

Active Member
I find it funny that w00t was meriam webster's word of the year... that shows how much our language is changing. heck, even that has changed. it used to be woot (meaning want one of those, dating back to dungeons and dragons when someone found a nice dagger or something). so i'll greatly agree that the english language has changed quite a bit.


Active Member
This thread sure is different. And like a few others have said, does it really matter?
Who cares! johnthefishguy you are comming across very "holier than thou"
Not trying to put you down, Just keepin it real cuz.
Not everyone learns the same way or can retain knowledge the same way as the next cat. We all have our strengths in different areas. And i think it is messed up that you come on here flaming people for there grammmooorr.
OOPS. Think i spelled it wrong.


i agree with those that say being on the board is a "loose" place to hang out and talk and i dont think it needs to be by book on every response but i also agree with john that there needs to be some sort of limit or bar...some people type how they talk....i am from the south so in just regular talking i have a tendency to leave of the "g" in words containing "ing"...but i just think someone's response should make sense and not make someone re-read a few times just to try and decipher what they are trying to say...dont get me wrong it is kind of annoying to me when words that sound the same but different meanings are used improperly....like since and sense but i do the wrong words and would to it like everyone else if i didn't proof read my responses...leaving letters out of words is ok sometimes because you just miss the button but to do it everytime you type the same word is pretty bad...lol


Active Member
I would just like to say that any puncuation or spelling mistakes I ever make or have made will be or have been on purpose. Any mistake I make in any field has been or will be on purpose. I will not tell anyone about these mistakes so that it becomes your responsibility to find them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jerthunter
I would just like to say that any puncuation or spelling mistakes I ever make or have made will be or have been on purpose. Any mistake I make in any field has been or will be on purpose. I will not tell anyone about these mistakes so that it becomes your responsibility to find them.
That is to funny.


Originally Posted by Jerthunter
I would just like to say that any puncuation or spelling mistakes I ever make or have made will be or have been on purpose. Any mistake I make in any field has been or will be on purpose. I will not tell anyone about these mistakes so that it becomes your responsibility to find them.

You have just earned the "Get Out Of Jail Free" card for your punctuation, spelling, and grammer for your remaining days on SWF.com (oops, should I use an abbreviation here?)


Mia, do you mean " too funny " ? Just kidding, this computer spell checks EVERYTHING all the time, ( I can't figure out how ) yet I still manage to make a mistake here and there.......

clown boy

Active Member
Conclusion: You can use whatever spelling and grammar you choose. Just know that it can affect how people think of you.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Clown Boy
Conclusion: You can use whatever spelling and grammar you choose. Just know that it can affect how people think of you.

hear here


Active Member
Who cares what people think of me. I dont need anyones aproval.
People are too judgemental.

salty blues

Active Member
Do not fear! Mandatory school uniforms, insane zero tolerance policies, and other misplaced and misguided politically based initiatives will surely address and solve our public school mess.

clown boy

Active Member
Originally Posted by mie
Who cares what people think of me.
Like I said in the conclusion, if that's the decision you want to make, it's fine with me.


Active Member
If you can understandwhat they say does it really matter if there perfect? i find this thread just to be in existence to make yourself look smarter and brighter compared to everyone else that doesn't cap, or use the right punctuation.
i can spell and puncuate but it takes forever to be perfect and reread everything we type. i't s a forum, do you really expect people to type perfectly??
why can we get along not all?


Active Member
Originally Posted by zeke92
i can spell and puncuate but it takes forever to be perfect and reread everything we type.

How much time would it take you to re-read your last post. Either your typo's were done on purpose or you were too lazy to reread 5 sentences.
Besides, my point of this thread has lost its direction. I was not talking about a clerical error here and there as we do infact miss a letter as we type. Our brains tend to think faster than our fingers move. I am actually talking about those who destroy the language in a way that it was not intended by typing the words phonetically. "DO U NO WUT I MEEN?" There is no way that typing that sentence was simply a clerical error. Obviously it took more brain power to re alphabetize the word to fit it into a sentence. Those who are jumping on the bandwagon and saying, "you are just trying to sound smarter and blah blah blah", are totally missing the point and obviously you will never understand why WUT makes people sound illiterate. Forum or not.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jonthefishguy
It can be used either way. The dictionary shows it both ways.
That is very interesting. I would have thought that there only needed to be one way to say that but I suppose the dictionary tends to reflect how language is used and is not necessarily a rule book of how it must be used. Crazy things like lol now appear in the dictionary but I do not plan on ever using it, except in this case merely to mention it.

ric maniac

Active Member
this is kind of random but i found a good example of why to use punctuation and praper spelling it makes a post a loot harder to reed wen some1 types like this even if this is a bit extreme i have still seen a few posts like this around over the last few months I ALSO HATE IT WHEN PEOPLE TYPE IN ALL CAPITAL LETTERS BECAUSE IT MAKES THEM SEEM ANGRY OR ANXIOUS SO PLEASE USE PROPER GRAMMR SPELLING AND PUNCTUATION and for the people that say spelling isnt their cup of tea there is a thing called a dictionary we all have them built in to our computers no offense.
It hurt to type that.