Active Member
Originally posted by Fishybiz
My GAWD Rob, automated water changes and auto-replenishment of RO water? Holy Cow! Are you some kind of genius or something? You could make millions writing a book about this whole process. I'D BUY IT!!
I'm not a genius, just a humble reefkeeper who's got nothing better to do than fiddle with tanks and a wife that supports me! Many of the things that I'm doing with this tank are a culmination of lessons I've learned from mistakes that I've made over the years and also from advice that I've received from local hobbyists and internet message boards like this one.
An automated water change would be really easy to set up with a 2-channel dosing pump. You would need nothing more than the pump, some tubing, and two resevoirs (actually, the second one would be optional, as one tubing line could lead directly to a drain). One channel of the pump would remove water from the tank, and the other would add freshly-mixed saltwater at the same rate that the pump is removing water from the tank.