Question for the Gals...


Active Member
OK... I've tried EVERYTHING. Nailtiques, some 18$per ounce french name dermatoligocal gunk, calcium supplements, weekly manicures... and my nails are STILL dry and brittle and peeling. :mad:
Someone PLEASE help me....b/c the saltwater isn't doing me any favors, to say the least. I've already been down the road with tips and silk wraps....the only made my real nails worse once I had them removed.

There are so many women out there with gorgeous nails, they can't have ALL been born with them!!


Active Member
prenatal vitamins and being pregnant, lol.
that is the only time I have had good strong shiny nails. Not sure if it was the vitamins and extra calcium, or the pregnancy.


Active Member
ok...well...I don't think I want pretty nails quite THAT badly.

...but it's good to know there r other people in the same boat!


Active Member
never have had good nails. :mad: Gave up on the fake ones even though I loved always having nice nails. Now I just keep then trimmed and

Some of my friends are getting rid of their fake nails and going a la natural. Less hassle and lots less $$$.


I love my gel nails!! I am very allergic to any kind of powder acrylics and my nails developed something and peeled away from my skin. GROSS!! But now I have liquid gel nails and love them. I have not broken any and no lifting also. They are much less damaging than anything else. When these come off mine still look normal. Good luck!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mimzy
OK... I've tried EVERYTHING. Nailtiques, some 18$per ounce french name dermatoligocal gunk, calcium supplements, weekly manicures... and my nails are STILL dry and brittle and peeling. :mad:
Someone PLEASE help me....b/c the saltwater isn't doing me any favors, to say the least. I've already been down the road with tips and silk wraps....the only made my real nails worse once I had them removed.

There are so many women out there with gorgeous nails, they can't have ALL been born with them!!

Hard As Nails My nails sucked. I too get fake (Silk fro me) I just recently took them off and have been just getting manicures.
Hard As Nails is a good product back in the day. Was the longest I ever got my real nails to grow.
Also eating Gelatin (unfortunately I don't mean the good tasting kind either......hard to find plain gelatin too)

michelle l

And drink LOTS of water. Dry brittle nails, dull hair, or dry skin is your body's way of saying it needs more hydration.


Active Member
I drink tons of water every day. Always have. Nails have always been a problem. I wish I could remember what someone told me to use one time. You paint it on. Not "hard as nails", but something similar..


Staff member
All the woman out there with gorgeous nails are wearing fake nails. LOL To have nice looking nails that are not fake, you really have to apply a lot of time and energy to get them nice, and keep them nice. You will have it harder, because as you mentioned, you're an aquarist.
I would suggest that you go get them manicured a couple of times, and pay attention to the techniques of the manicurist. Then you can start taking care of them on your own. But, know that you will have to start dedicating your free time to your nails. They don't get pretty without a lot of work.


I had nails that are that way too!! I am in Ohio, so I go from playing the snow to being in nasty lake water. What I have found that works the best is a solution from the Body Shop.... Hemp Hand Protector in the summer and Hemp Body Butter in the winter with their moisture gloves. It feels a little wierd with gloves on all night, but it is really good for my nails!!!


KNOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! plain gelatin! there's an actual diet with make your nails and hair so healthy! you should notice the difference in about 7 days...2 packets a and pm...just pour the individually wraped packets into a cup of hot water and $2.99 you can spend for your nails...
there's always $25 for a set of silk wraps :)


Active Member
My wife took prenatals for her nails (long after our daughter was born), but they were so potent it upset her stomach if not taken with food and water. Her schedule doesn't allow for ritual (often no breakfast or lunch) so it became more of a burden to keep up with than she was willing to handle. Now it's fake nails every month or so with occasional fills. Without them her nails break to the quick and bleed, they're the weakest nails I've ever seen.


i don't have weak nails, but i do get these little white "bruises"... that's the best way to describe them.
You should include a lot of protein in your diet, as that's what hair and nails are made of. More protein = faster growing and healthier nails and hair.
Now if i could only implement that in MY life...


Active Member
Wow, AWESOME ladies - thank you!! I was at the mall today and ran around trying to find all these things ur telling me about.
Vitamin e I've tried for years...makes my skin positively GLOW, but does nothing for my nails. I too drink nigh on to a gallon of water a day (at least!). Again, does wonder for your skin, and it also happens to be great for long term maintenance of weight loss, but does nada 4 my nails.
Hard As Nails I'll have to get next time I'm in a CVS...didn't see any at the mall.
Madison, This KNOX stuff...where do I get it - in a supermarket? Is it really gross? Can I put it in tea?
Oh, and Takia, I went to the Body Shop and checked out the hemp cream.... I think I'm allergic to that whole plant, b/c I got really grossed out when I smelled it. Like...nauseous almost. It was the same kind of sick-to-my-stomach I get when I smell weed on someone. Oh well... ::sigh:: thank you for the suggestion anyway! I might try a different kind of heavy moisturizer w/ gloves.
Beth, thanx for your reply :eek:) I actually got my manicurist to teach me how to properly manicure myself a few months ago. I make time to do it at LEAST once a week, and only go in for proffessionals before big events and parties. It's actually not all that difficult - and it's soooooo relaxing. I highly reccomend that EVERYONE learn how to do this for themselves! Tools are inexpensive, and feeling like a million bucks for free once a week is priceless


Active Member
sometimes, Darth dear, we do things because they make US feel good - NOT b/c we're worrying what the animals will think.


Originally Posted by Mimzy
sometimes, Darth dear, we do things because they make US feel good - NOT b/c we're worrying what the animals will think.

BRAVO, BRAVO!!! Just what i was thinking!!!