Python ban


Active Member
Originally Posted by browniebuck
There are a multitude of reasons that this bill is being pursued, the least of which (I feel) is the child that got killed. The release of these snakes puts a dangerous animal in the wild, there is potential for disease that could be spread to other indigenous animals, indigenous animals will have to compete with them for food and shelter which could lead to the extinction of native species, and they are used to looking towards humans for food.
As Dragon said...some sort of licensing process needs to take place. The question is...HOW?
more people beat their own kids to death and neglect and starve and other wise abuse their own children, than phyton snakes kill. these children also spread communicable diseases, compete with humans for food and rescources. grow up to destroy more natural habitat, and drive to extinction more other species than any other animal on the planet. yet you dont see the govenment banning or liscencing chilbirth. or even requiring a denet educational course on childcare before they go and have one......
no snake looks at humans as a natural source of food..... thats simply a ridiculous statement.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Yeah people arent on these animals food chain. Will a 20 foot plus snake attack a person sure. But lets be real. You never see 20 footers out there. Every show you have watched on discovery trying to find that huge anaconda. It was alwasy 15 feet. That snake isnt eating a person.