As always I get sharks from all walks of life and here is my new one for the time being. This time it will be much harder than my last but none the less is quite the task. I would say he is by far the nost rare fish I have ever kept. I have never seen one for sale in any fish store. And the ones I do see that sell him ask you to fill out a very long question form berfore they will even give you a price on this guy.
This little guy was taken from his home off Catalina Island off the coast of California last week. The guy that got him did not know that just puting him in a tank with ocean water was a BAD idea. Once we talked about what he needed to keep him he made the right choice and gave him to mee to keep untill I can find a better home. I am awating a transport to Birch at UCSD in the next week or so.
He begain to eat squid last night.