Python ban


Active Member
Originally Posted by AW2x3
That's what everyone said about the Pit Bull/Rottweiler ban, as well.
Here's a video, a guy I know, made...
Wait and see. I don't like your odds. Pits are nasty but they are still a dog and most people like dogs. People have a general fear/dislike of snakes. I just don't know if you can rally enough support to keep this from happening. Where I live they banned any constrictor snake more than 4 feet long. That's pretty strict and according to a couple people I've talked to here (happened before I moved here) the few who spoke out against the restriction were pretty much ignored.


Active Member
I was watching some of those other videos. One of the guys says people are saying because of global warming the snakes will be able to survive in the wilds of more northern states in years to come.

Now your doomed. Global warming causes Python invasions


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Wait and see. I don't like your odds. Pits are nasty but they are still a dog and most people like dogs. People have a general fear/dislike of snakes. I just don't know if you can rally enough support to keep this from happening. Where I live they banned any constrictor snake more than 4 feet long. That's pretty strict and according to a couple people I've talked to here (happened before I moved here) the few who spoke out against the restriction were pretty much ignored.
That's a city ordinance though...most cities have them. This is a full out ban, nationwide. No 2 feet, no 10 feet, nothing. My hometown has a 6' rule.
And, you'd be surprised how many people, out there, keep snakes...let alone how many major breeders there are, in the US. And I'm talking about people who make a few thousands dollars a year, from it...and also people make hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, from it.
A petition was started 2 weeks ago, I believe. In those 2 weeks, there are already close to 1 million signatures...even people who don't own snakes are signing it.
I'm glad that the US Chamber of Commerce has gotten behind us. It'll make a big difference.


Staff member
I doubt that a national ban will happen. As you say, taking more and more liberties away sticks in people's gut, even non-snake owners.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AW2x3
That's a city ordinance though...most cities have them. This is a full out ban, nationwide. No 2 feet, no 10 feet, nothing. My hometown has a 6' rule.
And, you'd be surprised how many people, out there, keep snakes...let alone how many major breeders there are, in the US. And I'm talking about people who make a few thousands dollars a year, from it...and also people make hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, from it.
A petition was started 2 weeks ago, I believe. In those 2 weeks, there are already close to 1 million signatures...even people who don't own snakes are signing it.
I'm glad that the US Chamber of Commerce has gotten behind us. It'll make a big difference.
With this congress the chamber support might be a negative

Where does the Humane Society stand on this?


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
With this congress the chamber support might be a negative

Where does the Humane Society stand on this?
The USUS is the main backer, of the ban. They've had a long standing position, saying they have full intentions of trying to ban all reptiles (snakes, lizards, frogs, turtles, etc).
Just recently, they were quoted as saying something along the lines of "It is our position that the entire exotic pet trade should be done away with and we will do our part, to make sure it does"...including marine fish and any non native freshwater fish, along with just about everything else, besides cats and dogs and hell, they were one of the main backers in the pit bull ban, too.
Most people think, that when you see these USHS commercials, with the sad dogs and cats, asking for money, that when you send them money it helps out your local shelters, or the ASPCA, etc.
In reality, they have nothing to do with shelters and the ASPCA.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by DragonZim
I agree 100%. Of all the dogs that go to the dog park that we take my dog too the Pits give everyone the most trouble because they almost all get overly aggressive. People dont want to have to worry about whether one of them will snap and try to kill their dog while at the park so most people just pick up and leave when one shows up.
Those dogs are mistrained and actually neglected some as well. My dogs are well socialized. They have to be as puppys. My father has a herd of dogs and I took them and continue to take them both over there to hang out. The female was on leash at first so she could be corrected instantly but she was really good. No aggression.
The thing about dog parks is that 99% of people take their dogs there for exercise. You are supposed to to take your dog on walk or run them prior. Dog parks arent for exercise. They are solely for socialization in a controlled area. Nothing else. They have become a place for lazy animal owners to allow their dogs to just run free in a contained place with zero rules or corrections applied.
You always get that ball of moron owners when a dog is scared and all he/she does is run away and the pack chases. Then all 25 people run over screaming their dogs name too come. The dog never does then the people get mad run over and grab their dog and yell at it like it has any idea what your yelling for.
You two shouldnt blame the dog. You blame the owner. Most Pit Bull owners are ignorant morons who have an image they want us to view them as. I have got into a few heated arguements with other pit owners. Many times its ended in a "your dog hurts my dog Im gonna hurt you" then they leave and I get thanked by most others at the parks.


Active Member
Here's an easy way, for you to email your senators, state representatives and congressmen.
All you have to do is click the link, type in your zip and it tells your who your representatives are.
You can send the pre-written email, or edit it as you see fit.
It'll ask for your name, email, etc.
Then, just click send email.
Even for those of us, here, who don't keep reptiles...or maybe even some of you guys who hate reptiles, please join with us and help fight this. They're not gonna stop with just our reptiles. Sooner or later, it's going to become an issue with our fish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crypt keeper
Those dogs are mistrained and actually neglected some as well. My dogs are well socialized. They have to be as puppys. My father has a herd of dogs and I took them and continue to take them both over there to hang out. The female was on leash at first so she could be corrected instantly but she was really good. No aggression.
The thing about dog parks is that 99% of people take their dogs there for exercise. You are supposed to to take your dog on walk or run them prior. Dog parks arent for exercise. They are solely for socialization in a controlled area. Nothing else. They have become a place for lazy animal owners to allow their dogs to just run free in a contained place with zero rules or corrections applied.
You always get that ball of moron owners when a dog is scared and all he/she does is run away and the pack chases. Then all 25 people run over screaming their dogs name too come. The dog never does then the people get mad run over and grab their dog and yell at it like it has any idea what your yelling for.
You two shouldnt blame the dog. You blame the owner. Most Pit Bull owners are ignorant morons who have an image they want us to view them as. I have got into a few heated arguements with other pit owners. Many times its ended in a "your dog hurts my dog Im gonna hurt you" then they leave and I get thanked by most others at the parks.
Well, you must be the 1 in a million pit owner since EVERY pit I ever see around here has these issues.
Dont trust em, never will...

crypt keeper

Active Member
well you live in New York. You get the awesome scum of the earth pit owners. Those gangster wannabe's that think Mike Vick is their hero. White or Black. They both act the same about them. I try to break the mold on peoples thoughts about the breed. Some are open minded some are ignorant like most.


Staff member
Guys, lets not hijack this topic with diversion topics about individual tastes, or dislikes for certain breeds of dogs.
I know, I know....I brought up the pit bull analogy but, you can start another topic about pits-their merits or not.
Leave this one for the reptiles.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
Guys, lets not hijack this topic with diversion topics about individual tastes, or dislikes for certain breeds of dogs.
I know, I know....I brought up the pit bull analogy but, you can start another topic about pits-their merits or not.
Leave this one for the reptiles.
Thank you, Beth.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by AW2x3
Thank you, Beth.

LOL you even got into the arguement. All ya had too do was ask little buddy. I also sent a letter. I added my own stuff but it said I was only the 9th person to send that letter


Active Member
Originally Posted by crypt keeper
well you live in New York. You get the awesome scum of the earth pit owners. Those gangster wannabe's that think Mike Vick is their hero. White or Black. They both act the same about them. I try to break the mold on peoples thoughts about the breed. Some are open minded some are ignorant like most.
Thats a pretty funny statement considering Baltimore has higher property and violent crime rates than NYC


Active Member
Originally Posted by AW2x3
Not sure if any of you have heard about this, as I know there aren't too many snake keepers, around here.
Right now, Congress and Legislation are attempting to pass an all out ban, on Python species, in the United States.
Sen. Nelson, from Florida, started these preceedings, when that little girl was killed, in Florida, stating that US citizens should not be allowed to keep Pythons, that they be added to the "injurous animals" Lacey Act, and be banned across the country. It will make all Python species (40, in all), illegal to import, export and transport across state lines...thereby grouping all pythons into "injurous animals", making them practically illegal to even own.
Another "reason" he's implemented this atrocious act is because of the wild population of Burmese Pythons, in the Everglades. A population that has been touted to be 100,000. What the media isn't telling you is that scientific evidence has been proven, that less than 10,000 of these snakes currently inhabit the Everglades. What the media isn't telling you is that when they started the trial 7 month "Python hunt", claiming they were going to be killing Burms left and right, they found less than 100 snakes, during that 7 month trial.
This ban will destroy thousands of jobs, a $3 billion dollar a year industry, bankrupt countless business and be just another one of our constitutional rights, that's being taken away. This bill is actually being spearheaded by the USGS and believe it or not, The Humane Society of the US.
Countless reports, by world renowned scientists, educators, etc. have been done, showing this proposed bill is completely unscientific, but it seems that will all of the information and facts provided, going against their ban, the politicians don't seem to care.
Here is a recent news story, from Kansas City, about this...,3304235.story
The United States Association of Reptile Keepers ( is the front man on this fight, for us responsible Python owners. There are countless news stories, across the web, about this ban and countless websites, where you can find information to battle this unconstitional bill, that's on the verge of being passed.
Any of you that keep any species of Python, please check into getting info about your state Congressmen, Representatives, Senate members, etc. and please make your voice be heard. The only thing that's going to help us know, is if we stand up for our rights and not let them take our pets away.
This is nothing but politicians ignoring science and expiditing rediculous laws, further taking away our rights and our when our economy needs the government the most, it's now trying to take away more jobs and more money.
this is some crap i bet dogs kill so much more people than pythons and that one case was so unusual. i only have a 3 foot long ball python but my snake has never biten anyone and is one of the nicest animals i have ever seen


Staff member
I don't think that ball pythons are really in any immediate danger of being banned, or that they pose any theat to humans or the environment.
Even so, these snakes can and do bite, even though they can be sweet and cuddly most of the time. Again, due to human error in handling the ball owner, sooner or later, will likely get bit at some point in their life with their ball. Which is absolutely no big deal, BTW.

crypt keeper

Active Member
They are trying to ban every single species of Python and boa from what i understand. This includes the ball python.