Rebelprettyboy 14-Gal BioCuBE Pic DIAry!


Active Member
Originally Posted by subielover
Hmm, that's odd. Anything that you did differently lately? Have you added anything lately?
Nothing. Been dosing Vit C since the 1st, but thats been apostive effect on the tank! made the girl clownfish pop eye go away fast. And everything looks better


Active Member
Originally Posted by Scopus Tang
Your tank is looking sweat! How are "our" Arms. doing?

Funny thing is I lost my 15+ colony the other dya. After 2weeks of trying to save them they offically melted away.
And the other polyps of em Ive had ive sold and blah blah


Active Member
i like your new scape. and pop eye on the clown? that sounds nasty. im going to go look it up on google. reminds me of my friend's pug who has cherry eye...

scopus tang

Active Member
rebelprettyboy;2904581 said:

Funny thing is I lost my 15+ colony the other dya. After 2weeks of trying to save them they offically melted away.
And the other polyps of em Ive had ive sold and blah blah
- I'm sooo sorry to hear that
I hate it when zoas melt!


Active Member
I took some new pics at the end of my lunch break! Had about 10 mins to get some shots. They look like crap thouh cuz now I need to change the camera settings and all that junk soon as u find a good settin lol!
Post some later. uploading now and Ill also try to get some better ones tonight or just more!


Active Member
Boy got some real dark blue out of the 20k Ushio didn't you?
May want to try the 20k Radium next time. A lot brighter blue.


Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko
Boy got some real dark blue out of the 20k Ushio didn't you?
May want to try the 20k Radium next time. A lot brighter blue.
Its not dark at all. Havent ever seen a radium 20k besides pics. But ive seen the 20k Ush in person thats why I went with them. Also after some hour of burn in time itll be better i think.
and that pic was taking with the iso at 100 on the camera so it looks way darker than it is!


Active Member
Gottcha. Knowing your photography skills I am looking forward to seeing how the light looks in your tank whan you get the parameters downl.


Active Member
thanks man!
but dude you have way more corals then me! and your tank is hotter! plus you got metal halides now! so im nothing compare to yours


Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko
Gottcha. Knowing your photography skills I am looking forward to seeing how the light looks in your tank whan you get the parameters downl.
haha thanks man. I suck at phototaking. I need a nice camera! This P&S cant seem to get good photos with those halides. Im just bein lazy and dont wanna try and fix the setting!


Active Member
Thats the last of em. Was 1 polyp about a month or so ago. Right now 6 polyps with some babies.
Benn having this one a while and hop nothing happens