Putting Faces to the Names


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Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
hey AW whos that in the background opening the fridge....

I have no idea...some 40+ year old woman, who was attending the party.


Some pics of a trip to Boston my family took this last fall.
My Brother, Father and I. Standing in front of the USS Constitution.

I'm at a flak gun

Saw the mop, started swabbing(sp) the deck.

Boston rocks.


Finally rounded up some pics. Here's me and the family and a couple of old pics of me in Iraq. And that white stuff in the tent are styrafoam sheets. Our feeble attempt to keep the heat out.


Here are some pics that some may have already seen and some of you who have been there can testify that this is for real.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1knight164
Here are some pics that some may have already seen and some of you who have been there can testify that this is for real.

When it's over, is everything down to bare metal and ready for primer.....


Active Member
I'm impressed by how many members of this board have served or are serving overseas!
We appreciate everything you do guys!


Originally Posted by SCSInet
I'm impressed by how many members of this board have served or are serving overseas!
We appreciate everything you do guys!

Ditto! You guys rock!


Active Member
Originally Posted by AZReefGirl
Here's me at the gardens outside of the moray eel and sting ray exhibits at Sea World San Diego.


Originally Posted by zman1
When it's over, is everything down to bare metal and ready for primer.....
Close! It does take its toll on vehicle and aircraft engines and also helicopter rotor blades. After the storm you have to scoop out all the sand that settles in the engines then wash them out. Most of the sand is very fine, like talcum, not the beach sand. The beach type sand stings when it hits bare skin, but the talcum stuff is a killer on the lungs. Even the 6X vehicles and track vehicles can get stuck if they're not careful. Don't mean to gross you out, but can you imagine blowing your nose after a storm like that? Tents don't offer any protection from the dust. Very difficult to sleep. When the storm is all over, everyone looks like sugar cookies!!! :hilarious And the stories are true that you can get lost just going to the bathroom! GPS is a must.
Can't speak for other service members, but this hobby helps take my mind off the job and, for me, it's something the family can enjoy together. It also brings all the color back to my vision! I can't describe just how bland the middle east is. Even in the cities.
And truly appreciate all your support!!!


Active Member
My wife makes fun of my fish all the time..I spent all this time in the Navy, finally get to settle back on land, and what do i do..Fill up the living room with saltwater....


Active Member
me with my nephew

Me (Number 870) with my good friend Jeff getting warmed up before our Xterra triathlon in Tahoe. my bike is the blue kona Coiler-Deluxe


Hey 1knight164 that was in Kuwait right? Good stuff! I agree with you on the bland-ness of the Middle East. I took DeMartini pic’s of her Nano and used them for the skins of my Xbox dashboard its soo refreshing, I had to make a screen saver too.
Thank you guys and galls for all your support it really helps. Even though us Air Force guys have it easy compared to the other branches, were the spoiled ones but I don’t mind.
here are some shots of Bahgdad, the Victory over america palace and Sadams concubine Palace.... enjoy


Active Member
Originally Posted by jj_harrison
Hey 1knight164 that was in Kuwait right? Good stuff! I agree with you on the bland-ness of the Middle East. I took DeMartini pic’s of her Nano and used them for the skins of my Xbox dashboard its soo refreshing, I had to make a screen saver too.
What an honor! <3 ... I'm glad I can make your day more colorful!
Great pictures! I really appreciate everything you guys do for us!!