Project you can't have...


Active Member
All right so I've decided that I'm going to do the following for calcium, alk, and mag.
Randy's 2 part+mag(part 3a) instead of doing a kalk reactor+mag supplement.
I'm also going to feed reefchili, hikari&PE mysis, oraglo, and formula 2 if I have any herbivorous fish in this tank (no tangs, get your mind out of the gutter!)
the obvious export of inorganic nitrates and phosphates is going to be through the scrubber and a bag of rowaphos (to be changed on a monthly basis.)
I've looked into the ZEOvit thing and it seems like an expensive version of feeding the above plus dosing vodka/sugar at the same time. While I am not running a skimmer, I will not be purposely encouraging any sort of bacteria growth to absorb the phosphates&nitrates that require heavy skimming to remove.
This is the plan, let's see how it works... worse comes to worse, I'm out a grand... oh well.


Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko
If you are gonna look at Zeovit, check out Prodibio before making the purchase.
well that's the thing... I don't want to use any products that are like Zeovit.
I don't want to encourage the growth of those bacteria as they deplete oxygen very fast and I'm not running a skimmer so I couldn't export them anyway.
I've got Iron, strontium, mag supplements and food for the corals... I'm absorbing phosphates through both the scrubber and rowaphos and the nitrates get picked up by the scrubber as well.


Active Member
I found a single aiptasia after carefully looking over my tank... he's now entombed in superglue, done out of the water to prevent a last minute release of "spores" or whatever.


Active Member
I bumped into my tank and shattered it today.. that's all she wrote.. what a mess...
$1300 down the drain.

I guess I'm gonna go disappear for awhile.