Putting Faces to the Names


Active Member
some of us take for granted how much freedom we really do have in this great country. thank you men and women in the services for all that you do.
Here's a few pics of my second addiction. Saving the one's in my tank makes me feel less guilty about the ones I catch and eat.
Oh and the wahoo in that pic was a $3k fish. SCORE!


Originally Posted by TX Reef
Where in Texas are you located?

that is hilarious....at least in my head...lol....no disrespect to either


Originally Posted by jj_harrison
Hey 1knight164 that was in Kuwait right? Good stuff! I agree with you on the bland-ness of the Middle East. I took DeMartini pic’s of her Nano and used them for the skins of my Xbox dashboard its soo refreshing, I had to make a screen saver too.
Thank you guys and galls for all your support it really helps. Even though us Air Force guys have it easy compared to the other branches, were the spoiled ones but I don’t mind.
here are some shots of Bahgdad, the Victory over america palace and Sadams concubine Palace.... enjoy
Hey JJ,
These were actually taken at Al Asad airbase in Iraq but happens everywhere in the middle east including Kuwait. Here's one link:
When you say Kuwait, are you talking about Ali Al Salem or Camp Commando? It's amazing just how vibrant colors are when you return. We stopped in Ireland of all places and the green was sooo green, almost blinding. First colors we saw when we left. Anyway, great idea using DiMartini's nano. And we couldn't do it without the Air Force!!! Still don't know how those C-5's get off the ground. Flown in them many times.

tx reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by jrthomas40
that is hilarious....at least in my head...lol....no disrespect to either

Why is that funny?
If you are trying to say that I am hitting on someone over the internet, you got things messed up.
I am a married man. When I see other people from Texas, I ask what part they are from. Saltwater addicts are almost non-existent in my area.


Originally Posted by watson3
My wife makes fun of my fish all the time..I spent all this time in the Navy, finally get to settle back on land, and what do i do..Fill up the living room with saltwater....

LOL :hilarious :hilarious
My dad did 20 as a corpsman. Thought I was an idiot for joining the Marine Corps at 120 lbs. Thought for sure i'd die in boot camp. I told him the smaller I am, the harder it would be for the bad guys to shoot me. Anyway, thanks for your service!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by jj_harrison
Even though us Air Force guys have it easy compared to the other branches, were the spoiled ones but I don’t mind.
My oldest daughter is Air Force, headed for Texas next summer for MI training. ROTC, spoiled, but hard-working. You have to earn it, as I'm sure the truth is JJ!
Each one of you who serve, or have served, this country in any branch of the military are indeed heroes.


TX Reef...Im located in Texarkana...and you are right..there are not many people in the salt water hobby around here.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jrthomas40
that is hilarious....at least in my head...lol....no disrespect to either

I guess you couldn't blame the guy if he was hitting on her...I mean look at the pic. But it is really not fair to assume he was.


yeah that is understandable....i am the same way if i see someone from alabama i want to know where they are from as well...it was just funny to me because of the way it looked i wasnt accusing him of hitting on her...there arent many saltwater addicts here either...anyway i didnt mean to disrespect anyone or make anyone upset...she is a beautiful girl and like i said it was just funny the way it looked to me...sorry


1Knight164 I was talking about Ali Al Salem, one went through there when I was there it looked the same as that one. Yea its good times and the c-5's yea there crazy riding backwards and what not. When we flew from the state's to Germany I forgot that we were sitting backwards and I was all freaked out when we were landing LOL.


Active Member
Back to the guys and their shots of Husseins palaces...I wish I could find the pics I had/have. I got pics of me, holding his 24K gold AK-47's, sitting in his gold throwns, etc. We (my EOD team) actually got a pic of a guy taking a poo in Husseins 24K gold toilet). We then planted small charges in the same toilet and blasted American poo all over his bathroom walls.
Ahhhhh...the good old days.


Originally Posted by jj_harrison
1Knight164 I was talking about Ali Al Salem, one went through there when I was there it looked the same as that one. Yea its good times and the c-5's yea there crazy riding backwards and what not. When we flew from the state's to Germany I forgot that we were sitting backwards and I was all freaked out when we were landing LOL.
I was there in 2003 for the initial attack into Iraq. (We had Ollie North embedded with us) Could not believe you all had a swimming pool of all things!!! And Haggen Daz ice cream bars!!!
When we went to eat in your chowhall, we actually asked "How much for the Haggen Daz?" and went into shock when they said it was free!!! You guys do now how to live. I do apologize, though, because the Marines did destroy your paradise there. Nature of the beast. Great base though! Hey, you never know. We may cross paths someday. Take care, JJ.


Me and one of my hobbies. lol This place was a deli in Jersey that had huge portions. That was a pancake. The side of bacon was about a pound of bacon. That place rocked. Also, i would like to say how much I appreciate you guys in the military and what you do. Too many take our freedom for granted.So i would like to give you a sincere THANK YOU ...


Originally Posted by ol'salty
Me and one of my hobbies. lol This place was a deli in Jersey that had huge portions. That was a pancake. The side of bacon was about a pound of bacon. That place rocked. Also, i would like to say how much I appreciate you guys in the military and what you do. Too many take our freedom for granted.So i would like to give you a sincere THANK YOU ...
I'm in jersey, what deli is that?


Active Member
Originally Posted by ol'salty
Me and one of my hobbies. lol This place was a deli in Jersey that had huge portions. That was a pancake. The side of bacon was about a pound of bacon. That place rocked..

If that's their lite breakfast special, dinner must take a few hours work through. WOW