Rebelprettyboy 14-Gal BioCuBE Pic DIAry!


Active Member
Got in another wreck today in my baby! Bought Brand new 08 Gt Stang.

I guess driving just isnt for me./ Ive wrecked every car ive owned lol. 04 Corolla, 04 Expedition, and now my stang that I PAY FOR!!
Lol at least this one wasnt a total. Just 4000 in damamge.
A motorcycle hit me while I was at the light waiting turn while he was trying to be a bad ass and turn out of the gas station.


Active Member
I mean if you saw that for $30, wouldn't you buy it too?
See my upside down yellow assessor? about the only time he is rightside up is when the lights are off and he does last minute scavenging.


Active Member

Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy
Got in another wreck today in my baby! Bought Brand new 08 Gt Stang.

I guess driving just isnt for me./ Ive wrecked every car ive owned lol. 04 Corolla, 04 Expedition, and now my stang that I PAY FOR!!
Lol at least this one wasnt a total. Just 4000 in damamge.
A motorcycle hit me while I was at the light waiting turn while he was trying to be a bad ass and turn out of the gas station.

ROFL... about time that it was the motorcycle driver's fault. he had insurance right? if not, whoop his arse!!!
I almost had some lady in an expedition hit me today on my bike while she was on the phone and trying to get in my lane without a signal or lookin... i sounded off the horn and shot 2 birds at her..


Active Member
I most def would buy it in a heart beat lol! My lfs has 2 in their displays and wants 89.99 for them like im a damn fool...
And none of the wrecks have been my fault. and he had insurnace. He had to be taken off in the ambulance. Think his leg and arm was broke


Active Member
Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy
I most def would buy it in a heart beat lol! My lfs has 2 in their displays and wants 89.99 for them like im a damn fool...
And none of the wrecks have been my fault. and he had insurnace. He had to be taken off in the ambulance. Think his leg and arm was broke
well he's stupid for trying to be a bad arse.. I don't get on my bike at all when there are cars around, just too many risks. I would hate to be a 150mph bomb in the back or side of someone's car and kill everyone. Killing myself is one thing, but something senseless like that just isn't right. I've come a long way from my drinking and driving stupid days.
BTW: tell the LFS that your buddy just picked one up at another LFS for $29.99 that looks way better than the ones they have.. and "good luck selling them."


Active Member
I havent been to that store in like over 2/3 months. Theyre a bumch of di!ks!
One time I left my wallet there and it was like 6:50ish and they close at 7. The store is about 25 mins from me. So were this place ordering foood and my gf call them to see if I left my Debit card there. They said yeah, and she was like ok were on our way to get it. It was like 6:58 about then. The lady told us
"Sorry but we close at 7 so we prolly wont even be here, but if we arent here itll be outside. We get there about 7:05 the dorrs are locked and their inside and they just sat it in front of the door. Ill nvr buy from them again


Active Member
Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy
I havent been to that store in like over 2/3 months. Theyre a bumch of di!ks!
One time I left my wallet there and it was like 6:50ish and they close at 7. The store is about 25 mins from me. So were this place ordering foood and my gf call them to see if I left my Debit card there. They said yeah, and she was like ok were on our way to get it. It was like 6:58 about then. The lady told us
"Sorry but we close at 7 so we prolly wont even be here, but if we arent here itll be outside. We get there about 7:05 the dorrs are locked and their inside and they just sat it in front of the door. Ill nvr buy from them again
wow... those are the type of people you don't stop for when they get maimed in a car


Active Member
Originally Posted by nwdyr
Sorry to hear about your car Bro! I bet your insurance rates suck huh?
well it was already 245 a month neways since im only 19 on the Gt. I wanted a Shelby and actaully was testing driving the one I was gonna get for a weekend, but cheapest insurance I could get on that was 522 a month, more than the damn car payment. Hoping it wont go up and the other guys insurance covers it and I wont see any change.. But idk..


Active Member
Originally Posted by ridiculous
hey could you possibly list what mods u did on your cube. thanks
Umm. Chamber 1 is a biocube skimmer in it
umm. Chamber 2 LR rubble and Filter floss
Umm. Chamber 3 Purigen, Chemi-Pure, Phosphate removers, and carbon.
In a fwe weeks Chamber 2 will have my TURF SCRUBBER!!!
So ill prolly take skimmer out and add other things in Chamber 1


Active Member
add a scrubber to chamber 2 and ditch the skimmer.. there is a build up in the turf scrubber thread in the reef section on it. It's got some DIY, but not too bad.