Power head cover for anemone


I have read and most people recommened some type of cover over your power heads for anemones. I know they move until they find the sweet spot. I have 2 power heads. My question is how does everyone cover there power heads? I read people put sponge over it with fishing line. Well Can I see some pics because I cant imagine that setup. So people use filter socks. Just want some input so I can do it before I get an anemone. Thanks for the help.
Tank spec 65 gallon
-45 lbs live rock
-2 clown fish
-1 yellow wrasse
-one 6 line wrasse
-green brain (5 inches when fully opened)
Light fixture is a metal halide 250 watt with 96 watt actinic PC.


Yeah I heard about panty hose. Does it get dirty? How often do you have to clean them? After the anemone is been in a spot for a while do you leave the covers on always or just until they stick to one place?


OK. I bought a bubble tip anemone. The only problem is that it was attacked to a plastic decorative pink looking castle thing. So The store gave the plastic thing too. So I know you cant force it off because you can damage the foot. But what is the best way to help or accelerate the moving process? I really dont want that item in my tank too long...


If it won't move on its own, I have heard putting ice against it will help....or put a lot of flow.....or use a credit card (or something like that) that would be my lastchoice though


The panty hose will get dirty, depending on how often/what you feed.
I usually leave it on the powerhead for about 2 weeks, if there is no movement in 2 weeks, I remove it.
Your anemone will probably move off of the castle now that it is in a new tank with different lights and different flow. If it refuses to move, blast a powerhead at it, that usually get it to move.


I am sure it would be more comfy on a nice rock in my tank. I can see its stretched out and reach around to face up... Meowzer I will give it a day or two. Then I will try the ice trick or to place it in front of a power head.
On the ice trick. Do I place the ice on the foot? Do I place the ice on it in the water or out of the water?


Originally Posted by pepito113 http:///forum/thread/383897/power-head-cover-for-anemone#post_3360696
I am sure it would be more comfy on a nice rock in my tank. I can see its stretched out and reach around to face up... Meowzer I will give it a day or two. Then I will try the ice trick or to place it in front of a power head.
On the ice trick. Do I place the ice on the foot? Do I place the ice on it in the water or out of the water?
I have never had to do the ice trick.....I have read that you rub it against the foot...LOL....BUT come to think of it....never read whether it was in or out of the water haha


So before I went to bed last night I deceided to direct a powerhead into the anemone. And it worked. It has moved about 4 inches away and is attached to a rock and not the plastic thing anymore.
So I removed the plastic piece. I dont reallly like the location where its at. Its at the bottom of the tank. I hope it moves up.. Its almost touching the sand bed. Will post pictures tonight.


Originally Posted by pepito113 http:///forum/thread/383897/power-head-cover-for-anemone#post_3360829
So before I went to bed last night I deceided to direct a powerhead into the anemone. And it worked. It has moved about 4 inches away and is attached to a rock and not the plastic thing anymore.
So I removed the plastic piece. I dont reallly like the location where its at. Its at the bottom of the tank. I hope it moves up.. Its almost touching the sand bed. Will post pictures tonight.


Glad it moved easily for you!
It will probably move around a little in your tank until it finds it's "happy place".


So I wake up this morning only to find my anemone all the way in this cave looking hole in the rock. You can barely see it. I know it will move around until it finds it sweet spot. But I am hoping this is not it. When the lights turn on I will post a pic.


So its been 2 days and my anemone is hiding in a cave looking hole. I can barely see it. And There isnt much light in there because I need a flashligh to see it in there. Do you guys think it will move any more. I know anemone need light. But in that hole it isnt get any. What should I do?