Queen Conch?


I wash at the LFS and they have a Queen Conch $18.99 snail is this the same a a fighting conch? If not anyone ever heard of it. I searched this site and didn't find anything.


Active Member
I don't think they are the same and $18.99 seems like too much $$$$.
I wanted to make sure I was right.
Queen conch = Strombus gigas
Fighting conch = Strombus alatus
And I still think $18.99 is too much money for one.


I just searched them and 18 bucks does seem $$, they say they take a long time to reach that size...i am trying to get a fighting conch but no one has any!!


Active Member
I talked about this not long ago and someone mentioned that they were seasonal. I have had one for several years now and would like another one. I will have to be patient.


i've kept both fighting conchs and queen conchs. fighting conchs do stay smaller (4"-5"), but the queens do grow quite slowly. ours went from about an inch to 4.5" in just under 3 years (lost them in a tank crash). the fighting conchs can't climb and can only feed off of the substrate or as far as their proboscis can reach. the queens, however, CAN climb (don't ask me how they pull it off, but they do), and can be pretty darned clumsy, so if you have any loose frags or small rocks, they'll get bulldozed.
that being said, i have found both species to be great, and both will even eat red cyano, altho their preference is diatoms and film algae.


Originally Posted by mrdc
I talked about this not long ago and someone mentioned that they were seasonal. I have had one for several years now and would like another one. I will have to be patient.
LOL...that would be me....Just put your name on the wishlist so you are notified as soon as theycome in...and take it from me...ORDER FAST!!! lol....everytime I wait....I miss out :(


I just got a fighting conch at my LFS I dont think anyone knew he was in there but I saw him and had to have him, he's been amazing so far eats algae like a champ!!
Also what size tank do you have? because as started the queen needs much more room, although they can climb and do grow slow so it may still work?


IIRC, it's because the shape of their shell resembles the ancient gladiatorial helmets. however, if you've ever seen one move, you might say it's because they have to fight for every inch of progress they make...LOL


How big is your tank? Because it seems that if they find each other or there is not enough space for both then they will fight one usually dying..