Putting Faces to the Names


actually, in seriousness, it's a lack of pigmentation ( I know someone with that same thing ) ......perhaps more time under the halides to grow more zooanthellae/ safer than copper( sorry, couldn't resist )

jimmy 4

#5 is alive is a quote from the movie short circuit. It is an old 80's movie about a robot that develops emotion because he gets sruck by lightning while his batteries are being charged up. Great movie. lol.

jimmy 4

johnny 5 is the robots name and his pic is in my profile
in short circuit 2 they gold plated his entire body because Johnny 5 is a pimp


Active Member
Originally Posted by SCSInet
You are the first one to post in here that actually looks like I'd pictured.
Except Alix and DeMartini... but their own pics are their avatars so that kind of kills the mystery anyway.
I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that a few people have said I look like Crush, the turtle in my avatar.


Active Member
Originally Posted by m0nk
I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that a few people have said I look like Crush, the turtle in my avatar.

you looked how i pictured you also.


Active Member
Here's me with the biggest hershey kiss i've ever had in my whole entire life

I thought it was pretty big, anyway.



New Member
...took forever to scroll thru all that.. Thanks to everyone here for the help getting started. And all the peeps in the service, we all appreciate u's!



Pics of me diving in Cozumel during the summer
Greatest feeling in the world

Bad pictures sortof
I normaly have my hair spiked