Project 270


Active Member
hey there just thinking i would add a few more braces to hold all that weight maybe another leg in the back and a couple of cross braces cuz thats a lota water
but overalll looks good and cant wait to see the final product


Active Member
Originally Posted by murph145
hey there just thinking i would add a few more braces to hold all that weight maybe another leg in the back and a couple of cross braces cuz thats a lota water
but overalll looks good and cant wait to see the final product
are you kidding? its hard to tell in the picture but each leg consist of 3 full contact 2x4's.
a single 2x4 can hold over 1000 pounds standing on end.
my calculations are that this stand can carry approx 10000 pounds. When the tank is fully loaded it will only weight around 4200 pounds.
like i said 2x4's are WAY over kill. that does not even include when i box it in with 3x4 inch oak. after that i would guess it can hold aroun 15000 pounds


looks great man.....can't wait to see it, when you start doing all the pumps and stuff i'd like to come take a look at it....


Active Member
i cant tell there are three 2x4's in the center legs looks like one to me
just my opinion id put two at every leg
if the corners have 3 then ur set its hard to tell from the pic


New Member
I going to shoot you first!
Originally Posted by oceana
hello all
Today is the day I decided to say goodby to the 140 and hello to a custom 270.
In this thread I will have detailed step by step pics and comments on the set up and building of the tank. I will be building the stand and canopy from scratch. I plan to keep it rather simple.
Plans so far are as follows.
270 polycast tank 72 long 36 deep 25 tall<-- super nice depth IMO. tons of aquascape choices
same lighting will be reused 3x400 MH 2x110VHO but i will add 2 more 110's
closed loop with altering currents coming from four returns
approx 600 pounds live rock
approx 300 pounds live sand
60 gallon sump
2x aqua C skimmer
2x20 micron socks
typhoon III RODI plumped to the tank with auto top off
I will run a line from the sump through the wall to the outside with a valve for super fast and easy water changes. drain out what i want and top it off.
I will plumb my propagation system into this tank as well.
when all is said and done the total of the system will be approx 400 gallons
I will be picking up the tank this weekend I hope and will be posting pic's of the stands construction soon.


Your frame looks great. That's exactly what we did. We bought a 90 gallon reef ready tank, and we built the stand, canopy and bookcases ourselves. We too used 2x4's to build the frame, and wrapped it in 3/4" oak plywood, with solid stock oak. We are almost finished with sealing the wood, and will begin filling the tank soon.
I look forward to seeing your progress on this thread.


Active Member
the stand it no different yet. i am waiting until i put the tank on it befor I add the skin. this is because i want to cut it as exact as i can so that it is a perfect fit.
I am taking the stand in today and will have pic later on. BTW this is not very fun !! lol
cool? heck yea! but far from fun. its to much like work haha



Originally Posted by oceana
the tank is here the tank is here. la lala the tank is here!!



Active Member
tank is up now all i have to do is
skin the stand
build a hood
install the lights
install the new sump
new skimmer
plumb everything together
transfer all the stock from the old tank to the new one
and then pass out
so much for being done this weekend lol



Active Member
Looks good, only thing i would rethink are the skimmers, i am assuming your talking about aqua c remora or urchins, either way i would go with something bigger.


Awesome tank oceana, May i ask where you got it and how much it cost? Imlooking to get 1 180 to 240 and havent found much . did find one that looks similar to yours 72x30x24 225g but it seems EXPENSIVE (about$1500+shipping)