Python ban

small triggers

Active Member
hence the freaking lady with the chimpanzee that ripped her friends face and hands off. BUT he was so sweet and never hurt anyone,,,, till that day! everything that is made into a pet can hurt someone, its the responsibility of the pet owners, and unfortunetly there are alot that are not responsible, so then who does it fall to??? next level up, insurance , then city/state lawmakers.... and finnally to congress or the senate.. there is always someone that wants to stop something they cant figure out how to control (or make money from sometimes)...


Staff member
Personally, I think there should be a ban on all dog breeds that have been proven to be killers. This would include Rottweilers and Pit Bulls. These animals, when found, should be euthanized.
Actually, there should be a concerted effort to rid all communities of feral animals, such as cats and dogs. Both carry serious, and even deadly diseases, and have frequent contact with humans and human environments. Those people who actually feed these animals should be subject to fines, at least, if not jail time.
Yes, Florida has a problem with pythons let loose in the wild. But how many people have died as a result of a killer python compared to deaths due to domesticated animals? 100% of death due to python can be attributed to HUMAN negligence. And the number of deaths are minuscule.
So, yes, regulate who can have pythons, but don't take away our right, as free people, to own them or conduct business around the python trade.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
Personally, I think there should be a ban on all dog breeds that have been proven to be killers. This would include Rottweilers and Pit Bulls. These animals, when found, should be euthanized.
Actually, there should be a concerted effort to rid all communities of feral animals, such as cats and dogs. Both carry serious, and even deadly diseases, and have frequent contact with humans and human environments. Those people who actually feed these animals should be subject to fines, at least, if not jail time.
Yes, Florida has a problem with pythons let loose in the wild. But how many people have died as a result of a killer python compared to deaths due to domesticated animals? 100% of death due to python can be attributed to HUMAN negligence. And the number of deaths are minuscule.
So, yes, regulate who can have pythons, but don't take away our right, as free people, to own them or conduct business around the python trade.
But if there have been python deaths doesn't that place them in the same category as the dogs you are cool with banning?
I would be a whole lot more worried about the ecological damage from pythons than people being killed by them.
The human society list 12 deaths from pythons in the last 25 years. I am pretty sure there are a lot more deaths attributable to pit bulls, 60 from 1979 to 96 but then again what is the ratio of dogs to snakes?

crypt keeper

Active Member
Look Im a proud Pit Bull Owner and have been for a while now. These dogs 100% deserve their reputation. It pains me to say that too. That doesnt make them a bad animal to have though. You will not find a more athletic powerful never ending energy filled dog out there. I have owned Rotties and Dobermans. They dont come close. Some dogs may be more powerful. I would argue hardly any are more athletic and I know damn well none have as much energy.
When playing rough and running with a stick or fighting me They dont stop ever. Period. I say this because I have worked with my dogs. They are unleashed 98% of the time in my yard and will come to me at the sound of their names when said firmly. It has taken me days endless hours hell I think added up over a full month. Yanking on their neck with a leash to get them to come on leash. That leash got longer and I had to yank harder. They are very very stubborn and proud. I bring this up because I literally have to grab my female hold her still and tell her to stop. Then she will calm down as we are playing. If I dont she will not stop. She will jump up as High a smy head. Grab me yank on me. Run from me but come right back full speed and tried to kamakazie me. Its funny actually. I tried to see how long she would go far. 22 minutes and I had to stop her cause I was dead tired.
That is why people die. These animals will not stop. One 65 pound pit bull will kill any child or women by itself no problems. It would take a good sized man to kick one of these dogs tails. Hell I weigh 265 hit the gym daily not fat by any means and I can go full force as hard and strong as I want and she almost laughs at me.
Now the flipside. They are the most trusting loving dogs I have ever been around once you gain control. I have a 3 year old nephew. He can poke my dog in the eye and she will just lick his finger. They are the biggest babies and love to just snuggle up with you just a smuch they wanna run around. They are amazing dogs and get a really bad rap.

oh and they better not ban these snakes.


i love reptiles atm i only have a ball python and nile monitor but soon im geting an albino burmese python also im goin to a reptile show in pennsylvania i her the have thousands of venomous snakes wich in maryland sell for thousands of dollars. my dad worked at a reptile house he taught me all i know about reptiles he has had a few venoumos snakes

crypt keeper

Active Member
I have been to that show. Its insane. They have all sorts of crazy venomous snakes. Let me know when that show is up again. Id like to pick up some cages.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crypt keeper
Look Im a proud Pit Bull Owner and have been for a while now. These dogs 100% deserve their reputation. It pains me to say that too. That doesnt make them a bad animal to have though. You will not find a more athletic powerful never ending energy filled dog out there. I have owned Rotties and Dobermans. They dont come close. Some dogs may be more powerful. I would argue hardly any are more athletic and I know damn well none have as much energy.
When playing rough and running with a stick or fighting me They dont stop ever. Period. I say this because I have worked with my dogs. They are unleashed 98% of the time in my yard and will come to me at the sound of their names when said firmly. It has taken me days endless hours hell I think added up over a full month. Yanking on their neck with a leash to get them to come on leash. That leash got longer and I had to yank harder. They are very very stubborn and proud. I bring this up because I literally have to grab my female hold her still and tell her to stop. Then she will calm down as we are playing. If I dont she will not stop. She will jump up as High a smy head. Grab me yank on me. Run from me but come right back full speed and tried to kamakazie me. Its funny actually. I tried to see how long she would go far. 22 minutes and I had to stop her cause I was dead tired.
That is why people die. These animals will not stop. One 65 pound pit bull will kill any child or women by itself no problems. It would take a good sized man to kick one of these dogs tails. Hell I weigh 265 hit the gym daily not fat by any means and I can go full force as hard and strong as I want and she almost laughs at me.
Now the flipside. They are the most trusting loving dogs I have ever been around once you gain control. I have a 3 year old nephew. He can poke my dog in the eye and she will just lick his finger. They are the biggest babies and love to just snuggle up with you just a smuch they wanna run around. They are amazing dogs and get a really bad rap.

oh and they better not ban these snakes.

I'd be willing to bet that at least 95% of the people out there do not take the time and effort that you have to train their Pits the way you have. We have a number of them in my neighborhood and I know that the people that live near them do not trust them for one second and honestly, neither do I.


Active Member
What are the rules for venomous snakes? I watched a show on TV where some crazy stuff had either escaped or was turned loose,can't remember which but in either case it was some nasty stuff from other continents. I used to work with a guy who's brother kept a coral snake years ago. That thing was cool but why not just get the king snake that looks like it?


Active Member
Originally Posted by DragonZim
I'd be willing to bet that at least 95% of the people out there do not take the time and effort that you have to train their Pits the way you have. We have a number of them in my neighborhood and I know that the people that live near them do not trust them for one second and honestly, neither do I.
The thing about Pits is once you set them off you have to pretty much try to kill them to get them to quit. I am not particularly afraid of them but I wouldn't want the responsibility that comes with owning one. You can think it's trained all you want but doo doo occurith.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
The thing about Pits is once you set them off you have to pretty much try to kill them to get them to quit. I am not particularly afraid of them but I wouldn't want the responsibility that comes with owning one. You can think it's trained all you want but doo doo occurith.
I agree 100%. Of all the dogs that go to the dog park that we take my dog too the Pits give everyone the most trouble because they almost all get overly aggressive. People dont want to have to worry about whether one of them will snap and try to kill their dog while at the park so most people just pick up and leave when one shows up.


Active Member
Yep and one thing about your typical pit is they tend to like people and dislike other dogs. I really really wouldn't want to see them at the dog parks.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
What are the rules for venomous snakes? I watched a show on TV where some crazy stuff had either escaped or was turned loose,can't remember which but in either case it was some nasty stuff from other continents. I used to work with a guy who's brother kept a coral snake years ago. That thing was cool but why not just get the king snake that looks like it?
The rules for venomous vary, from state to state. Some strictly forbid it, others you have to have permits, others you can only keep native species and other states have no rules or regulations about it, at all.
I had to wait over a year, to get my venomous permit, in's on the verge of strictly prohibited. And, to my knowledge, there are less than 5 people who have permits, in IL.


Active Member
Pythons aren't Pit Bulls. Two completely different scenarios...and, Pits haven't been banned, nationwide, like this law is going to do with Pythons.
Here are the latest emails I've recieved from the United States Association of Reptiles Keepers:
The Senate Committee on the Environment & Public Works (EPW) has passed S. 373. The committee held a mark up session on S. 373, to amend title 18, United States Code, to add constrictor snakes of the species Python genera to the Injurious Wildlife list of the Lacey Act. Senator James Inhofe (R-OK) (Ranking Member) expressed concerns about the bill. Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD) offered an amendment to limit the scope of the bill to only the 9 snakes addressed in the USGS report on large constrictors. Senator Cardin further agreed to work with Senator Inhofe to improve the bill prior to a vote on the Senate floor. The amendment was passed by voice vote. S373 was then voted out of Committee by voice vote with Senator Inhofe registering a NO vote.
S373 has now passed out of committee. It cannot become law until it is voted on and passed by the full Senate and House of Representatives. There is still much work to be done prior to the Python Ban becoming law. S373 in its current form is unacceptable to USARK and the Reptile Nation. We will continue to work with Senator Inhofe, Senator Cardin and the EPW Committee Staff to shape the future of this bill. Please make an appointment to visit with your Senator and express your concerns with S373. Everyone needs to step up and make contact with your Senator. Let USARK know about your meeting. It is time to step up our game and show Washington we are serious about this. Continue the good fight. The Reptile Nation thanks Senator Inhofe for his even handed treatment of our industry.
It is extremely important for everyone in the Reptile Nation to take direct action to STOP S. 373. If you don't take massive action now you may never get another chance to effect this legislation. We have come too far to give up now. We can win if we all pull together and take massive action. DO IT NOW!
Email your Senator- This is the simplest step to take. It is only effective if done as apart of USARK's comprehensive overall strategy. Email alone is the least effective way to get your message to Congress. Please click this link and follow the instructions to Email your Senator.
Phone your Senator- This is also an easy step that everyone can do. It is more effective than email when trying to get your message through, but still is best used as one part of the USARK Senate Campaign. Please click this link and follow the instructions to Phone your Senator.
Visit your Senator- This is the single most effective way to influence your Senator. Make an appointment to go in and talk to your Senator's Staff. They will respond to your personal visit to their local offices. You don't have to go to Washington DC. This makes your Opposition to S373 personal and gives your Senator a reason to oppose the bill. Contact USARK and we will coach you and give you talking points to use with your Senator. We can help you get a strong message across. Just let us know once you have scheduled you appointment.
Report Back to USARK- We want to hear about your progress. We have set up a forum for each state where you can report your experiences. Let us know what happens. You can also discuss your experiences with others from your state. We are interested in all of your experiences, but especially those all important 'in person visits' with your Senator. Please click this link to Report Back to USARK. You will have to register just like any other forum. Then go to the S373 Senate Campaign and click your state. We can't wait to hear from the Reptile Nation on this!
Lobbying Campaign:
Not only is USARK is spearheading the grass roots fight against S373, but we are leading the lobbying effort for a coalition of interests in Washington, DC. We are the only organization involved in this issue that has a powerful professional lobbying presence on Capital Hill. We have employed a team of top flight lobbyists that have been engaged on S373 since it was introduced last winter. We have reached out to the Pet Industry and have been approached by the Fashion and Western Apparel Industries; all of whom are concerned by the implications of arbitrary legislation of new Lacey Act provisions that could negatively impact their business. This is a time when we need 'all hands on deck' to fight this ill conceived legislation. Unity is essential. There is Strength in Numbers... Protect Your Rights! We will continue to engage this fight at all levels.
For questions or help contact:
Andrew Wyatt


Active Member
US Chamber of Commerce Opposes S373
WILMINGTON, NC, December 16--In a letter addressed to the Senate Committee on Environment & Public Works the US Chamber of Commerce takes a position opposing S. 373 that echoes the position of the United States Association of Reptile Keepers. The bill ostensibly written to address the issue of feral Burmese pythons in the Everglades is overreaching and circumvents the scientific listing process called for by the Lacey Act through the US Fish & Wildlife Service.
USARK believes that Burmese pythons have been sensationalized in the media and S. 373 has become overly politicized. USARK president Andrew Wyatt stated, “I don’t think there is any doubt that the Humane Society of the United States is trying to highjack this bill and use it as a tool to destroy the trade in high quality captive bred reptiles”. The HSUS has a long standing ideological position opposing all reptiles in captivity. They have lobbied extensively to pass as broad a version of S. 373 as possible.
As written, S. 373 would not achieve its stated goal of addressing the problem of feral pythons in the Everglades. It would, however, have a tremendous impact on the trade of captive bred reptiles in the US and abroad including a number of pythons and Boa constrictor. The trade in captive bred reptiles is a $3 billion a year industry and US exports account for 82% of trade worldwide. S. 373 if passed would be devastating. Thousands of jobs would be lost and scores of small family owned businesses would be bankrupted.
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the world’s largest business federation representing more than three million businesses and organizations of every size, sector, and region, opposes S. 373. According to the US Chamber of Commerce, “if enacted in its current form, this legislation would adversely impact tens of thousands of businesses”. The Chamber goes on to state that, “If, however, Congress intends to pass a ban to limit the import of the Burmese Python, then it is essential that the proposed ban be drafted as narrowly as possible”.
Some idiot up here in ND a few years back got ahold of a Green mamba a death ader and a monicole cobra. He got them from the internet and kept taking them places to have people identify them. This guy isnt the brightest crayon in the box. heres the link
when he came to the LPS i was working at i wouldnt go to his car to look at it with him and he wouldnt bring it into our store because the owner was standing there with me. he had bought a tarantula from us years ago and took it to another store across the mall to show it off and it got loose and in the process of trying to catch it, smashed it. Im glad the snakes got taken away.


Active Member
I think the python ban is going to happen. Best you can hope for is to get enough people pushing for some kind of reasonable licensing. You just have too much working against you. Many people aren't fond of snakes anyway and with the media driven hysteria I would be amazed if the senators back down completely but if given an out where they save face...


Active Member
Hate to tell you this but the Chaber of Commerce will be the DEATH Blow. Why do you want to make Every person that donates anykind of Campiagn cash MAD AT YOU. I can tell you this yes it was sad but a few years ago Congress wanted to ban Recap tires in the OTR trucking Industry based on an accident. Well when their campaign cash started to dry up the cry stopped. See in Congress Cash talks and IDIOTS IDEAS are forgetten.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
I think the python ban is going to happen. Best you can hope for is to get enough people pushing for some kind of reasonable licensing. You just have too much working against you. Many people aren't fond of snakes anyway and with the media driven hysteria I would be amazed if the senators back down completely but if given an out where they save face...
That's what everyone said about the Pit Bull/Rottweiler ban, as well.
Here's a video, a guy I know, made...