Question for the Gals...

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by Mimzy
sometimes, Darth dear, we do things because they make US feel good - NOT b/c we're worrying what the animals will think.

Remeber that exact quote the next time you get upset because a man is ignoring you and watching the game.


Active Member
Darth Tang, darling, don't lash out at me b/c I called you on something. I'm just the messenger.

michelle l

Originally Posted by Darth Tang
Remeber that exact quote the next time you get upset because a man is ignoring you and watching the game.
I've never gotten upset because a dude was watching the game...I'm like, "Cool, more "me" time for myself!!"
And I go do something that I think is fun but he doesn't.
Well, Mimzy, if your nails don't look good after all of this, at least your skin will absolutely glow!! I have seen the Knox gelatin in the Jello aisle at the grocery store. I forgot about that because I've never used it, but I hear it works.


Active Member
oooh, thanx Michelle, I'll keep on the lookout for it now!! I'm very curious to see if it does anything.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
What ever happened to trimming your nails with your teeth while stuck in traffic?
I am not sure, I practice it, and my nails have never been better! uuuuuuuuuuhhh..... I mean !GO PANTHERS!

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by Mimzy
Darth Tang, darling, don't lash out at me b/c I called you on something. I'm just the messenger.

You know, I would almost believe you previous statement if women didn't take longer getting ready before they go out for a night with the girls than when they go to work. Just an observation. Seriously, if your "beauty" applications are all for you, shopuldn't you do them ALL the time...not just selected occasions or times. Yes, even at 5 a.m. getting ready for is to make "you" feel good after all.


Active Member
My wife goes out weekly to have her nails done (fingers and toes) and she probably spends thousands a year to have it done and I think it’s a great investment because they look soooo sexy! When I was a single guy, I would never date a woman who had bad nails (fingers or toes).


Active Member
We all have things that we love to do - and we can't all be doing them all of the time.
Taking good care of ourselves is its own reward. I don't see why you need to take issue with that. Not everything in our lives revolves around you - just like your precious "game time" has nothing to do with US.
hmmhmm, excuse me ladies, I'm not 100% sure of witch supplement aids in the growth of nails but I think it's Folic Acid. Found in most dailey vitamins. HTH :thinking:


Mimzy ~ can get it at any supermarket in the jello's in a white box with orange and black's more tasteless then bad...if you put it in tea...just make sure you drink it before it cools down too much...unless you like tea flavored jello :)


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darth Tang
You know, I would almost believe you previous statement if women didn't take longer getting ready before they go out for a night with the girls than when they go to work. Just an observation. Seriously, if your "beauty" applications are all for you, shopuldn't you do them ALL the time...not just selected occasions or times. Yes, even at 5 a.m. getting ready for is to make "you" feel good after all.

Darth, honey, when we get ready to go out it is to go and have fun.
Going to work isn't my idea of fun.
Plus I love to sleep in, could careless how I look at work or what work thinks of me!

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by Mimzy
We all have things that we love to do - and we can't all be doing them all of the time.
Taking good care of ourselves is its own reward. I don't see why you need to take issue with that. Not everything in our lives revolves around you - just like your precious "game time" has nothing to do with US.

Mimzy, I agree I enjoy when women take care of themselves and get "done up". But sometimes it feels borderline obsessive to me.
For instance. I love football...but My girlfriend doesn't. So I only watch one game on Sunday. Yet she is currently in the Home decor.remodel mode so she is always watching The Home channel. EVERYDAY! This is borderline obssesive. Last month it was her hair.....You guys change what interests you so much I can't keep up and when you are isn't just can't survive till you either get it or get it right.
Women are nuts......I would rather be an animal than a nut. :hilarious


Darth Tang...did you know that men could be replaced by a battery?

JK!!!! I love you all!!!! :cheer:


lol, i'll agree that we're all nuts!!! My hubby said that he just found the least crazy one he could, and that's why we're married... lmao!!!

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by Madison
Darth Tang...did you know that men could be replaced by a battery?

JK!!!! I love you all!!!! :cheer:
Abattery and a toy..........
Women on the other hand can be replaced by one


not replaced, substitued for... and not a very good substitution either, now is it??? However, that battery-powered item is far better than the one item you have...


Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
However, that battery-powered item is far better than the one item you have...
Does your husband know you think that?

I started dating a new girl a few months ago and she has the most perfect nails I've ever seen. Long, white, manicured and completely natural. I'll ask her and get any secrets she may have and pass them along, Mimzy.


lol, i knew i should've worded it better... lemme rephrase..
that little battery-powered item is better for us than your one item is for you... get it? ours is better than yours... hehehe
And i'm going to start trying that knox stuff... does it make you gag or anything?


get your minds out of the gutter :) I was talking about a car battery for your head...JK!

It doesn't make you gag...let me try and say this very PG-13...
The taste is not as bad as the long as it's not lumpy or gooie from cooling down too much...just open your throat and chug it!
Keep in mind that it's unflavored many of us can swallow a piece of jello without gagging?