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I almost went crazy and ordered all this crazy sh!t lol... gf woulda killed
Item # Description Price Qty Extended
CD-434587 Purigen 100 ml. w/ mesh bag $8.09 x 2 = $16.18
CD-434262 Seachem Test Kits Iodine and Iodide $12.69 x 1 = $12.69
CD-133322 Mag Drive Pump 700 $67.49 x 1 = $67.49
CD-197208 Lugol's Solution 1 oz $10.99 x 1 = $10.99
CD-234533 Nitrate Sponge 1 gal $16.99 x 1 = $16.99
CD-14143 Quiet One Pumps Model 1200 $22.09 x 1 = $22.09
CD-21410 Chemi-Pure 3 - 10 oz jars $15.29 x 1 = $15.29
CD-22886 Fine Mesh Media Bag 3" x 4" 6 pk $6.29 x 1 = $6.29
CD-22887 Fine Mesh Media Bag 6" x 10" 6 pk $7.69 x 1 = $7.69
CD-21610 PhosPure® plus Zeolite & Carbon 795 g $12.69 x 1 = $12.69
CD-27291 Viper Clamp Lamp 70W $159.99 x 1 = $159.99
CD-29162 Bio System Power Filter & Oxy Surface Skimmer 75 $33.99 x 1 = $33.99
CD-29693 Fission Recirculating Skimmer 150 Gallon $195.99 x 1 = $195.99
CD-33634 BioCube Aquarium Stands Size 14 $77.39 x 1 = $77.39
Holy crap dude! That's a total of $655.75!!
All that for your little 14 gallon biocube?!? Your gf is gana kill you when she finds out...