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I have a story for you. I too have an Obama sticker on my car and on Friday, I was on my way home from school, Rutgers, wearing an Obama T-shirt. As I am waiting at a light in New Brunswick, NJ a caucasian between the ages of 30-40, pulls up next to me, honks to get my attention, and calls me a god damn muslim and how Obama and I should kill ourselves. Clearly he was too ****** stupid to tell the difference between a hindu and a muslim, even when I had an AUM sign on my back window. Apparently to him, everyone that has brown skin happens to be islamic? Even if I was islamic, ppl like him need to stop the hate and ****. Sadly said ppl like this need to do us all a favor and jump off a bridge. Back to my story... I tried to play it cool, but he kept saying garbage and really ******* me off. After hearing all his ******, I got out of the car and he started to drive away. I had a snapple bottle in my car, and decided to whip it at his car. Broke his back window. Stupid redneck. I bet he was ****** lmao.
This is the difference between voters.There's a omg, its really possible to have a black president and a heck naw im not ready for and dont want a black president. Once again Iam black and Im voting party lines like I have done many times before. There's such a huge difference in policies. People who have not voted before no matter which race because of party or views. Majority of blacks vote democrat.