldn't we? 2nd China and other nations are investing in Africa...
Third, you justify Iraq by overthrowing a dictator who commited genocide...
And I simply believe it is the right thing to do, as a Christian... and for those that aren't as humanitarist... people see Africa on tv and assume its a place that resembles the 1700's... I have met several people from there whom are all very bright.. know muliple languages and are advanced in science and mathamatics... and everything I hear is that life is similar in most cases there as it is here. But they lack the infrastructure to compete on a global level..


Active Member
All of the refugees I worked with from Sudan are way smarter then the average american in my experience.
Africa has been left behind as part of the periphery. There is lots of literature about how they should be a bigger economic force than we are due solely on resources. But, its kinda like global feudalism. We set up shops in countries with cheap labor and pull goods out of the country without doing anything about the fact that the average age is 20-something and 2/3 have AIDs (thanks steve and barry's


Active Member
Originally Posted by sickboy
All of the refugees I worked with from Sudan are way smarter then the average american in my experience.
Africa has been left behind as part of the periphery. There is lots of literature about how they should be a bigger economic force than we are due solely on resources. But, its kinda like global feudalism. We set up shops in countries with cheap labor and pull goods out of the country without doing anything about the fact that the average age is 20-something and 2/3 have AIDs (thanks steve and barry's
How much money have we dumped into africa? And we haven't done anything?