Rebelprettyboy 14-Gal BioCuBE Pic DIAry!


Nice tank, man. The new aquascape looks great.
It looks like there's a lot of light leak happening with that fixture. I know you said the tank only looks dark in the photo, but the walls are still brighter than the tank! Is that common with the viper?


Active Member
Originally Posted by rldavisou
Nice tank, man. The new aquascape looks great.
It looks like there's a lot of light leak happening with that fixture. I know you said the tank only looks dark in the photo, but the walls are still brighter than the tank! Is that common with the viper?
I think it depedns on where got the lights placed. The tank is pretty bright. Its a great fixture for me so far


Active Member
Originally Posted by subielover
How are you liking the viper light? How has your temperature been?
I love it a lot. And im surprised I havent seen a change in the temp at all. Between 79.9-80.5 all the time. Its almost no heat when u place ur hand under it. 70 watt halide isnt to bright


Active Member
Originally Posted by subielover
If you had to do it again, would you get the 70 watt or the 150 watt?
Id stick with the 70. Simply cuz I have no heat problem what so ever and with the 150 I prolly would..
And the 70 is just right. Not to much and I feel I can keep anything under it. So Id stick with the 70 on this tank


Active Member
Originally Posted by DeMartini
Looks good! What made you choose the viper?
I noticed my temp going down too when I removed my hood for my sunpod.

Cuz I had to order a couple other things from the 2 docs so I went ahead and went with it lol


hey rebel how you been??
hows that new foods going for you i want to try some of those

post some new pics of your tank when you can