you didn't look beyond my reason of a boat did you? I also have a business I run and my lights, equipment would not fit in a car. Yes, the SUV isn't as effecient as a Neon, but it helps me pursue my carreer and even have a day of fishing at the lake. Not to mention, I carpool 5 people in it on a regular basis.
I was a science major with ecology, environmental and marine emphasis. The global warming cannot be proved because we have only been keeping records for a century. The earth goes through many changes where temperatures flexuate up and down and then even ice ages. According to articles I've read lately the hole in the ozone has now split and is two small holes and is shrinking. Not to mention how much pollution the Earch experiences by natural causes. Wildfires, Volcanoes, and a big polluter "Cows" with a huge Methane release which is way more harmful than Co2.
If you really want to slam someone about Earth pollution, slam your own Government. They have a wonderful project going on right now called H.A.A.R.P that blast the stratisphere with more watts of Energy than you can imagine. Research it.
I bet you have eaten at McDonalds? I bet you have left your airconditioner running when you arn't in the house and don't need it. It's hypocritical to slam only SUV's. Americans are by far the biggest consumers and we waste a lot of resources. McDonalds throws away more good food than you can imagine not to mention increases Methane levels by encouraging more Cows to be Raised. By leaving your AC on you are wasting Coal and promoting CO2 pollution by the burning of Coal. Bottom line, until we put the rich Bankers who control the oil out of business. I don't see our country switching over to more effecient fuel systems anytime soon.