Proper Lighting for SPS


Active Member
Brooklyn Johnny,
Thank you very much for all of your posititve comments and keeping this thread "civil" and not turning it into a mud slinging contest!
Per your questions, I am a memeber of CMAS. We actually start our summer tank tours this Sunday and the first member to show his tanks is Greorge. He is a really good guy and has forgotten more about reef keeping than I will ever know! About 80% of all my stuff has come from him. I perfer to get my stuff from him when I can because it is so healthy!! He has 6 or 7 tanks that are really nice! The Yongei frag in my pictures actually came from T. Walsh (CMAS President). I also have another more yellowish colored Yongei frag that I believe originaly came from Sanjay that may be part of the same colony that you have?
I actually have been considering joining WAMAS as well. I hear you guys get some great speakers and also that Dr. Mac comes to your meetings regularly with some really nice stuff! I actually work in our Oakton Va office 3 days week so I am familiar with that area! Who knows maybe you will see me at a meeting soon!
Again, thanks for keeping the tone of this thread positive (even through my obvious frustration)! Please keep us up to date with your system as well! Take care!

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
Small world! I have some stuff from George also... pink pocillopora, my slimer as mentioned, a plating monti, and a wicked encrusting yellow monti. I visited his house a few weeks ago. His setups are amazing, and he's really cool about fragging anything (except his purple monster and blue tort understandably :D). I'm not sure where his yongei came from... was it Sanjay? Speaking of great speakers, we just had Sanjay speak for the winter meeting. If you have the time join WAMAS, but I know CMAS is also a great club. Dr. Mac does make it out for meetings, and you can select anything from his site and he'll bring it to the meeting, allowing you to save on the cost and stress from shipping, including live rock!
Civility is the only way to go. If everything were easy and set in stone in this hobby would it be this enjoyable?
Happy reefing...

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
Very cool! Incidentally here it is... started as one small branch... now it's encrusted and growing many more! What a small community this is when it all comes down to it... with all of our tanks being only a few steps away from eachother, as this yongei shows... Neato...:cool:


Active Member
Don't have much else to add to this, just wanted to say good thread guys.....softies and lps also can enjoy halide lighting as well with proper acclimation or lower wattage MH. For pure asthetics, you can't beat the shimmer of MH. I also liked seeing you all metion that water quality plays a large role in an sps tank, there are just soo many factors.
On a side note, I too have a smaller tank and really enjoy the nano side of the hobby. I actually had a reputable LFS store say, why are you going through all that hassle for such a small tank, as I was describing my setup....some people just don't understand.

bang guy

Attml - Great post and I couldn't agree more.
If the goal is an SPS tank I don't know why anyone would dink around with anything except HID lighting. It doesn't really cost more and the success rate is at least 10X more likely than any other lighting.


nice article, think i could have some sps with 250watt mh, and 220watts vho, over a 55 gallon?


Active Member
Yes definitely! As long as you have good flow, good water and good light you should be all set. Just take it slow and see how you make out with a few sps to start and then expand from there!

Active Member
i have to say attml i agree i had to go through the same thing with sps in my 72 with 370watts of pc. the only thing you gave me most of the frags free and sad to say they didn't live that is why i hadn't taken any sps from the last CMAS meeting. i will be at George's today and will take some picthers and if he gives me the ok i will post some. i am starting a 150gal. with MH lighting thank to a lot of people on here i know what road to take people like attml and his post like this so just like to say think attml and to all the other people out there and they know who they are. we are here to help each other am i not right.


Active Member
I referenced this thread in something I posted on another thread so I wanted to post an updated shot of the Acropora Yongei that was pictured earlier in this post. Here is the same Yongei taken tonight. It is fully recovered and is starting to grow like crazy! As you can see in the pic it is snacking on some Mysis shrimp (tonight was feeding night).